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Tape 1 What you can do to help Bees

Bee expert May Berenbaum knows that many people have an uneasy feeling about bees because they sting. MAY BERENBAUM: "But on the other hand, people all over the world have developed a dependency on the honey bee because it is really the world's premier managed pollinator. And here in the US, for example, over 90 crops depend on honeybees for pollination services." Farmers depend on bees to help them grow crops. But many bees have died in recently because of what scientists call colony collapse disorder. Berenbaum says there are many reasons for this. One is the long-distance transport of bees to pollinate crops. This has helped spread bee diseases. Another reason is the buildup of insect-killing pesticides in bee colonies. Researchers like Berenbaum are studying the problem. Yet she says all of us can help. MAY BERENBAUM: "You can buy local honey. Local honey is available at stores only because there is a local beekeeper who went to the trouble of harvesting it. So the more beekeepers there are, the more honey there is. We've, over the last 25 years, seen an alarming decline in the number of beekeepers. It's starting ... the interest is resurging, which is the best news for America's bees ... actually more beekeepers!"

She says people can help by planting flowers and learning to live with weeds, some of these provide food for bees. Berenbaum was in Los Angeles to receive the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. She says the prize of $200,000 will help a project involving "citizen-scientists." MAY BERENBAUM: "We have one project called bee-spotter, which is now restricted to Illinois, where we ask people to go out with a digital camera, even a cellphone, and photograph either bumblebees or honey bees. She is pleased with the project. MAY BERENBAUM: "A citizen-scientist outside Peoria actually sent in a photograph of a species of bumblebee, the rusty bumblebee, bombus affinis, that was thought to have gone extinct in that area, and was recovered by a private citizen with a digital camera." Berenbaum says we should not forget that bees are also important for the honey they produce. So in addition to pollinating crops, the honey bee makes our lives a little sweeter. I'm Christopher Cruise

2. Tape 2
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help you beat the odds of developing heart disease even if you've inherited genes for the condition, according to a new study out of McGill University in Montreal. Researchers looked at the diets of more than 27,000 people from varied ethnic backgrounds - enrolled in 2 large heart studies. They found that when people who had inherited a common gene that increases heart attack risk, ate plenty of raw vegetables, fruits and berries, they had fewer heart attacks. Researchers say a diet high in these healthy foods seems to modify or repress the effects of the "bad" heart gene reducing the risk of heart trouble, and bringing it down to more healthy levels. The researchers didn't investigate which fruits and vegetables were responsible for lowering the risk of heart attack, but suggest that we all consume healthy amounts of these foods. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that most women eat 1 and a half cups of fruit and 2 and a half cups of vegetables each day. Men are encouraged to eat slightly more at two cups of fruit and three of veggies.

Listening for specific information

A.Tape 1
Questions 1-4: Do the following statement agree with the information

given in the tape?

TRUE FALSE If the statement agrees with the information If the statement contradicts with the information

NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this 1. 2. 3. 4. Many people feel anxious about bees because they sting. The honeybee is considered as the worlds leading managed pollinator. The US has many large bee colonies. Famers only depend on honey bees to help them grow crops.

Questions 5-7: Choose the best answer A,B or C. 5. In recently, many bees have died of. A. Colony collage disorder. B. Colony collapse disorder. C. Colony colloquy disorder. 6. People can protect the bees by .. A. Growing flowers and learning to live with weeds. B. Building many bee colonies and growing flowers. C. Providing food for bees and living with them. 7. The aims of project bee-spotter is A. To ask people to go out with digital camera, even a cellphone and photograph either bumblebees or honey bees. B. To make people understand about the bees clearly. C. To help people distinguish between bumblebees and honey bees. Question 8: What is speakers name?

B.Tape 2
Questions 9-11: Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 9.Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help you beat the odds ofeven if youve inherited genes for the condition. 10. Researchers showed that when people who had inherited .. that increases heart attack risk , ate plenty of raw vegetables, they had fewer heart attacks. 11. Men are encouraged to eat slightly more at two cups of fruit and

1. T 2. T 3. NG 4. F 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. Christopher Cruise. 9. Developing heart diease. 10. A common gene/ Fruits and berries. 11.Three of veggies.

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