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Jack Peng(499117306) E3C Paul Simpson English Composition II June 9th, 2012

Try as we might to avoid them, accidents happen. Tell us a time when you were involved in an accident.

Accidents are always unpredictable and unplanned. Sometimes I can avoid them, but sometimes they are just destined coming toward me. I recall that I was involved in a car accident in the afternoon on February 1 st, 2009 in Taipei County. I can still remember the date because it just happened on the first day of 2009. I rode on my motorcycle and cross Kang Ding Road when

the traffic light was green. A car which parked near the sidewalk suddenly turned left and hit against the right side of my motorcycle. I entirely fell down from my motorcycle and tumbled on the road. It hurt me seriously, but I immediately stood up and went toward the driver who hit on my motorcycle,What are you doing? You didnt light your turn signal! I said angrily. The driver kept saying sorry to me and wanted to drive me to the hospital nearby. I hurt my right ankle, both palm, and left side of my hips. After he took me to the hospital, we went to the emergency room right away. The nurse helped me clean the wounds with grain alcohol and then moisten them with some iodine. I also needed to be checked by the X-ray in order to further know whether my bones were damaged or not because my joints hurt as well. Fortunately, my bones were normal as usual but still hurting me. The driver paid the medical expenses for me. After some simple dressing to my wounds, we went back to the scene and called the police to figure out some things. The police started to draw some lines on the road and asked us some questions. He wanted me to sit inside the police car and made the sound recording during the period he was questioning me. I was still nervous because it was my first time to face the car accident myself; my voice was a

little bit shaking. After being inquired for about 10 minutes, I called my father to pick me up because my motorcycle was broken. I could have my motorcycle towed to my home for free because I had the Fu-Bon insurance which provided the service to clients. When my father arrived the scene, he was calm unusually and asking me that what happened and how was the condition of my injury. My father asked the police and me to know the whole thing. After listening to me, he thought I didnt do anything wrong. Therefore, my father suggested that the man had to compensate me for my broken motorcycle and injuries. We gave the phone numbers to each other for contacting the next few days to make sure the sum of money of compensation. After arguing with the man for three weeks, he decided to pay me 16000 NT dollars for the expense of fixing the motorcycle. The experience was really terrible and awful. I knew that accidents are always unexpected even though I was carefully riding a motorcycle; I was still hit by a mindless car. Yet I learned a lesson from the accident because I know that what to do after being hit. I should call the police first, but remain the scene for police to figure out what happen. It means that I can not move my motorcycle and any other things in the accident area. In that way, it will help police to judge

who is guilty or who is false. Furthermore, I also know I can apply for the compensation from my insurance to get the expenses of medication and fixing the motorcycle. The most important thing is that although accidents are hard to know when it will happen, I still have to watch out all the time to avoid the bad things that I can control.

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