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Guide to Grammatical, Translation and Vocabulary Improvements

Lec # 1: USE OF is, am are

is is used with he, she, it and with third person or a single number. am is used with I. are is used with plural subjects i.e. you, we, they. To make a sentence negative, keyword not is used after is, am, are. To make a sentence interrogative, is-am-are is put in the start of sentence and ? is put at the end of sentence. Full stop (.) must be put at the end of statement (quote type) sentences. While doing translation of interrogative negative sentences keep in mind that not is put before the noun and after the pronoun. Example: Is not Hamid a good boy? ; Hamid = noun Are they not good boys? ; they = pronoun If in a sentence, after verb, there is only adjective then article is not added but if there is noun after adjective then article is added. Example: He is very intelligent. ; only adjective He is a very intelligent boy. ; noun after adj. EXERCISE TO SOLVE (Please solve Exercise according to rules; DO NOT put your rules!)

Hints: 3. a bit hard of hearing 4. out of sorts 5. cloudy 7. A friend in need 8. Necessity is . 9. language 10. to be above broad 11. true to ones word 15. loyal 16. good for nothing 17. to be sore 20. sworn enemy 21. dutiful 23. out of order 25. heart of city 26. idler

Lec # 2: USE OF was, were

was is used when sentence is about past time or he, she, it (third-person) or a third person is used. were is used with all other subjects. Sometimes in URDU we use plural verb with the subject for its respect, for example: But in English we always use singular verb, so its translation will be My Father was not at home. To make a sentence negative not is put after was or were. To make a sentence interrogative was, were is put in start of sentence and ? is put at the end of sentence. If question words (why, when, where etc.) are used in interrogative sentences then they are put before was/were. For example: Who was at the door? Why were you angry with me? EXERCISE TO SOLVE (Please solve Exercise according to rules; DO NOT put your rules!)

Hints: 1. bitter 4. just 6. long sighted 7. to be close 10. well-wishers 13. meeting 14. on speaking terms 17. a strange, to be in a fix 21.idle 23. not at home

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