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“Factors Affecting the Willingness of Secondary Students in

Online Learning”
Statement of the Problem: This study aims to determine the
Willingness of Secondary Students in Online Learning
1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in
terms of age, sex, religion and monthly family income?
2. What is the level of willingness encountered by Secondary
students in Online Learning?
3. What are the factors that affect the willingness of secondary
students in terms of time, home, location and family income?
As I observe inside the school campus. I have notice that the environment is clean and neat. There are no students wandering
inside the school campus, because we are currently in the state of Covid pandemic, so the students where force to have
online, blended or modular learning for their safety precautions. As I was wandering inside the school hallways I have notice,
there are a lot of bulletin board that has hang up which it exhibits about announcements or a notice about, emergency calls,
ideas, quotes and topics on it. The surroundings were beautiful and neat, because the school campus was built for a good
ventilation for the teachers and students to learn. Also the school has 4 stories on it where there are different rooms which
the rooms are specified on which is needed for our self-service, concerns and needs of a teacher and students to be with.

1. Answer:

As I have, examine and go around the school campus or inside the room. There are only five board displays I
have seen inside the school campus.

2. Answer:

Some of the board display are found inside the room, some of the board displays are place outside the hallways
where target viewers can see them clearly.

3. Answer:

As I have notice, that the bulletin board I have seen, it displays about religious beliefs, motivational quotes,
emergency hotline, announcements and topics of a specific subject. It conveys a message related to this topics I
have observe and also the colors have a good texture and essence in the shape and the information is persuaded

4. Answer:

As I have notice, the bulletin boards materials were used in black board and chalk board. One of the materials,
were commonly use as cartolina, pentilpen, computerized materials, and other art materials to design in the
bulletin board.
5. Answer:

I have notice some errors, in the announcements and ideas, but it is just only a little error but the essence is

6. Answer:

As I observe in the bulletin board in the school campus and inside the room. It is clear and easily understood.

7. Answer:

It got my attention, in the bulletin board in the school campus, because of very informative and it
reminds me of the important things in life like the emergency hotlines and the values applied in our
daily in the school campus.

8. Photos photos in the bulletin board.

- This is all the bulletin board, that I have seen inside the school campus and also in the classroom as
well. They are all beautiful, attractive and amazing to view.

My proposed board display


Rationale: To help students in need especially to those students who are having difficulties in
English sentence. To face their weaknesses in grammar errors. To love English and understand what
English really is. At the same time they are going to participate, communicate and appreciate English.


To help, informed and give entertainment to the students. To understand to them what really English
is all about. That English is so much fun to learn, entertaining and creative.

Best features of my proposed Bulletin enhancement:

The imaginative, creativeness insights, quotes, games, trick that would help truly students to love
English. Fun games and information that would truly help students. Also of course the artistic
decorations as well as designs it would truly develop the improvement in English.

Content Resources

Internet (WEBSITES)-Reliable websites about certain issues, connotations, truths and facts about the
given topic.

• Books -knowledgeable books or fact based

 English Books for High School students

Materials for aesthetic enhancement

 Colored materials like
 Art papers
 Pentel pen
 Charts and pictures
 Re-used materials

 Coupon bond and coloring material

 Coloring materials
 Construction papers
 Color pencil


The skills that a teacher needs to create an effective board display could include: 1. Flexible-knows
how to be flexible can handle and an open minded person. 2. Creativity-Which it attracts the
encouragement and willingness of a student’s interest. 3. Linguistic Skills-using or correct usage of
grammar and spelling which encourage students to read. 4. Compassionate and approachable-easy to
communicate and to ask regarding the information. 5. Resourceful-Using a reusable materials. Being
practical but has an artistic mind.


Resourceful, Flexible and Creative. As I remember when I am in high school student our teacher
always update us or assign us by group member to make a bulletin board of our school or inside the
room. So it was been a risk or a challenge for us to make a bulletin with a good aesthetic outcome and
attractive to others to see at the same time it is also relatively informative. This is why I always love
decorating and putting colors in the board because this is my thing of being artistic way especially in
artworks. I also do recycle things materials and simple design in a gorgeous way. It feels calm and
attractive since I made the bulletin board concise and well neat. Lastly, I usually handle open minded
person during our bulletin board with good communications and so on.


The skills that I need to develop is Linguistic skills. Because, I admit that I had difficulties in
constructing sentences and pronunciations in a paragraph form. This is why I need improve my
grammatical errors, so that I could be ready in my future teaching to my students. I always do my best
to overcome my weaknesses and improving my best version of myself. If I had some extra time to
read books and encounter some difficult terminologies or words in the dictionaries and well as the
meaning of the correct pronunciations and grammars. I also get help from the teachers who are
expert in the field of this subject.
Episode 2

High school


Indicate age range of children observed: 15-16 yrs.Old children observed: 15-16 yrs.Old

She can walk faster and run

and they know how to carry
They have a good in writing
and they need more enhance
to reading and answering.
Students are well behave and
polite inside the classroom
during their lecture time.


They are good students and well

train to behave themselves when
the teacher is about to lecture
them in class
The students possess good quality
and a good interaction between
their friends and classmates. They
also even participate in the
activity as well helping each other
like teamwork finish their task.
They need to develop and
enhance their social skills.


