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Imprisonment Without Trial In Israel Must End

Posted on June 6, 2012 by Tony Dean Rant On UK!

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Israel Administrative detention is a British made military law and is a procedure dating back to the pre-1948 British Mandate under which military courts can hold suspects without charge for periods of up to six months, which can be renewed indefinitely. This barbaric practice still persists today in Israel of using military law instead of civil law to detain suspects who may have done nothing illegal except to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Amnesty International are now bringing this irregular detention up to publicise the rogue regimes around the world, of which Israel is only one of. A hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners is ongoing about their barbaric treatment of which there is silence from our jewish prime minister David Cameron on the matter. Amnesty International say:- Release all administrative detainees unless they are promptly charged with internationally recognizable criminal offences and tried in accordance with international fair trial standards. Palestinian prisoners minister Issa Qaraqaa has said:- Israel has begun to violate the deal it signed with the prisoners, and within 10 days after announcing the end of the strike, Israel renewed administrative detention orders for approximately 30 prisoners. One of the prisoners, Thaer Halahla who fasted for 76 days in the protest, was released on Tuesday evening. Family members in the West Bank city of Hebron said that Halahla, who along with fellow inmate Bilal Diab set a record for a Palestinian hunger strike, was freed after being held without charge since June 2010. Email your m.p. and have a rant now! Find Your M.P. OR Email the Prime minister Contact Number 10

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