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THE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR LETTING GO after your break-up By Tracy Griffiths RPP, RPE, CMT

Brought to you by The Breakup Rx (

No matter what side of the fence you are on, going through a breakup is rough and using therapeutic grade essential oils can be a great way to help calm and balance your emotions during this time. Using the right oils for the various emotions that you may experience during your break up, like the feelings of grief, loss, anger, resentment can be powerfully transmuted into emotional fuel that you can use for creating a new reality for yourself. I have a good friend who was experiencing a tremendous heartache over the break up with her long time partner. She was grieving for months! One day her massage therapist put one drop of an essential oil blend called Joy on her heart and on the bottoms of her feet, and she reports she felt an enormous lift of energy that had been weighing her down, completely dissipate. From that point on, she was able to let go and move on! What are essential oils? Essential oils are the lifeblood of the plant; they are chemically similar in structure to our own blood. Essential oils are much more concentrated than their herbal counterpart and can be extracted from plants, leaves, flowers, roots, buds, twigs, rhizomes, heartwood, bark, resin, seeds and fruits. The most common methods of extraction are through distillation, either water or steam, or by mechanical processing as is done with citrus rinds. Why are essential oils so important? Essential oils are the essence of the plant. They are crucial to the health and function of the plant and so when we use them, they take care of our bodies in the same way they take care of the plant. For instance essential oils carry and deliver oxygen and nutrients, they help protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses, and they strengthen our immune system. In addition they have the ability to do this in a very short amount of time, delivering their molecules to every cell in the body through our olfactory, digestive and

integumentary (skin) systems. To put it simply, essential oils are biologically activating and they deliver messages for our mind, body and emotions that bring us back to nature. The sense of smell, known as olfaction, is our most primal sense, and it dates back to the origins of life on the planet. As essential oils travel to our olfactory bulbs, their messages are received into the limbic region, the center of our brain. It is here in the limbic region where all of our emotional memories are stored. The limbic system regulates memory, creativity, motivation, and the autonomic nervous system. This all happens without our conscious involvement. Smelling one drop of Roman chamomile, or lavender may help calm your mind, balance your emotions and revitalize your hormonal wellbeing. Living through a break up one undoubtedly endures a whole gamut of emotional turmoil! When we encounter an emotionally charged situation, instead of being overwhelmed by it, we can diffuse essential oils, put them in our bath, or wear them as cologne. The aromatic molecules will absorb into the bloodstream from the nasal cavity to the limbic system. They will activate the amygdala (the memory center for fear and trauma) and sedate and relax the sympathetic/para-sympathetic system. Because essential oils affect the amygdala and pineal gland in the brain, they can help the mind and body by releasing emotional trauma and sharpening focus. Here are some essential oil options for specific emotions. Please note the blends listed are from Young Living Essential Oils. I highly recommend Young Living Essential Oils because of their quality, purity and potency. One drop can go a long way, and they are the only essential oils that I know of that can be ingested and actually have a food supplement fact label! For more information please visit Also realize that you dont need every oil listed here either!

ANGER Single Oils: Bergamot, cedarwood, Roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, orange, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang. Blends: Release, Valor, Sacred Mountain, Joy, Harmony, Hope, Forgiveness, Present Time, Trauma Life, Surrender, Christmas Spirit, White Angelica. ANXIETY Single Oils: Orange, Roman chamomile, ylang ylang, lavender. Blends: Valor, Hope, Peace & Calming, Present Time, Joy, Citrus Fresh, Surrender, Believe.

ARGUMENTATIVE Single Oils: Cedarwood, Roman chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, orange, thyme, ylang ylang. Blends: Peace & Calming, Joy, Harmony, Hope, Valor, Acceptance, Humility, Surrender, Release, Chivalry. DEPRESSION Single Oils: Frankincense, lemon, sandalwood, geranium, lavender, angelica, orange, grapefruit, ylang ylang. Blends: Valor, Motivation, Passion, Hope, Joy, Brain Power, Present Time, Envision, Sacred Mountain, Harmony, Highest Potential. GRIEF/SORROW Single Oils: Bergamot, Roman chamomile, clary sage, Eucalyptus globulus, juniper, lavender. Blends: Valor, Release, Inspiration, Inner Child, Gathering, Harmony, Present Time, Magnify Your Purpose JEALOUSY Single Oils: Bergamot, Eucalyptus globulus, frankincense, lemon, marjoram, orange, rose, rosemary, thyme. Blends: Valor, Sacred Mountain, White Angelica, Joy, Harmony, Humility, Forgiveness, Surrender, Release, Gratitude. OBSESSIVENESS

Single Oils: Clary sage, cypress, geranium, lavender, marjoram, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang, helichrysum. Blends: Sacred Mountain, Valor, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Humility, Inner Child, Present Time, Awaken, Motivation, Surrender, Live With Passion. RESENTMENT Single Oils: Jasmine, rose, tansy. Blends: Forgiveness, Harmony, Humility, White Angelica, Surrender, Joy. SHOCK Single Oils: Helichrysum, basil, Roman chamomile, myrrh, ylang ylang, rosemary CT cineol. Blends: Clarity, Valor, Inspiration, Joy, Grounding, Trauma Life, Brain Power, Highest Potential, Australian Blue.

For resources to help you through your breakup and other big life transitions, please visit us at The Breakup Rx (

Tracy Griffiths RPP, RPE, CMT Tracy Griffiths, a prolific alternative health educator and public speaker, is one of the leading experts in energetic healing including the health enhancing application of essential oils. She teaches the benefits of using essential oils, yoga, and a healthy life-style to promote inner happiness and personal transformation. After studying various energetic healing modalities such as Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, and Polarity Therapy and holding a private practice since 1988 as an alternative healthcare practitioner, Tracy became the Director of Education at Polarity Healing Arts, now a subsidiary of the expanded school of energy medicine, the Life Energy Institute in the greater Los Angeles area. Today, she is the Educational Director of Life Energy Institute and all of its subsidiary schools and programs. Tracy Griffiths has a private practice as a Registered Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Craniosacral Unwinding Therapist. She is also a Certified Aromatherapy Technician and yoga instructor, and is the author of Aroma Yoga: A Guide For Using Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice. In addition, Tracy serves as the Educational Director for Grace Aroma Wellness, an educational outreach program and healing arts school whose mission is educating people on the practical applications of essential oils through low-cost seminars and accredited classes. She is also the director of the Aromatherapy Program at Urban Zen in New York City and also serves as the chief essential oils instructor for the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) program. The UZIT program includes training in yoga therapy, essential oil therapy, Reiki, nutrition, and contemplative care giving. Its a well-rounded program that truly bridges eastern wisdom with western medicine. Tracy weaves her training in the martial arts, meditation and yoga into her classes, offering a diverse, integrative and practical approach to the classroom. She is devoted to sharing her knowledge and creating community for the purpose of personal deepening and connection to inner wisdom. 310-455-7873

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