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Significance of the study 1. Theoritical significance - To discover a strategy on... - To discover a strategy on... 2.

Practical significance - For the school - Principals - Teachers

The use of picture story book to Improve students reading comprehension at.....
Delimitation of study : - Picture story book - Reading comprehension 1. Literal comprehension : tersirat 2. Interpretive comprehension : tdk jauh dr bacaan 3. Critical comprehension : just comment higher order thinking - Cycles/meeting DEFINITION of term (definition must be operational = it fits with your study = your own definition based on your study) - Reading comprehension : ........ - Picture story book : a book consisit of picture and story of fabel, legend. - Vocabulary : words related to food Review of related references/literates - 2.1 previous study . find a similiar study as yours . to review the differences in focus, in theoritical framework and design - 2.2 Reading - 2.2.1 Reading comprehension - 2.2.2 Types of comprehension - 2.3 Picture story - 2.3.1 types of picture story

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