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Foundations of Christian Education

Pastor Milton Gadina

Student Name _________________Student Number___________________
Section A

Section B


Section A. Answer all questions

1. Write a 300 words essay on what you benefited from this course and how you
would implement it in you local church (if you had the powers to change things)
15 points
2. Choose one of the educational agencies explored in class and write a 300 word
essay on how you can add value to such an educational agency so that it will be
used to enhance your local churchs Christian education thrust. 15 points
Section B Answer all questions
1. What makes Christian education distinct from other types of education, compare
2. Do a Biblical foundations analysis on Matthew 28:18-20 and establish the
a. Who is the Audience of this passage?
b. What is the Goal of this passage?
c. Who is the teacher?
d. Who are the students?
e. What is the content?
f. What is the setting?
g. What is the context?
3. We must/ must not develop doctrine from one scripture; instead any doctrine must
be supported elsewhere in the Bible that is being biblical founded. Do you agree
or disagree and why? Give practical examples that are known to support your
answer. (7)

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