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A True Friendship

Once a upon a time in my life as I was journeying into the pathway of my life I met this girl who really treated me special. We first met on November 2 in the year of 2011 The first time I saw her it was really a stranger face for me She really captured my attention as if I really wanted to know her An hour later I found myself having a conversation to her and the first question that came out from my mouth was asking about her friends she left in her hometown.. To my surprised I saw tears come rushing from her eyes that really made me upset and I immediately apologized to her for asking a question like that and there I discovered that behind those chubby cheeks there was an iiyakin personality. That was the beginning of our super kulit story.. night of November 2 we were brought to Laguna to work there and we were brought to Brgy. Diezmo there we start our beginning as an independent person without parents, old friends and without the guidance of anybody else There we discovered a lot of our similarities, we really became close to each other we almost treated one another as a true sister as we starting working together we more knew each other and we deeply enjoy each others company. Some people thought that we are really sister and some thought that we are twins yeah really we are twins- destinys twins one time out of my kapilyahan I told to one of my workmates that we are sister and to my surprised she really believed that we are really true sister it made me laugh because I needed to create a story to proved that we are really true sister haist it crazy an imaginative story created by me huh ?.,.,

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