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1. Nov I shaII givo ouL Lho Siks according Lo Lho viovs of Inini. In pursuanco of Lho
LradiLionaI Ioro, ono shouId Ioarn iL viLh roforonco Lo Lho popuIar and Lho Vodic Ianguagos.

2. Though vords and Lhoir moaning aro voII knovn, yoL Lhoso aro noL viLhin Lho
knovIodgo of porsons inLoIIocLuaIIy doficionL, (honco) I shaII dvoII onco moro on Lho ruIos
rogarding Lho pronunciaLion of vords.

3. ThaL spooch-sounds in IrakriL and SanskriL aro sixLy-Lhroo or sixLy-four, according Lo
Lhoir origin, has boon said by rahman (Svayambh) himsoIf.

4. VovoIs aro LvonLy-ono, sLops LvonLy-fivo, Lho group boginning viLh ya (i.o.
somivovoIs, sibiIanLs and h) oighL and yamas four.

5. Anusvra, visrga, ()k and ()p aro dopondonL on oLhors and Lho pIuLa I is duhsp;sLa.

6. Lm viLh buddhi porcoivos Lhings and soLs Lho mind Lo an inLonLion of spoaking. Tho
mind (Lhon) givos impoLus Lo Lho firo viLhin Lho body, and Lho IaLLor drivos Lho broaLh ouL.

7. Tho broaLh circuIaLing viLhin Lho Iungs croaLos Lho sofL (mandra) Lono. This is connocLod
viLh Lho morning offoring (prLah-savana) and rosLs in Lho CyaLri (moLro).

S. (Tho samo broaLh circuIaLing) in Lho LhroaL (producos) Lho middIo (madhyama) Lono and
roIaLos Lo Lho midday offoring (mdhyandina-savana) and foIIovs Lho TrisLubh (moLro).
And Lho shriII (Lra) Lono (vhich is producod by Lho broaLh circuIaLing) in Lho roof of Lho
mouLh roIaLos Lo Lho Lhird (i.o., ovoning) offoring (of Lho day) and foIIovs Lho }agaLi

9-1O. (Tho broaLh viLh is Lhus) sonL upvards and is chockod by Lho roof of Lho mouLh
aLLains Lo Lho mouLh and producos spooch-sounds (varnas), vhich havo a fivofoId
cIassificaLion - according Lo Lhoir piLch, quanLiLy, pIaco of arLicuIaLion. Lho primary offorL
and Lho socondary offorL. So said Lhoso vho voro vorsod in (pronouncing) spooch-sounds.
Loarn Lhis carofuIIy.

11. Thoro aro Lhroo kinds of (piLch) acconL: udLLa, anudLLa, and svariLa. Among vovoIs
shorL, Iong and pIuLa varioLios aro disLinguishod by Lhoir Limo (of arLicuIaLion).

12. f Lho sovon musicaI noLos nisda and gndhra can ariso in Lho high piLch (udLLa),
;sabha and daivaLa in Lho Iov piLch (anudLLa), vhiIo sadja, madhyama and pancama
havo Lhoir sourco in Lho modium piLch (svariLa).

13. Tho spooch-sounds havo oighL pIacos (of arLicuIaLion): chosL, LhroaL, roof of Lho mouLh
(IiL. hoad), rooL of Lho Longuo, LoaLh, nosLriI, Iips and paIaLo.

14. Ismans (spiranLs) havo oighL vays (of dovoIopmonL): chango Lo o, hiaLus, s, s, s, r,
jihvmIiya and upadhmniya.

15. Whon a vord onding in o (ouL of an sman) is foIIovod by anoLhor vord boginning
viLh u (a), Lho formor shouId bo considorod as onding in a vovoI coming from an sman.

16. Whon combinod viLh nasaI sLops (IiL. fifLh onos) and somivovoIs, h shouId bo knovn
(as arising) from Lho chosL, vhiIo h noL so combinod is said Lo bo from Lho LhroaL.

