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German Supplied Submarines Armed With Nuclear Missile For Israel

Posted on June 4, 2012 by Tony Dean Rant On UK!

Object 1

Submarine Dear Spiegel has let it be known that Israel has been buying German submarines since the 1960s and it is said that the Israelis are fitting nuclear tipped missiles to them, which escalates the cold war between Israel and Iran and other Arab neighbours around them. The Israelis insist that only they should have nuclear weapons, countries like Iran should not. A balance in the middle east is vital if the region is not to erupt in a cataclysmic Armageddon and I see no reason why countries such as Iran cant have nuclear deterrence like Israel. As long as no one uses them they maintain a balance, a status quo, to the middle east which will not happen otherwise. The more worrying country is Pakistan who also have nuclear weapons who are fighting an insurgency of their own with the rise of the Taliban in their midst. Partly their own fault for arming them and training them and feeding them to attack first the Russians in Afghanistan and then the Allied troops that are there now, the supply of weapons and explosives goes on apace to Afghan taliban killing and maiming our British troops there. Pakistan should be declared a pariah state for their involvement in hiding Osama Bin Laden and the rest of the taliban whom they are arming to fight the coalition, yet all we see from President Obama and the British government and the Israelis is infiltrate Syria with insurgents well paid, well armed, and let them commit atrocities amongst the civilian population to destabilise the Assad regime, who have been no trouble to anyone in the region. What kind of drinking water do some of them imbibe?

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