They are always prepared and

smiling when the teacher ask
them and the student are very
cooperative and the teacher call
their names.
Sometimes the students are very
shy and they easily gets nervous
all the time.
They also respect teachers and
they have a good attitude during
in class hours.


Sometimes students are talking

their own language their mother
tongue but, some know how to
speak English well.
Sometimes the students are not
easily to understand what there are
talking about and also some of
them I also understand them too.
Some of the students are also
troubled in answering the
questions which is too difficult for
them that’s why they ask more
often to their teacher.
High school 15-16 yrs. Old

SCO: Students are always

share their feelings and
experience in their life
with their classmates
Students are very
consistent and liking to
talk to their classmates.

Therefore, I conclude that the teacher will
give the students some activities which is
suited for them in their communication skills
and listen to the instruction of the teacher.

1.) While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their
age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?
-My similarities or differences when I was in their age I found out to myself in my High school days when we
have a group activity, they always choose me to be a leader and I don’t know why they chose me. I remember
that my members are cooperating well and they are very resourceful. Sometimes I recalled my memory during
in our group activity, my group mates doesn’t make any noise and they are very quiet and attentive in our
grades in reporting which is that they are very serious in this subject. Also, some of my other classmates are not
that studying in their report but they do it in the spot and they don’t have visual aid in their report except me,
because I am a good student in those past days.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reason. How did she/he help or not help
you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and cognitive). How did it affect you?
- There is one teacher that I cannot forget when I was in 3 rd year High School this teacher in values education
subject his name is Mr. Darren Delmo, he is kind of a strict teacher and good teacher at the same time. He
always, get mad at me, because when I arrive at his time schedule it was late. Because, I was having a hard time
coping up to his subjects because of my personal feelings on how I was feeling a little bit down to myself,
because of my classmates influence. Sometimes my “aura” is kind of difficult to understand, because that time I
was an introvert student I don’t talk that much sometimes to my classmates, because I have the feeling of
insecurity. That’s why my teacher notice me that he is sad, because of my attitude, and within that day he tried
to help me with my personal self-feelings and here I am I improve a lot because of his teachings, because of him
I become the best version of myself.

3.) Share your other insights here.

- My understanding and insights here is how to give yourself an interaction with
others. To communicate to other people and how to get their attention to you.
If you have the ability to know or understand things without proof or evidence.
You can simply understand what is life all about and how can you handle
yourself in that particular situation, when you experience hardships in life and
you can do it by your own.

My Favorite Theory of Development is Sigmund Freud theory of “Personality

Adjustment” which is stated below in my readings;
The Three Components and Personality Adjustment
-The ability of a learner to be well-adjusted is largely influenced by how the learner was
brought up. His experiences about how his parents met his needs, the extent to which he was allowed
to do the things he wanted to do , and also how he was taught about right and wrong, all figures to
the type of personality and consequent adjustment that a person will make. Freud believed that the
personality of an individual is formed early during the childhood years.
Freud said that a well-adjusted person is one who has strong ego, who can help satisfy the
needs for the id without going against the superego while maintaining the person’s sense of what is
logical, practical and real. Of course, it is not easy for the ego, to do all that and strike a balance. If the
id exerts too much power over the ego, the person becomes too impulsive and pleasure-seeking
behavior takes over one’s life. On the opposite direction, one may find the superego so strong that
the ego is overpowered. The person becomes so harsh and judgmental to himself and others’ actions.
The person’s best effort to be good may still fall short of the superego’s exceptions.
-This is my favorite theory of development. This could help to be a future teacher, because to
be a future teacher they guide you to become professionals as for it develops parents, teachers and
other person’s attitudes who exert more influence impart to be good or moral. Which is the example
of the Super-ego which it linked to the conscience because it exerts in influence on what one consider
right and wrong to their individual personality or behavior.
Episode 3:
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the
space provided on the next page.

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups, religious,
and ethnic backgrounds.
- As I observe the online class, I observe that there are 32 students. Their ages are 15-16 and there are lot of female and the
male are few they feel comfortable to interact to their classmates who are their age and gender they groups commonly
according to their gender. Mostly of them are Catholic.

During class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact with one
another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teacher than others.
- As I observe in the online classroom I can say that the interaction is quiet because there is learning. The interaction of the
students to the teacher is by participating.

2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave and
interact differently?
- Since, it is pandemic I can only give my thoughts about this question. Mostly, boys seat at back of the room and girls in
front of the room. And they behave quietly during the teacher’s discussion.

3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete against
each other?
- I think the relationship among the learners is actually good, because I can see that the student are united and they
cooperating with each one another.

