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This topic was chosen because of the issue governments effort to assist unemployed graduates by introducing the Certificate in English language program through the Graduate Training Scheme. The graduates already finish their study in tertiary education but still have problems with the English language knowledge and communication skills. The government believes that this programme will enhance graduates knowledge as well as increase their employability. This assignment was conducting an interview with OUMs students regarding the important of mastering English language nowadays. Moreover, the question of what are the problem in using English and implement the education in English.



English in Malaysia today is as a second language which will provide Malaysian to access to the international society. Malaysias government believes that English language standard needs to raise it among young people even teachers if Malaysian wants to compete effectively in the global market. Beside, the changes in the education system are driven this global market forces as well as leading to a need for the English language. Unfortunately, the reach of critical point of information technology in Malaysia seem has no give the effect of English usage among Malaysian youngster which might because of hampered by the dominant position held by mother tongue Malay. Furthermore, the objective of turning Malaysia as educational centre of excellent are deceived with the not enough input on the content of world class education facilities and worsen by the teachers and lecturers are just as terrible as the English language education level. It reveals by the Higher education minister that many lectures in public universities lacked proficiency in the English language. In conjunction, Minister of higher education suggested intensive refresher courses in English for lecturers are needed for

EDUCATION SHOULD BE IN ENGLISH strengthen the foundation in English grammar among students for better proficient in English. Today, English is no longer just seen as a language or a tool but considered a basic skill needed by Malaysians to function effectively at the international level. The issues arise from the need of Education should be in English due to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad decided to use English language to teach mathematics and science since the level of English had gone down. However, this approach seems not enough because of both of these subjects not using the grammar heavily. Besides, English language only practice in class because of the environment is not conducive to practicing the use of English. Beside Malaysia, many countries recognize the need to place emphasis on English to meet the demands of an increasingly borderless world globalization. Such as in Japan,



Malaysian can be defines as English Language Learner because Malaysian learn this language by attending English classes as a second language. According Swanson and Howerton (2007) English language learners (ELLs) is people who are learning to hear, speak, read, and write a new language. Moreover, ELLs defines by Brow (2007) is people whose English is not proficient enough to be immersed in mainstream classes are nevertheless mainstreamed, except for the pull-out English as a second language (ESL) class. Many researchers had proposed technique and method how educators can helps the ELLs to mastering second language. Swanson and Howerton (2007) proposed 20 ways in which teachers can influence the vocabulary acquisition of the students who are ELLs due to believe the skills of vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension are key for second language learners. Moreover, Speech-language pathologists identify that students need strong vocabulary skills to succeed in school. Johnson and Yeates (2006) concluded that vocabulary development plays a critical role in students educational achievement and reading comprehension. Furthermore, Brown (2007) proposed that reading comprehension in the content areas is essential to successful learning. Brown (2007) also mentions with comprehensible reading materials, it will stimulate ELLs intellectual interests and help develop the competence in academic reading. Johnson and Yeates (2007) also highlighted that storybook reading with brief explanations of target words may be a promising evidence-based practice for improving vocabulary learning in young school-aged children. While Juzwik & Sherry (2007) founds that potential aesthetic impact on readers and listeners, where by educators to present

EDUCATION SHOULD BE IN ENGLISH moral stances and lessons to students through stories of particular moments, rather than through universalizing principles.


Data collected for this study is categories into two types which is the primary data collection technique and the secondary data collection. The secondary data collection is through reading of education references and published articles. While the primary data collection done by interview OUM student using interview schedule constructed by researcher.


Data Collection The method of data collection that was used in this study is face-to-face interview with 10 OUM students on the second tutorial June, 17 2007. Some of the study was done after class and some while class was conducted.


Study Instruments Study Instrument was prepared based on the criteria needs in the guidelines given enclose with the assignment question. The questionnaire was constructs using the question proposed in guidelines. This questionnaire consists of two parts; Part I: Respondent Profile Part II: Education in English




Data that gathered from the filed was analysis as open ended question. As mention before, data were collected were face-to-face interview with 10 OUM students.


STATE OF ENGLISH IN MALAYSIA Majority of the answer for the question about the state of English in Malaysia today are in a fair state. 6 out of the respondent answered that the level of English today in Malaysia is fair and only 4 out of 10 respondent answer as English is in the level good standard. Therefore, from the finding, it indicates that the state of English in Malaysia is fair.



All respondent are agreed that English language is necessary for every one in Malaysia. However, 3 out of 10 respondents not give any reason for the necessary English for every Malaysian. The reason why English is necessary for everyone in Malaysia is English is language that use for international (global) communication, a lot of references material is in English language and lastly, English language is additional skills that will help people to communicate easily. 4.3 PROBLEM USING ENGLISH All the respondent give a respond on the third question that been ask. The main key in the answer of the respondent is lack of push factor to learn English. Respondent thought that problem using English in Malaysia is lack of language exposure, lack of parent encouragement, the effect of Malay language still the main language that used, not confident with their English and finally the culture and the environments influences.

EDUCATION SHOULD BE IN ENGLISH 4.4 PROBLEM IMPLEMENTING ENGLISH Only one of the respondents has no idea about how to implement English in Malaysia. The others 9 respondents seem give their opinion how English can be implement in Malaysia to rise up the state of English. The main problem in implementing English in Malaysia is because of the attitude of Malaysian Their self which there are o shy to use English even their know to speak in English. The respondent suggested that all subject in Secondary and primary should change the Malay language into English Language, campaign of English usage should be launch by government to reduce the influences of culture and encourage (motivate) Malaysian to speak in English even broken English.




This mini study that I have done conclude that the level of English in Malaysia is still in fair level even though the Malaysia categorizes as developing country and has been use English for very long time ago. People around seem aware the necessary of mastering the English language as additional skills that will help them to cope with the globalization trends. However, they seem not taking any alternative to upgrade their English communication skills due to the negative attitude shy and not confident with their self.

Moreover, English language is hard to be implementing because of the lack of push factors that will encourage Malaysia to use English in their daily communication. The objective of Malaysia to become one educational centre might be impossible to achieve if Malaysian still depending the external factor such as the campaign of government.

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