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By: -Samantha -Alejandro

What is Genetics?

Def: the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. The genetic properties or features of an organism, characteristic so on.

Vocabulary Review/Learning

Punnet Squares X-linked Autosomal Recessive Dominant Traits

Punnett Squares
What does a Punnett Square show? Show the combination that might result from a genetic cross

An x-linked trait is a trait that is only active in the X chromosome.

Why the X Chromosome and not the Y?

*there are still few traits that are Y-Linked*

Autosomal Chromosomes
There are 46 Total Chromosomes in a typical human body cell. Two determine the sex of an individual, these are X and Y, known as, Autosomal Chromosomes.


Shows the relationships within a family

Gene Pool

Consisting of all genes including all the different alleles in one population.

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