4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
- As I observe in online learning platform. I think most of the students participated in the class, because I notice that a
teacher ask questions and they are simply motivated because, of the learning platform made the student engage in online

5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to
help him? Or they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?
- When a student cannot answer the teacher question sometimes the other classmates will help them by telling the answer
but most of their classmates are competitive and raise their hands so that the teacher will call them and they answer very

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by age? By gender? By
racial or ethnic groups? Or the students in mixed social groupings? If so describe the groupings.
- Since, it is pandemic I think after the class the student will separated go their close groups or classmates most
of them they interact nicely.
2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk about?
- The learners interact respectfully and honestly in each other. They talk about their life experiences and the
likes and dislikes in their personal things.
Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students due to the following factors:

-Gender, including LGBT: For, the Gender in LGBT, I think the teacher give us some strategies to cope with this kind of behavior of the
students, when they are experience this kind of behavior, we should accept them for who they are and what they feel in their personal view,
because it is our student after all and they must be treated equality.
-Language and cultural differences: For the Language and cultural differences, I think the teacher give us some strategies and cope up with
this situation. That the students need to have the basic elements of teaching them in the language with simple steps at a time and their
cultural differences must be accepted in their own ways.
-Differences in religion: The resource teacher give us some advices about this situation of the differences in religion, is to simply just take
respectful manners and try to train your students to be acceptable and respectful in other people, in that way it wouldn’t make a bad habit
to others students who has different religions.
-Socio-economic status: The resource teacher give us some advices to handle students who suffering to socio-economic status is to give
them, the challenge, they need to be social minded of the society and be creative.

Observation report 1

Name of the school Observed: Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion Main Campus

School Address: Roxas City, Capiz

Date of Visit

-As I observe, in the school were I notice there are a lot of differences and social
cultures inside the classroom. But for now, we are in the state of Covid
Pandemic, there are no students inside the classroom only through online
learning. In the online learning, I can see the students during the teachers
discussion in online class, which is kind of hard for me to tell about their
differences, attitudes and social cultures to be seen but, for me I have manage
to observe, some of them that they can easily socialize in one another, and
some of the students were manage to share their feelings and accept for who
they are and also some of them they can share the feelings with the teacher as
well. In additional an effective teacher who celebrates student’s diversity in her
classroom uses strategies to build a oaring community in the classroom, models
respect and acceptance of different cultures and religions, bring each of the
student’s home culture and language into the shared culture of the school
provides more opportunities for cooperation than competition.
1. Identify the person who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms. What
roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention
seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
- As, I observe in the online class, the person who play an important roles in the classroom interactions are the
teachers and the students there are students appeared to be the leader and a little teacher the one who teaches
their classmates who have less knowledge on the subject matter.

- As, I observe in the online class, the person who play an important roles in the classroom interactions are the
teachers and the students there are students appeared to be the leader and a little teacher the one who teaches
their classmates who have less knowledge on the subject matter.

2. Is there anyone you observe who appear left out? Are students who appear “different?” Why do
they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the other? How is this shown?
- As I observe in the online classroom or in my own perspective, there are no situation where in the student are
left out or get rejected being different. Overall, it is a catholic school so all of the students here are well-behave
and practicing the acceptance in the school and their rules and regulation. Some of the groups here in the
students they accepted as minority because they can join with their classmates and give them wisdom probably,
these kind of situation are found in every institution.

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?

-If it happens, like this where in a student have complicated or awkward things to happen, because of
bullying or other things, it well went straight to the guidance counselor or principal office to action
this kind of situation in the school.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the

- As I observe in the online classroom there are the teacher influence the class interaction
consideration the individual differences of the student by manifesting a fairly values inside the
classroom the teacher doesn’t show biases according to her student performance and routines when
they were inside the classroom.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the classroom? How
does the teacher leverage diversity?
- As I observe in the online classroom which is comparable is the grouping of the learners outside the classroom the person
having a common interact with one group the factor that manipulated the religious background. For instance one student
has a good to choose a friend who has the same gender and to other groups. In additional, the strategies were the teachers
use to maximize and can benefit the students in diversity, is to simply put some activities related to groupings or by pair in
that way they can know more to each other, share their feelings and they can accept each one another in their cultures and
other personal experience in life.

1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the
learners and between the teacher and the learners?
- While I was inside the classroom observing watching the learners and the
teacher in the online platform learning. I feel an optimistic that as if I am
already a teacher of them, because I already was feel at home like they are my
family which it sparks my motivation and willingness to know more about these
learners and I understand what their feelings and emotions they show. Within
my mind I could see the sense to oneness and unity among the learner and the
teacher because the learners intermingled positively in each one another in the
online classroom and so to their teacher as well, when their teacher ask a
question they respond it instantly without any hesitation to themselves. This is
shown by the student who have a full self-confidence and trust to the teacher.

Name of the school Observed: Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion Main Campus

School Address: Roxas City, Capiz

Observation report:

-As I observed in the class Grade 9 which is in online learning platform.

Simplicity they are so respectful students and they are doing what the teacher
tell them and they are so quick and they are asking to the teacher if they don’t
recap what they are noting and they note their pointers for their examination in
this online learning class. The students are behave and they are not like an
elementary students they are so independent students and I think they are fast
learner students because they know all about what they are doing and I believe
on them because they are not bullying with each other in the online platform
and they control their selves of what they are doing and sometimes as I
observed the students some of them are behave even then are doing their
activity and as I observed I meet a student all them are seem pretty nice and
their behaviors are good.
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were you able to correctly
identify who among the students performed well and who did not? What behaviors helped you identify
them? (Volunteering to answer, responding to teacher’s direction, etc.)
- As I observed the students who are not performing well in the online class platform the teacher volunteering
her students and he helped are those who are not and he help the student during their activities or quiz. She
also helps, student who are not intact in online learning and she provided modular learning so that students
would be able to cope up the lessons and participate in quizzes and activities. I believe the teacher who teaching
on them, because she was so industrious and enthusiastic with his class and I love the teacher’s attitude. The
behavior is they are always positive students and also their teacher.

