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Jl.K.H. Muhasim 1 Parung Bingung Rangkapanjaya Baru Pancoranmas – Depok


Tahun pelajaran 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 16 September 2022

Kelas :5 Waktu : 60 Menit
No Nama Nilai Paraf Guru Paraf Orang tua Komentar

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Andri : I strongly advise you to take medicine.
Bono : …. I have a problem with the dosage of regular medicine.
a. That’s a great idea d. I can’t do that.
b. That’s a good idea e. Why didn.t I think of that?
c. I’ll do that thank you
2. Nando : …. Get persuaded by drug peddlers.
Koko : OK. Don’t worry I won’t.
a. Be sure you d. Make sure you don’t.
b. You’d better e. I think you should
c. Make sure you
3. Ria : I’m bored to stay in this dormitory.
Indah : it seems to me that tou should stay in a flat.
We learn that indah is …. To ria.
a. Giving suggestion. d. Indicating an offer
b. Showing a message e. Telling what to do
c. Showing agreement
4. Tina : can you recommend me what to eat to lose my weight?
Doni : …. Vegetables and fruits?
a. Would you like to consume. d. How about consuming more
b. You should consume e. Can you consume
c. I agree you consume some
5. Ikhsan: which is better, going by bus or by bike?
Fatah : ….
a. You will go by bus d. I am sure you must go by bike
b. You will go by bike e. You should go by bus, it is
c. Perhaps you can go by bike faster.
6. Waitress : would you like a cup of tea
Lee : …. I love tea. It’s good for our health.
a. No, thanks d. Sure.
b. I’m sorry e. I think, it’s too bad
c. I don’t think so

7. X : hi, maya. You look so awful. Something’s wrong?

Y : my car is broken.
X : you can use mine if you want.

The underlined sentence shows ….

a. Asking for a help. d. Offering an device
b. Asking for an device e. Offering a help
c. Asking for an opinion
8. Alisa : beno, what will you do tonight?
Beno : not much. Why?
Alisa : I have an extra ticket to watch a jazz concert toninght. Do you want yo come?
Beno : sure. What time?
The underlined sentence shows ….
a. Ignorance d. surprise
b. invitation. e. Refusal
c. Inability
9. X : hi, look upset. What’s up?
Y : three bottles of milk I bought at Dinar’s supermarket are expired.
X : oh, that’s awful. Do you want me to go there and ask the manager to chage them?
The underlined sentence shows ….
a. Giving a question d. Offering a help
b. Asking for an advice e. Offering an advice
c. Asking for a help
10. Irga : mom, do you mind if I help you cook?
Mother : of course not. Come and help me.
From the conversation above we know that ….
a. Mother doesn’t like irga to help her cook
b. Irga asked her mother to help her cook
c. Irga doesn’t like cooking
d. Mother accepted irga’s offer to help her cook.
e. Mother declined irga’s offer
Complete the following dialogue for questions number 11 to 15 !
Andrea : what did you think of the movie, putra?
Putra : I (11) … it was boring.
Andrea : really? I (12) … it. Why did you think it was boring?
Putra : it was too (13) … you knew what would happen in the end. The same old
...thing boy meets girl, boy fights with girl, boy marries girl.
Andrea : did you (14) … the sound track of the movie?
Putra : no, I (15) … it. It was too loud hard rock for me. What did you think of it?
Andre : I thought it was great, but then I like hard rock.
11. a. argue d. thinking
b. wonder e. thought
c. think
12. a. to love d. loved
b. hate e. loving
c. loves
13. a. to predict d. predictable
b. predicted e. prediction
c. predicts
14. a. like d. liking
b. did not like e. don’t like
c. to like
15. a. to hate d. love
b. loving e. hater
c. hated
16. Tono : what is you opinion about our new English teacher?
Budi : ….
The best expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. For me, she is really good d. I’m happy to hear that
b. On the contrary, I like her e. It’s such good food I’ve ever
c. I quite agree with you had
17. X : do you think publishing this news will mean a huge increase in our sales volume?
Y : … but it’s worth considering.
The best expression to complete the dialogue is…
a. I agree d. I am not sure
b. I don’t think so e. I am confused
c. I appreciate it
18. Jade : what do you think of my drawing?
Rose : it’s amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade : thank you so much for you opinion, rose!
Rose : my pleasure.
From the dialogue above, rose is …
a. Asking for attention d. Giving help
b. Asking a question e. Asking for help
c. Giving an opinion
19. Dirk : can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake : sure! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk : thanks, jake.
Jake : no problem!
From the dialogue above, Dirk is…
a. Giving suggestion d. Asking for an opinion
b. Giving help e. Asking for help
c. Giving opinion
20. Farah : what do you think about the fairy?
Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven.
We conclude that Farah ….
a. Asking for information from bayu
b. Asking for information bayu’s opinion
c. Giving her opinion
d. Agreeing with bayu’s opinion
e. Disagreeing with bayu’s opinion

Complete the following dialogue for questions number 21 to 25 !

Afgan : tomorrow, I’ll … (21) my friend’s birthday … (22). What … (23) I wear?
Bayu : I … (24) you to wear a formal uniform, you I’ll look graceful in it.
Afgan : what … (25) will suit me?
Bayu : a black Adidas will look OK on you.

21. a. party d. suggest

b. attend e. shoes
c. dress
22. a. party d. suggest
b. attend e. shoes
c. dress

23. a. party d. suggest

b. attend e. shoes
c. dress
24. a. party d. suggest
b. attend e. shoes
c. dress
25. a. party d. suggest
b. attend e. shoes
c. dress

Answer the questions based on the following dialogue!

Amir : “We have been waiting nearly three quarters of an hour.”

Budi : “Yes, I think the bus will never come.”
Amir : “Would it be an idea to walk?”
Budi : “Yes, it’s a good idea.”
Amir : “Has the new restaurant opened today?”
Budi : “It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.”
Amir : “Why don’t we eat there?”
Budi : “it is a wonderful idea.”

26. How long have Amir and Budi waited?

27. 12. What for did Amir and Budi wait?
28. 13. When did the new restaurant open?
29. 14. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a delicious menu?
30. 15. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion!

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