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Correct uses of preposition I:incorrect ,C:correct I: the father was angry at his son C:the father was angry

with his son I:I was angry with what he said C:I was angry at what he said We are angry with a person , but at something he does or say I:flour is made of wheat C:flour is made from wheat. I:her dress is made from silk. C:her dress is made of silk. When one substance is changed into another ,so that a new substance is produced ,we use from. But when the original material is not actually changed but is merely formed into some object then we use of. I:stop throwing stones to the cars C:stop throwing stones at the cars I:throw it straight at the wicket keeper C:throw it straight to the wicket keeper Throw+object+at(aggressive) Throw+object+to (in a game) I:dont discuss about your plan C:dont discuss your plan I:he describes about Nature C:he describes Nature There is no preposition after discuss,describe I:compare this bag to a really good one C: compare this bag with a really good one I: the poet compared her lips with roses C: the poet compared her lips to roses You compare one thing A with B to see in what ways they are alike and in what ways they are different. You compare A to B when you say that A is lilke B in certain ways. Will post some more if you guys find it useful

Another - it's indefinite (give me another pen= you are not specific about what other pen, it's just any other) The other - it's more definite. (give me the other pen = it gives the impression that there is no other choice but "the" other one available). I hope I'm not making this too confusing.

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