2. Describe the difference in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a wide gap between the
students who are performing well and those that are not?

- For me, Yes there are some of students are performing well and the other are not, those students
who performing well are the students who understand what the teacher’s direction and the students
who perform are those girls and some of them are the boys but only few of them.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the student’s differences in abilities. How the
students did responds to the teacher? Did the teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes, describe
-One of the methods used by the teacher in handling the students she is teaching and helping the students who
didn’t know very well in the topic or in the activity. She is also handling her students in the same level or
understanding of the students. She is not only prioritizing the students who are performing well but, she is also
focusing to the students who are not performing well.

1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall the high and low
achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher
-For me, when I was in Grade 6 in elementary, I remembered my classmates who were low achievers and high achievers.
Usually, low achiever students were seated at the back and preferred to keep in silent. While high achievers were usually
seated at the front of the classroom. Our teacher dealt with their different abilities by just knowing our needs, both low and
high achievers. During my primary stage, I can conclude that my previous teacher were effective because I really learned
from their lessons and when I am in intermediate stage, I became more interested because they were more effective
teachers. In my high school days, I found the wide and great gap of my learning during elementary. Most of my teachers in
high school were having an effective abilities of teaching or strategies that is why we became greater achiever.

What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs of the learners?

-For me, the best dispositions and traits in your future teacher to meet the needs of the learners. Is to
be the best version of yourself, to be confident, to show your learnings and experience in your life,
respect and a model to your students. This is the way and it must be needed to your future learners.

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit. Know their norms and
customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school community and interact with respect.

-As I observe in watching the video called “Tugdaan an Indigenous Secondary School which is normally located at Mindoro Island” It is
commonly known as an Ethnic group tribe education. The school is normally focuses on the students were they are preserving their cultures
and embracing their ancestral land which is part of their goal in the school system. Their norms and customary greetings were really, applied
usually in terms of being, respectful, acceptance and honesty towards people. The students were often, dedicated in the school and they
have a lot of goals and dreams to achieve in life, so that they could help integrate their ancestral lands. They also show respect, deep
sympathy towards others they are practicing they native language as usual as they talk commonly.

2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment. How are learning spaces
-As, I observe and watch the video “Tugdaan Secondary School” and note the different parts or areas of the school
environment, The learning spaces was arrange accordingly and in a simple way. I also notice that the parts in the school is
connected to each other and it makes learning more effective. The curriculum were intact and overall their subjects are just
right for them to learn.

3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?

-As, I observe and watch the video “Tugdaan Secondary School”one of the activities they do in these different areas of the
school are more on Agricultural activities, because they are in the land related to rainforest and mountainous lands. The
view it is beautiful and you can literally feel like you are hugging the Mother Nature with just looking at it. Also, some of the
activities they do in different areas; like Flag ceremony before they start the class, they do gardening and exercising, feeding
program and they also do mangyan tribe dance as well to celebrate their lands in ancestral to show deep respect to their

4. Who are the people who manage the school?

-For me, in general the people who manage the school mostly is Kring Sumalinab she is a teacher in a graduate Assisi
foundation in the school, Maria Cristina Tupaz she is a teacher at Tugdaan Mangyan Alangan Tribe and the Principal Also
known as Ate Gay is a Mangyan community leader of the Tugdaan school. There’s more teachers in Tugdaan and so on.

5. Observe how the teaching- learning process happen. Describe the learning activities they have and
the teaching strategies that the teacher uses.
-As, I observe the teaching learning process it is more likely, to be constructivist theory, creativeness, communicative,
diversity, cultural heritage and accepting and showing our cultural heritage. Because, since we are in an indigenous school
this is common for them in teaching learning process, The way learn inside the classroom it related to normal students who
are in the cities, but they’re in the environment because, students here are living in a nature land that surrounded them,
there learning process is easy and well comprehensively made. Their teaching strategies are very effective and the learners
can adopt the lessons and at the same time they give more importance to their cultural heritage. I can see mostly in the
teachers using this kind of strategies to improve the quality of education to the students.

6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners, among the teachers,
and in the school in general.
-I think the interaction between the teachers and the learner’s it’s way of honest, respect, being a family with one another,
helping each other, practicing their cultural heritage and mostly communication to each other, like they get along with the
tribes as a celebration to their daily life in that particular place and also the school is integrated, because they already have
technologies, buildings and a lot of gardening tools for them to be an effective learning curriculum to their learners and also
to their teachers as well.

7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?

-As I observe in the video I watched, “Tugdaan Secondary School” they’re using modules and face to face class. The
instructional materials they are using lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and other resources in a
course. While the learning resources they are using a meaningful organization of learning resources such as web sites,
documents, apps, technologies and much more.