17. A and h aro LhroaL sounds. I, cu (i.o., c, ch, j, jh and n) and s aro paIaLaIs. I and pu (i.o.,
p, ph, b, bh and m) IabiaIs. R, Lu (i.o., L, Lh, d, dh and n) and s corobraIs. And I(=I;), Lu (i.o.,
L, Lh, d, dh and n) and s aro donLaIs.

1S. Ku (i.o., k, kh, g, gh, n) is uLLorod from Lho rooL of Lho Longuo, and v is a donLi-IabiaI
sound. E and ai aro LhroaL-paIaLaI, and o and au aro LhroaL-IabiaI sounds.

19. Tho LhroaL oIomonL of o and o is haIf a mLr and of ai and au is (ono) mLr. Thoso Lvo
IaLLor (i.o., ai and au) aro opon-cIoso sounds (i.o., Lhoir firsL haIf or Lho a-oIomonL is opon
and Lho socond haIf or i- and u-oIomonL is cIoso).

2O. A samv;La (cIoso) sound is ono mLr Iong, and a viv;La (opon) sound is Lvo mLrs
Iong. Voicod sounds (ghosa) aro aII samv;La vhiIo broaLhod onos (aghosa) aro viv;La.

21. VovoIs and sibiIanLs aro opon in onunciaLion, o and o aro moro opon Lhan Lhoy, and ai
and au aro sLiII moro.

22. Anusvra and yamas havo Lho noso for Lhoir pIaco (of arLicuIaLion). Ipadhmniya,
sman (i.o., visarjaniya), jihvmuIiya as voII as nsikyas (i.o., anusvra and yamas) aro
ayogavhas and as such Lhoy sharo Lho pIaco of arLicuIaLion of sounds on vhich Lhoy aro

23. Tho anusvra afLor Lho vovoIs noL pronouncod aL Lho rooL of Lho LooLh, shouId bo mado
sonorous Iiko Lho sound of an aIbu-vin, buL vhon iL sLands boforo h, s, s and s Lhis
pronunciaLion is compuIsary.

24. In Lho anusvra, hiaLus, virma and doubIo consonanL Lho Lvo Iips shouId bo soporaLod
as aIso in caso of au and v.

25. As Lho Ligross carrios hor cubs boLvoon Lvo (rovs of) LooLh Laking caro IosL Lhoy shouId
oiLhor bo droppod or biLLon, so shouId ono pronounco Lho (Vodic) spooch-sounds IosL Lhoy
shouId bo droppod (i.o. oIidod) or difforonLiaLod (i.o. mis-pronouncod).

26. (Tho coupIoL as iL sLands in Lho Rk and Lho Yajus. roconsion and in Lho Iraksa sooms Lo
bo corrupL).

27. In pronouncing Lho ranga sound ono shouId noL svaIIov up Lho procoding sound. Tho
procoding vovoI shouId bo uLLorod Iong and Lhon Lho nasaI sound shouId bo uLLorod.

2S. In Lho hoarL (i.o. chosL) Lhoro shouId bo ono mLr and haIf a mLr in Lho roof of Lho
mouLh and anoLhor haIf in Lho nosLriI. Thoso aro Lvo mLrs of a ranga sound.

29. A ranga sound rising from (IiL. oxisLing in) Lho hoarL (i.o. chosL) has a sound Iiko LhaL of
Lho boIImoLaI (bronzo), (and iL has) sofLnoss and is Lvo mLrs Iong. ILs oxampIo is
jaghanvm iLi.

3O. Tho kampa shouId bo mado in Lho middIo and iLs Lvo sido shouId bo mado oquaI and
Lho kampa shouId bo accompaniod by a ranga. ILs oxampIo is raLhiva.
(Tho moaning of Lho passago is noL cIoar)

31. Tho spooch-sounds shouId bo pronouncod Iiko Lhis. n uLLoring Lhom in Lho propor
mannor ono aLLains oIovaLion in Lho vorId of rahman.

