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The Pew Centre Poll Says Only Germans Like EU

Posted on May 31, 2012 by Tony Dean Rant On UK!

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EUSSR The poll conducted across the EU by the Pew Centre polled 1,000 people in many countries to get their opinion on the EU. 54 per cent of Spaniards were doubtful about their countrys membership of the EU. 61 per cent of Britons and Italians, 63 per cent of the French and 70 per cent of Greeks were opposed to further integration. Support for Brussels and the EU had fallen in every country apart from Germany. The Pew report says that on the whole Europeans have little hope for their economys future and do not think their children will have an easy time improving their lot. What does this say about the political parties in the UK who have advocated we stay in the EU at all costs? Unless they develop the street smarts very quickly before the next general election none of the three top political parties are going to get in power again for the next 20 years. They are simply out of touch with the grass roots voters of the UK. They dont, any of them, live in the real world, but the world of Bertie Wooster. Only one, still small, political party in Britain has got the street smarts to do the things the British people want doing, toffs they have no need of. Can you think which party I am talking about?

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