8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum goals. You can use
the questions found on the Analysis part of this activity.
-As I have, only watched in the video “Tugdaan Secondary School” it has already an interview to the teachers and the
principal about their curriculum goals in the school. I have found out mostly from the teacher and principal said from in this
students it is broad, general statements of what the department program will do to provide students with desired
knowledge and skills, and most importantly what students will do so that they gain desired knowledge and skills. In
additional, I also heard that The Philippines, Tugdaan High School, for children aged 11-18, was set up in the community of
Paitan in 1989 after many discussions with the elders who had reflected that they are being discriminated against and tricked
by lowlanders and felt this was due to their education levels being very low. Their goal in their curriculum is to develop their
dream to educate their youth without compromising their deeply rooted cultural beliefs, knowledge and practices.
Observation Report;
As, I observe and watched in the school of “Tugdaan Secondary Highschool” I have notice, that all of the
students there pretty, well behave and they consistently adoring and giving appreciation to their ancestral lands
with adopting and enhancing their cultural heritage with a good quality education. I also notice that, many of
the indigenous students are really and they are willing to learn from their teacher which is so amazing. I just
literally, think of it that way or I just imagine that if I was there in their school I would literally feel the love of
nature and embracing the good land of their culture especially, it is like a whole big family accepting for who
you are and giving knowledge and wisdom to their lands. I also observe that, they not afford a lot of money in
their curriculum in enhancing but the teachers are always, there to help their students in need to provide good
quality education and with practicing their belief and culture. Mostly, the teachers are focusing on making
modules and face to face class students to have copies on it. Some of it I have notice some indigenous students
in terms of their ability to read and understanding the learning of the topic difficultness from the learners. But,
they are trying their best to cope in this current situation in we are having right now in this new normal
education class.


Yes, the school foster a sense of belonging to one’s ancestral domain, because the school main purpose is to foster their
ancestral to a living generations to generations to the students. They want learner’s to embrace and accept their cultures
and origin. They are also showing and accepting the cultures to everyone else. As an example in the bloggers or vloggers for
the travelers and homestay the experiences they feel to be a belief in the community.


Yes, the school show respect of the community’s expression of spiritually by means of accepting each other’s differences and
with equality respect. They believe that music is that music in spiritual it makes them feel calm and relax that they are with
God and it is a good way to be with him as always.


Yes, the school foster in the indigenous learners with a deep appreciation of their identity, because it’s in their rules and
regulation in the school to accept everyone if you are different and unique gifted learners are always been appreciated. Also
the school offers too ongoing training learning on the way of living Tboli and the essential values and that makes identity
more accepted and appreciated.


Yes, the school curriculum teaches the skills and competencies in the indigenous learners that will help them develop and
protect their ancestral domain and culture by means of practical training done by the school for acquisition and transfer
skills generation to generation with a philosophical aspect training, preserve’s and promotes cultural heritage to one


Yes, the curriculum link to new concepts and competencies to the life experience of the community though documentation,
research and cultural immersion at the same time. They are also able to know or to let people experience their culture, life
and traditions in that way they can learn from it. It takes before in the SLT it just only a Tboli cultures and tradition but it is
now a homestay available for everyone.


Yes, it is the mode of a teaching non-formal, oral and practical demonstrations to the indigenous learner’s so that they would
be able to learn step by step with a process to enrich their learnings easily and understandable, to strengthen their interest
and willingness in a way of traditional art.

Yes, when there is a necessary or essential gathering in the class or the tribes in the class those students learned to improve
their cultures and demonstrate in a particular art form in which they showcase or exhibit their performance to the
community in order to recognize them the ancestry. Which they also exhibit in their own museum of their art collection
related to their ancestry which the items important in the tradition in their culture.


Yes, the school is consulting cultural sensitivity as well as inviting culture bearers who integrates the skills embodies
traditional skills and particular techniques in which its related to traditional art form in which to do it in the actual
performance or the teacher to be the first handed imparts the knowledge the learner’s experience in the group of interested


Yes, the assessment practices consider community values and culture, because it is essential that the school must have this
assessment practice in order for them to develop and understand their traditional art form. It also shows, that the school has
the history of storytelling with teachings and the right and necessary values to instill their learning. That teacher always
evaluated their answers to usual questions and answer with a demonstration if it is needed.


Yes, it really involves in creation and creativity of the learner’s in the higher order thinking skills in it. Basically it is reflected
in the traditional art form of teaching and learning of the learner’s life in crafting and designing and much more. As for the
judgment and problem it applies to the students to improve their essence of the values and attitude outside or inside of the
premises in once tribe’s learning.

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous people’s knowledge systems
and practices and rights in schools?

For me, to promote and uphold the indigenous people’s knowledge systems and practices
and rights in the schools, it’s just the school needs to applied it every to their daily life and
practice it as a habit to accept, the equality and understanding their cultural heritage in the
learner’s aspects. In additional, the Rights of Indigenous learner’s or people is to prepare a
study on the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to
their cultural heritage, including through their participation in political and public life. It can
be essential to the learner’s with regarding the acceptance and the rights of indigenous
peoples with respect to their cultural heritage to notice them that they have freedom and to
be accepted in the society of their cultures and traditions.
1. What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?
For me, I learn a lot of things about the indigenous peoples, like they are really speaking to their native
language as always or their mother tongue. I also learn that it broadens up the human story, and ensuring all
cultures are recognized equally. It can be also an excellent choice for students who want to play their part in
creating a safe and more prosperous world for all peoples understanding their attitudes and cultures. In
additional, they have distinct social, economic or political systems. They have a distinct language, culture and
beliefs. They are marginalised and discriminated against by the state. They maintain and develop their ancestral
environments and systems as distinct peoples.
2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with indigenous learners?