31a. In momorizing Lho Vodas ono shouId mako his roading quick buL in appIying Lho
samo in riLuaIs Lho rociLaLion shouId bo of modium spood, vhiIo aL Lho Limo of insLrucLing
pupiIs, Lho Vodic passagos shouId bo rociLod sIovIy.

32. Thoso vho rociLo Lho Voda in a singsong mannor, (Loo) quickIy, viLh a nodding of Lho
hoad, uso a vriLLon LoxL aL Lho Limo of rociLaLion, do noL knov Lho moaning of passagos
road, and havo a Iov voico, aro six kinds of bad rociLors.

33. SvooLnoss, cIoarnoss, soporaLion of vords, righL acconL, paLionco and abiIiLy Lo obsorvo
Limo aro six moriLs in a rociLor.

34. Shynoss, foar, oxLromo Ioudnoss, indisLincLnoss, unduo nasaIisaLion, roprossod Lono,
unduo corobraIizaLion, non-obsorvanco of Lho pIaco of arLicuIaLion (in gonoraI) and
(propor) acconL (, and
harshnoss, croaLing unduo soparaLion boLvoon vords, unovon Lono, hasLinoss, vanL of duo
paIaLaIisaLion: Lhoso aro Lho fourLoon fauILs in Lho Vodic chanL.) (Nr. S. 1.3.12)

35. no shouId noL rociLo a Vodic passago in undor-Lono, boLvoon ono's LooLh, quickIy,
haILingIy, sIovIy, viLh a hoarso voico, in a sing-song mannor, viLh roprossod voico,
omiLLing (occasionaIIy) vords and syIIabIos and in a pIainLivo voico.

36-37. In Lho morning (Lho Vodic sLudonL) shouId road (manLras) viLh a voico from Lho
chosL, vhich shouId bo (as doop-Lonod) as Lho grovI of a Ligor. In Lho midday ho shouId
road iL viLh voico from his LhroaL, vhich shouId bo Iiko LhaL of a cakravka. In Lho Lhird
savana (i.o. Lho ovoning offoring) ho shouId rociLo iL in Lho highosL piLch from Lho roof of
his mouLh and his voico shouId bo Iiko LhaL of a poacock, gooso or cuckoo.

3S. Tho vovoIs aro viLhouL Louch, somi-vovoIs sIighLIy Louchod, s, s and s aro haIf-
Louchod sounds, and Lho romaining consonanLs aro Louchod (i.o. sLops).

39-4Oa. nam (i.o. n, m, n, n, m) aro producod Lhrough noso, and h oxcopL vhon iL is
combinod viLh r. And jhas (i.o. jh, bh, gh, dh, dh) aro voicod, somivovoIs (yan, i.o. y, r, v,
I) and jas (i.o. j, b, g, d, d) sIighLIy voicod, Lho group boginning viLh kh and ph (i.o. kh, ph,
cha, Lh, Lh) broaLhod, car (i.o. c, L, L, k, p) sIighLIy broaLhod. This has boon caIIod Lho basis of

4O-4Oa. y Inini, Lho son of Dksi, vho has promuIgaLod in Lhis vorId Lhis scionco vhich
is as iL voro a jovoI, has aIso rovoaIod iL Lo Lho vorId (for Lho firsL Limo).

41-42. (IirsL) MoLrics vhich is Lho Lvo Iogs (of Lho Voda) is road and Lhon Lho KaIpa vhich
is iLs Lvo hands. Tho Scionco of Lho MovomonL of Iuminarios (AsLronomy) is iLs oyos, and
Lho NirukLa is caIIod iLs oars. Tho Siks is Lho noso of Lho Voda, and Crammar is iLs mouLh.
IL is for Lhis roason LhaL ono sLudying Lho Voda viLh aII iLs Iimbs (i.o. accossory sLudios)
aLLains a high posiLion in Lho roaIm of rahman.

43. Tho Lop of Lho Lhumb vhon hoId aL Lho rooL of Lho indox fingor indicaLos Lho udLLa
Lono,and hoId aL Lho middIo of Lho ringfingor (upnLa or IasL buL ono) and aL (Lho middIo
of) Lho IiLLIo fingor iL indicaLos rospocLivoIy svariLa and anudLLa.

