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Sex-linked Traits
Sex Linked Traits
Traits controlled by genes located
on sex chromosomes (X or Y)
Most are X-linked
The X chromosome is larger and
has more genes
A Y has very few genes
Show inheritance pattern that
differs for autosomal traits.
Males only have one copy of the X
chromosome (hemizygous), plus a Y
Female have two X chromosomes, and
may be homozygous or heterozygous
for a trait
X-linked genes are never passed from
father to son. The Y chromosome is
the only sex chromosome that passes
from father to son.
Females with one copy of the
normal gene and one copy of the
mutated gene are called carriers.
They don’t show the trait.
Males are never carriers – if they
have a mutated gene on the X
chromosome, it will be expressed
XX Normal female

X Xc Normal female,
Xc Xc Color-blind female

XY Normal male
Xc Y Color-blind male
X-linked disorders
 Recessive
Red-green color
Duchenne muscular
Y linked Disorder
Few genes are on the Y chromosome
Hairy pinna
Sex-limited Traits
Sex Limited Traits
Sex-limited traits are generally
autosomal, meaning that they are
not found on the X or Y
chromosomes .
Sex-limited traits are expressed
only in one gender.
Sex Limited Traits
 The traits are generally associated with
primary or secondary sexual
characteristics, and thus are expressed
only in the gender which utilizes those
characteristics. For example, there are
genes which influence how much milk a
lactating mother produces when she’s
nursing a baby. These genes are both
carried by both males and females, but
only females ever expressed them.
Sex Limited Traits
1. XXLL Female lactating
2. XXLl Female lactating
3. XXll Female Not lactating
4. XXLL Male Not lactating
5. XYLl Male Not lactating
6. XYll Male Not lactating
Sex-Influenced Traits
Sex-influenced traits are also
autosomal, meaning that their
genes are not carried on the sex
The difference is the ways the
two genders express the genes.
Sex-Influenced Traits
The behaviors of the products of
these genes are highly influenced
by the hormones in the individual,
particularly by the hormone
Sex-Influenced Traits
The behaviors of the products of
these genes are highly influenced
by the hormones in the individual,
particularly by the hormone
 example: baldness, height of
male, comb in chicken, horn

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