Since it is, Covid Pandemic. We can’t visit and observe students in face to face, but for I already watch the video “Tugdaan
Secondary School” I just imagine that I really appreciate their school, even though they have a simple life living in a
mountainous lands and filled with the beauty nature that surrounds them. I really appreciate their curriculum and their
cultural heritage, it’s because they literally preserve as a respect, honest and loyalty to their ancestral lands. I also feel their
experience in their life that they living in a simple place with no hindrance and they are all happy as one as an ethnic tribe. I
love their curriculum and I really appreciate it their goal is to wake up their lands to have a good quality education and with
perseverance in their cultural heritage. In additional I also observe that they usually, speak their native language during on
the online meeting platform. I can also say that they have a good attitude too and culture, because they are all ethnic tribes
and at the same time they appreciate and practice the beauty of their ancestry, because stories about it in the discussion and
most of all they respect teachers during in the class discussion.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:

Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by

Accepting them for who they are in the society and recognizing them their dignity and equality in the society, because
teacher’s are born to be good models to their learner’s free from social, political or economic discrimination or abuse.

Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs and practices by

-Observing and doing the things of ancestral ways of recognizing in the celebration of their indigenous month,
with deep sympathy and understanding each cultures and accepting the ways on how they put in remember the
good values and exhibiting the things that their ancestor they influence with learning of it.

Advocate for indigenous peoples education by

-celebrating of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, because it is the day that we are
recognizing from one another in our ancestral doings and the things that we preserve our attitudes. It also aspire
students to recognize their ancestors how they become a good learner because it reflects in their personality
that exhibiting and celebrating their ancestral would make them feel free and acceptance in the society.

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will you remember in
the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low achievers in your
class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address the student’s different ability levels.

As a future educator, the method that I will going to use firstly, through
knowing the needs of my students. In way that I will use the learning
mechanism reinforcement, like giving them rewards if they made something
good or they achieve excellency. For example when they got higher grades
those students who got an average 95% they will no longer take the
examination. So my strategies in addressing the students different abilities is by
knowing who among them have sense defect like color, blindness, deaf and
handicap. For deaf or impaired ability students I must give them much attention
and time so that they will not get behind in the class and they won’t feel
neglected from the care of the teacher’s assistant.

Name of Learner : Ree Jane A. Delandao

Date of Birth : April 25, 2006 Age : 15
Grade/Year Level : Grade 9 Gender : Female
Number of Siblings : 6
Birth Order : 2nd
Mother : Ma. Janice A. Delandao
Age : 29
Occupation : House Keeper Educational Attainment: High School
Father : None
Occupation : None Educational Attainment: None

Learner’s Physical Aspect:

1. Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner
-The mother’s health during her pregnancy was very normal sense that she always ate vegetable and fruits which is good for her health.

2. Aliments or health problems of the learner as a child:

- Only fever and no serious health problems.

3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:

- She started to walk and talk when she was 2 years old.

4. Food preferences of the learner as child and at present:

- The learner’s don’t have any problem sense when she was baby she fond to eat milks, sometimes oats and fruits.

5. Who took care of him/her as a child?

- It was only her family who took care of her. Most of the time was her mother.
Learner’s Social Aspect:
1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)

- She was very friendly and outgoing child sometimes she is shy and confident at the same time.

2. Who were the learner’s playmates?

- Her playmates were her neighbours with the same age and also her classmates.

3. As a child then, was she/he allowed to play outside?

-Yes, she allowed to play outside but not so far place.

4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?

- Yes, she’s allowed to go out with friends, unless she had a consent to her parents.
5-6.Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
What are these rules?
-Yes, she is allowed to go out with her friends as long as its related to the school and I talk to my child
for her limitations because she is a girl.
1. What are you expectations of your child?

- She is given only things that she want if she able to be a consistent honor student and she was able
to finish what course that she want in college.

2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?

- She is given only things that she want and not too much to the point that useless already.

3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet
his/her emotional needs?

- Yes, the child will go to her mother whenever her encounters troubles with friends or even the family.

4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?

- So far, she has not been disappointed in aiming for something maybe of her young age.
How do you discipline your children?

- She is being discipline through every day reminders on things. When she commits mistakes she is being

1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?

- Yes, rules do not make any troubles outside with your playmates.

2. How do you impose the rules?

- This rules is impose whenever she commits troubles with her playmates she let her also solve and no one wil
help on that.

3. What are the consequence of breaking the rules?

- She will be scolded and punished from going outside and play with her friends.

Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child’s interests?

- She is good in the subject English. She is interested in studying she also loves to sing and dance but also she need to
enhance her learning aspects.

2. What is she/he good at in school?

- She is good in Values Education.

3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?

-She has difficulty in the subject in math.

4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?

-She was monitor by asking her teacher. How she performing in school she was being motivated through always
supporting her in everything that she needs in school.

5-6. Do you have rules at home to help him to develop good study habits?
What are these rules? How are they implemented?

