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Cameron Sides With His Jewish Cousins In Israel Over Syria

Posted on June 7, 2012 by Tony Dean

Object 1

Rant On UK!

David Cameron Here we go again! Another massacre by insurgents is instantly blamed on government forces by the terrorists themselves and we have a jewish prime minister who sides with his Israeli cousins who started this insurrection with the help of the American CIA and Saudi Arms and money. What does our prime minister hope to achieve? He will be losing his seat at the next general election come what may, he will no longer be an m.p. anywhere in the country. He is the most hated prime minister Britain has ever had and he presumed to stand in judgement against the sovereign nation of Syria, which as far as I know, he has never visited and met the people there. How can he understand the situation on the ground when he has never spoken to any Syrian? My advice to this clueless ex-public schoolboy is to pull your head in and stop making inflammatory remarks about other countries which are no threat to ours, and just be the caretaker in number 10 until the next general election when we will have a different party in power that will put this country right and no EU in sight and we will refuse to be led by the nose by the Americans or the Israelis.

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