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Sohibus Samaha Tuan Shaykh Murtadza bin Ahmad (lahir tahun 1937)

Dato' Shaykh Haji Mohd Murtadza bin Haji Ahmad He was born on 23 Safar 1356H, 5 May 1937 in the Gregorian calendar. He received his early education in Sekolah Dato' Shahbandar, Rasah, after which he continued his studies in Singapura under the tutelage of his paternal uncle, Sidi Abdul Rasyid, and then to the Al-Atas, Religious school in Johor Bahru till 1956. In 1957, he furthered his studies at al-Mashor, Pulau Pinang. And in 1961 he went on to pursue his studies at Maahad al-Kaherah, and subsequently at al-Azhar University, Cairo from1967 to 1974. Whilst in Egypt he was involved in Persatuan Melayu Mesir (PMRAB), a union of Malays in Egypt. He held various key positions in the Union and was close to his many friends from Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore , Indonesia , Phillipines and Maldives and was also involved together with his Malaysian friends in setting up the Pakatan Mahasiswa Asia Tenggara. he successfully completed his studies in 1973 and returned to Malaysia in 1974. Since 10 August 1987, he served as the Mufti of Kerajaan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus up till April 2009.

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