-Yes, after school she should make all the assignments before going out to play with friends this is implemented her
mother will always check if she has any assignments.
The Learner’s Development Profile
Name of the learner Ree Jane A. Delandao
School Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion
Date of Home Visit September 28, 2021
Date of Birth: April 25, 2006 Age: 16
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9 Gender: Female

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 6
Birth Order: 2nd
Mother: Ma. Janice A. Delandao
Age: 29
Occupation: House keeper Educational Attainment: High School
Father: None
Occupation: None Educational Attainment: None

Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the Teacher’s,
parent’s responses and your own observation.
- She is physically normal without deficiency. As I observe she’s well healthy and all her
body is a normal weight without any flaws or issues. Some of the teacher’s of her she’s a healthy
and hygienic and also said to her parents that she’s well been take care by her parents.
Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the Teacher’s,
parent’s responses and your own observation.
As, I observe the student is more likely, have a good personality and she is good at socializing with
other’s and make friends, during as I observe her in class, she’s always activite in recitations and
much more. One her teacher’s notice to her that she has a good socializing to others and she’s
well develop in understanding and communiting with others, it is the same goes with her parents
that their child is been raise to be talkative and good at socializing with others.

Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner. Combine the
Teacher’s, parent’s responses and your own observations.
As, I observe, the Learner was well discipline and she can manage her emotion when it comes to her
own trouble. I also observe the learner, that she’s an emotionally, matured person even though she feel
something within her, but don’t understand the feeling she always, seek out to help with her friends or her
teacher perhaps, but all I could see from the learner she has a good emotional development and she
understands what life is all about. From the teacher’s observation, it says that she always seek help for her
teachers in her feelings when she doesn’t have anything to share she always, confronts to her. As for the
parent’s observe, that their child has okay with her feelings, sometimes she also share her feelings and
achievements in the subject.
Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the Cognitive development of the learner. Combine the Teacher’s, parent’s
responses and your own observations.
- As I observe, the learner’s cognitive development is good, she extended effort in academic and
study hard to understand the subject to reach her goal and to be a successful learner in the future.
I also observe, that she is shining and brighting her knowledge to share her learnings and
knowledge to her professional courier. The teacher’s also observe her excellency and getting high
achievements in the school with her dedication and with supportive teachers. Also to her parents
that always supportive with her in helping her out if there’s problem in other subjects but only a
little, and yes she’s very imaginative and creative and yet knowledgeable in the subjects always
trying her best to be good in her studies.
Write here your salient findings about the learner.
- As what I observe Ree Jane A. Delandao is average weight, socially active, kind, dedicated,
honesty, respectful and competent in all other core subject. She’s always show her to be the best
version of herself, in that way you look beautiful just the way you are. She shows, friendship and
she’s always kind to her teachers and parents in way she show herself to the world.
Write your conclusion after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the
Home on the learner’s development. The questions in the portion of this learning episode can help
-Therefore, I conclude that the school, community and home had a great impact and it
contributes to the development in cognitive, emotional, physical and aspects of the learner’s life.
Because, all of her experience are real and she’s showing the best version of herself, that who
really she is and there’s no problem on it. Being different is normal and all of it should accept it
without flaws and think of it as we are humans we definitely accept our personality and feelings for
what we are.
Write your recommendations.
-Therefore, I recommend that the teacher, should be more diligent, responsible, generous,
acceptance, open-minded and most of all is to respect other’s feelings differences and with
harmony. I also suggest that the teacher should be more, enthusiastic and more motivated to the
learners, so that they would enjoy and interested to learn the topics in handling the learners.
My Analysis

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer
the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by
the learner? Explain your answer.

-When I conducted an interview to the parents of the learner, I was able to know the style of
parenting they have on their child is authoritative type in which this type of parenting the
learning is self-governing but there are still rules parents that limit her in her play, action and
joining with friend.

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you
think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school.

- As what I have learned in child and adolescent development the factors that I am going to
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school are first it
contributes how the learners are nurtured by her parents their financial setting and cultural
background of the family units.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what
are these effects?
-Education begins at home, this quote helped me in finding and understanding the behavior of the learner, what
she did in school reflects how she is nurtured and raised by her parents at home one of these effects for
instance, if the learner act and possessed misconduct in the classroom, there what she did especially when it is a
serious type then surely her parents are expected to visit school and consult for the performance of her child to
her adviser or teacher.

4. How can be the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and learning
of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding
the development of the learning of students.
-For me, mostly the teacher seeks to have a good communication and a partner to the community to the development and
learning of the students. In way of asking help and advice in giving free education by the government institutions or
community fund help. Mostly teachers, seek help from the governments and other institutions to get the benefits, so that
they can help students who are poor and cannot afford education, because lack of school materials and profit as well. That’s
why there are other system, that a teacher seeks help like in UNESCO and Deped.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration?

How can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they
help you?
- As a teacher to be, I could establish good home school collaboration by observing the
behavior of the learner in my class. I would be responsible enough on their attitude for
instance. If ever there is a trouble behind that create a conflict problem in my students
subsequently I will call the parents of that learner such that even they will be able to know
how their child performed in my class where in through this, we can say that there is
relationship between home school links.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect you?