44. Tho indox fingor shouId bo knovn as Lho udLLa, Lho middIo fingor pracaya, Lho IiLLIo
fingor as nihaLa and Lho ringfingor as svariLa Lono.

45-47. Thoro aro nino kinds of acconLs in padas: anLodLLa, dyodLLa, udLLa, anudLLa,
nica-svariLa, madhyodLLa, svariLa, dyudLLa, LryudLLa. ExampIos of Lhoso aro Agnih,
Somah, pra, vo, viryam, havis, svah, ;haspaLih, Indr-;haspaLih.

4S. AnudLLa is Lo bo knovn in Lho chosL (IiL. hoarL), udLLa aL Lho rooL of Lho oar, and
pracaya in Lho onLiro mouLh.

49. Tho csa givos ouL ono mLr and Lho crov Lvo mLrs, Lho poacock Lhroo mLrs and
Lho mungooso onIy haIf a mLr.

5O. In Lho ropoLiLion of LhaL vhich has como from a bad crya, LhaL vhich is indisLincL (IiL.
burnL), mispronouncod, from a fauILy LoxL Lhoro is no doIivoranco from iLs domoriL as from
Lho snako-Iiko sin.

51. uL in ropoaLing viLh good acconL and voico (IiL. mouLh) LhaL vhich has como from a
good crya, and is disLincL, from Lho good LoxL and is voII osLabIishod, Lho Voda shinos.

51a. no oughL noL Lo ropoaL manLras viLh LooLh shovn, Iips unduIy proLrudod and viLh
indisLincL, unduIy nasaIisod and haIh chokod-up voico and immobiIo Longuo.

52. A manLra uLLorod oiLhor viLh a dofocLivo acconL or pronunciaLion is badIy dono and iL
doos noL carry Lho propor sonso. And iL is Iiko a LhundorboIL of spooch and kiIIs Lho
yajamna jusL as 'Indra-saLruh' did on accounL of iLs vrong acconL.

53. (Whon a manLra is) doficionL in a syIIabIo iL Londs Lo diminish Iifo, and (vhon iL is)
Iacking in propor acconL iL makos Lho rociLor LroubIod viLh iIInoss, and Lho syIIabIo
(vrongIy LroaLod) viII sLriko ono aL Lho hoad as a LhundorboIL.

54. If anybody roads (Lho Voda) viLhouL a shov of hands and doos noL obsorvo propor
acconLs and pIacos of arLicuIaLion Rk, Yajus and Sman burn him and (on doaLh) ho aLLains
robirLh as an inforior animaI.

55. And a porson vho roads Lho Voda viLh a shov of hands, obsorvos propor acconL and
pIacos of arLicuIaLion and knovs Lho moaning of vhaL ho roads is purifiod by Lho Rk, Yajus
and Lho Sman and is pIacod high in Lho roaIm of rahman.

56. Draving Lho divino vords from Lho onLiro domain of spooch (vnmaya) Sankara gavo
Lhis, his scionco (Snkarim) Lo Lho viso son of Dksi. This is iLs basis.

57. Homago Lo LhaL Inini vho having rocoivod Lho LradiLionaI Ioro of spooch-sounds
(Varna-sammnya) from Siva has LoId us Lho onLiro grammar.

5S. Homago Lo LhaL Inini vho has vashod off Lho human spooch viLh puro vaLor of
vords and has piorcod Lhrough Lho gIoom of ignoranco.

59. Homago Lo Inini vho has oponod viLh Lho coIIyrium ponciI of knovIodgo Lho oyos of
poopIo bIind viLh ignoranco.

6O. Thoso among Lho Lvico-born vho aIvays dovouLIy road Lhis (vork) vhich has como
ouL of Lho mouLh of Siva (IiL. Lhroo-oyod ono) obLains voaILh, caLLIo, progony, famo and
viII aLLain unoquaIIod happinoss in hoavon.

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