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Bibliographic Data

Author Muef ? a': KYAN , Daw Kran‘ , Do‘ Art. MK0022

Article Title txufjrefrmjynfudk odrf;ydkuf&ef vIHUaqmfcJholrsm;

Organizations That Advocated for Occupation of Upper Burma
A thak‘ Mran‘ ma¯ praññ‘ kui sum‘" puik‘ ran‘ lhum' cho‘ khai' su mya¯"

Title (Book/Serial) wuúodkvfynm ya'om pmapmif

Tetkathoe Pyin-nya Pade-tha Sar-saung

Issue and Volume Vol. 3 , Part 2

Place/ Publisher


Ed. Date
Pagination p. 201 - 224

Annotation This paper was read on 19 Nov. 1967 at Kanthaseinlai group. The author observes tha the First Anglo - Burmese Wa,
which ended in 1826, cost Myanmar Rakhine and Tenessarim states. The Second Anglo - Burmese War, which ended in
1852, enabled the British Government to occupy Lower Burma. Subsequent relations between King Thibaw and the
British foreign were not smooth; however, the British Government had not planned to occupy Upper Burma before
March 1885. But the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce continually urged the Government to occupy Upper Burma. At
that time Mindon-min had a problem in the Mandalay prison and the prisioners rebelled. Nearly 150 prisioners were
killed, and after that affair the Rangoon Deputy Commissioner called a mass meeting and pointed out the weakness of
the Thibaw's administration. The author contends that the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce advocated and successfully
instigated the invasion of Upper Burma and the lost of independence.
Subject Terms 1. Myanmar - history - Later Konbaung period, 1837 - 1885
2. Burma Chamber of Commerce
3. Rangoon Chamber of Commerce
Key Words 1. The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd.
2. The Irrawaddy Flotilla Co.
3. Gillanders Arbuthnot and Co.
4. The Rangoon Gazette Newspaper
5. Sladen, Col.

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