-Overall, when I was a child. I literally had a good parents, they always take care of me and
they love me for who I am. Sometimes, I made my parents a little bit annoyed, because I’m
energetic and I can easily be upset, because the things that I wanted to get that in my life. As
I observe, my life of being a child, mostly I experience the parenting is more likely;
Authoritative Parents, because they are socially, competent, self-reliant, and have a greater
ability to show self-control and have a higher self-esteem and can be adjusted to anyone else.
This is why I love my parents, because I they raised me to be well education, with respect,
honesty and well equality to any other people with a heart.

My Analysis

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer
the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by
the learner? Explain your answer.

-When I conducted an interview to the parents of the learner, I was able to know the style of
parenting they have on their child is authoritative type in which this type of parenting the
learning is self-governing but there are still rules parents that limit her in her play, action and
joining with friend.

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you
think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school.

- As what I have learned in child and adolescent development the factors that I am going to
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school are first it
contributes how the learners are nurtured by her parents their financial setting and cultural
background of the family units.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what
are these effects?

-Education begins at home, this quote helped me in finding and understanding the behavior
of the learner, what she did in school reflects how she is nurtured and raised by her parents at
home one of these effects for instance, if the learner act and possessed misconduct in the
classroom, there what she did especially when it is a serious type then surely her parents are
expected to visit school and consult for the performance of her child to her adviser or teacher.

4. How can be the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and learning
of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding
the development of the learning of students.

-For me, mostly the teacher seeks to have a good communication and a partner to the community to
the development and learning of the students. In way of asking help and advice in giving free
education by the government institutions or community fund help. Mostly teachers, seek help from
the governments and other institutions to get the benefits, so that they can help students who are
poor and cannot afford education, because lack of school materials and profit as well. That’s why
there are other system, that a teacher seeks help like in UNESCO and Deped.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration?

How can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they
help you?

- As a teacher to be, I could establish good home school collaboration by

observing the behavior of the learner in my class. I would be responsible enough
on their attitude for instance. If ever there is a trouble behind that create a
conflict problem in my students subsequently I will call the parents of that
learner such that even they will be able to know how their child performed in
my class where in through this, we can say that there is relationship between
home school links.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect you?
-Overall, when I was a child. I literally had a good parents, they always take
care of me and they love me for who I am. Sometimes, I made my parents a
little bit annoyed, because I’m energetic and I can easily be upset, because the
things that I wanted to get that in my life. As I observe, my life of being a child,
mostly I experience the parenting is more likely; Authoritative Parents, because
they are socially, competent, self-reliant, and have a greater ability to show
self-control and have a higher self-esteem and can be adjusted to anyone else.
This is why I love my parents, because I they raised me to be well education,
with respect, honesty and well equality to any other people with a heart.

My visual it exhibits a beautiful place where all the schools, communities and other people
are connected to each other. Because we are as one and we need help each other in need. So
it means that creativeness and perseverance is the key to success to have a better quality
education with accepting norms and other cultural heritage in Education which it links to one

H-ouse with a good moral values
O-f the family and relatives to

M-anage their children with better influence in the

E-nvironment good ettiqutes to

C-ommunity with understanding and accepting

O-neself with another through

M-anaging and delivering good

M-eritorious execellency to the nation and showing

U-nity and with a freedom of

N-ationality accepting our views, creativeness and cultural heritage without having

I-nsecurities showing freedom and working as one with

T-he nation and accepting the flaws of

Y- outh personality and feelings of the

S- tudent’s learning should be

C- omprehensive by teachers parent through the

H- ome school link in

O- order to have supervision

O- n the learning of the student that shape

L- ife the

L- earning in

I- ndividual mistakes and successes

N- urture us to be

K- nowledge as we go along with journey in life.

This is my greatest notes

from this two teacher,
made me inspire to keep
moving forward because,
someday you’ll achieve
your dreams to be a
professional teacher.
I believe the most important aspect in a safe and positive learning environment is the rapport
between a teacher and his or her students. When the students understand that their teacher
cares about them and wants them to do well, students feel comfortable asking questions,
making mistakes and taking risks in order to learn something new. To build these kinds of
relationships, the teacher should take interest in each student's strengths and interests, as well
as their struggles and frustrations. He or she needs to act as a positive model for learning and
celebrating achievements. When the students see that their teacher can learn from his or her
mistakes, and laugh even in times when he or she feels frustrated, the students will feel much
more comfortable to do the same.

Creating a classroom community and culture remain another necessary aspect when fostering a
safe learning environment. Students need to understand what they have in common with their
fellow learners in the classroom. It is the teacher's job to create this community so all students
will get along and celebrate one another's differences. Strong classroom communities can form
in a variety of ways. Throughout daily activities the students should be part of a collaborative
learning effort, sharing their strengths and encouraging each other. The teacher also may
introduce a number of jobs or responsibilities students need to complete in order to maintain
the physical classroom. This shows students that they need to count on one another, and it
keeps students accountable for their own learning environment as well. Classroom jokes,
traditions and pets are other ways to build a strong community. When students enjoy each
other's company, they are more likely to be accepting and feel safe in the environment.

Another important responsibility of the teacher is to develop a learning environment where

students feel motivated to learn within the boundaries and expectations of a safe classroom. By


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