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An Undergraduate Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of the
College of Agriculture and Forestry
Mindanao State University of Naawan
9023, Naawan, Misamis Oriental
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Animal Science

MARCH 2021


1.1 Rationale

Changes of the national and international pig market have brought new

challenges for pig production. This is not only because new legislations are continuously

established, but also because the consumers are becoming increasingly conscious.

High expectations on production and product quality by the consumers are forwarded to

the meat processing industry and thus to the pig producers. The high economic

pressure of decreasing prices for pork and the expectation of maintained high product

quality increase the interest for optimizing the efficiency of pig production.

The ever-increasing demand in meat quality by consumers had motivated the

meat producers to concentrate on the nutritional aspects of livestock rearing. Further,

according to Jacela (2015) nutrition is a powerful component of livestock production

system that controls several aspects of meat quality. He further postulates that meat

quality attributes such as muscle color, water holding capacity, pork palatability are

projected by the amount and type of nutrient intake by the animal.

However, pig producers have been constantly confronted with the feed cost

which represents 60-80% of the total operating expenses. Hence, the use of alternative

feedstuffs and novel ingredients in pig’s diets has been increasing in popularity in the

past few years for it was a feasible measure to reduce costs and enhance profit margin.

Theoretically, the feeding alternative feedstuffs could be financially beneficial for pig

producers. This claimed was further supported by Janss et. al (2017) whom
emphasized that grass feeding produces heavier carcass, slight increase in fat

deposition and ultimately produces flavored meat.

Recent investigations had led to conclude recognition of protein source from leaf

sources; it has gained prominence because it is the cheapest and the most abundant

potential source of protein (Fashuyi, 2000).Many tropical legumes trees leaf has been

used as feed to swine diet high protein content and mineral composition such as

Trichantera gigantea or called as madre de agua (Leterme et al., 2007). This promising

fodder tree grows well with repeated cutting and without fertilizer input. The potential

use of this fodder was observed and investigated through a preliminary study conducted

by the researchers from National Swine and Poultry Research and Development Center

of the Bureau of Animal Industry and concluded that it is a potential source of protein

where its leaves contain 18-22% crude protein in dry matter form.

Nevertheless, there are still limited literatures paucity of knowledge and gaps as

to the effects of feedstuff on the meat quality. It is in this viewpoint that the researcher

opted to conduct this study. This paper aims to describe the effect of the fresh leaves

and soft stalks of madre de agua supplemented in the diet of swine.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The main thrust of the study was to assess the efficacy of supplementing madre

de agua (Trichantera gigantea) in the meat quality of grower-finisher pigs.

The research study is guided by the following objectives: 

1. To determine the effect of the selected forage legume on the carcass yield and

dressing percentage of the treated animals.

2. To measure the back-fat thickness and loin eye of the treated animals.
3. To determine the physicochemical properties of the treated animals such as

water holding capacity and pH level and proximate anlaysis (moisture, ash

content, crude protein and crude fat)

1.3 Significance of the Study

There has been extensive literature available on the use of alternative

feedstuffs on supplemental diet in livestock production across the globe. Most of the

literature deals on the anti-nutritional factor and growth performance. It is the desire of

the researcher to explore limited resources on the effect of madre de agua (Trichantera

gigantea) in the meat quality of grower-finisher pigs. Thus, this study is beneficial to the


Consumers. The result of the study will be beneficial to consumers as a whole.

It will entail to provide an overview on the efforts made by pig producers to meet their

expectations on the meat quality.

Farmers. The result of the study will be beneficial to farmers, pig producers,

livestock production. This will give them knowledge about foliage as an alternative feed

and protein source for the swine, and to promote in them a sustainable swine


Future Researchers. The result of this study is beneficial to future researchers

by compiling a large amount of information on supplemental feeding, meat quality and

swine production. Researchers may find the information valuable as it may provide an

important contribution to the literature and it may serve as guide in undertaking similar

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This study is focused on the efficacy of leaves and soft stalk of madre de agua

(Trichantera gigantea) in the meat quality of grower-finisher pigs. The meat quality does

not include genetic variation, pre-slaughter handling of the pig, post slaughter handling

of the carcass, microbial safety and freedom from toxins and residues.

1.4 Definition of terms

The following terms was either defined conceptually and operationally for better

understanding of the study: 

Meat Quality. It is normally defined by the compositional quality (lean to fat ratio)

and the palatability factors such as visual appearance, smell, firmness, juiciness,

tenderness, and flavor (NSPRDC, 2017). The theoretical definition is adapted in the


Supplementation. It is the addition of an extra element or amount to something

(Rosales, 2015). In this study, it is the introduction of madre de agua (Trichantera

gigantea) leaves and soft stalk in the diet of grower-finisher pigs.

Legumes. These are grown agriculturally, primarily for human consumption,

for livestock forage and silage, and as soil-enhancing green manure. (Cook et. al.

2017). The theoretical definition is adapted in the study.

Protein. It is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is

commonly found in animal products, though is also present in other sources, such as

nuts and legumes (Ecocrop, 2014). The theoretical definition is adapted in the study.
Loin Eye Area- a term commonly used to describe a cross section of the loin or

the Longissimus dorsi muscle. (Ecocrop, 2014). The theoretical definition is adapted in

the study.


As an academic paper, this section was a review of studies and knowledge of

existing concepts and findings from previous studies.

2. 1 Overview on the Swine Industry in the Philippines

According to DOST-PCAARRD (2014) swine production in the Philippine is at

P191billion-industry and is the largest among the livestock and poultry industries of the

country. It ranks next to rice with (18.28%) contribution to the total value of agricultural

production. It has been recognized that swine production plays a major role in ensuring

the country’s food security by providing about (60%) of the total meat consumption of

Filipinos. Overall, the Philippine swine industry is ranked eighth in the world in terms of

the volume of pork production and number of breeding sows. The volume of production

could be attributed to local backyard farming and commercialize growers.

However, according to Swine Breeder Farm Accreditation Program (2003) low

importation of the meat quality may pose a may create a shift in consumption. This

scenario poses a threat to the local swine entrepreneurs. Hence, the local swine

industry needs to ensure that it can withstand any form of competition without

compromising profit margin.

It is well recognized that pig farming is a capital-intensive practice and smaller-

sized producers encounter financial constraints when it comes to access to feeds and

quality breeding stocks, and to veterinary services (Costales et al., 2006). Feed and

drug costs constitute 78% of the production cost in backyard swine farming (Aquino and

Malazo, 2005). Therefore, to be able to sustain the enterprise, there is a need to reduce
the cost of feed and one of the ways is to utilize locally available low-cost materials that

can be used as feedstuff for pigs. Fodder crops are examples of such materials.

2.2 Fodder Plants in Swine production

Pork producers have long recognized the value of forages in the swine

enterprise. Prior to 1950, pasture was considered a vital component in swine feeding

programs. But after synthetic vitamins became universally available during the early

’50s, the need for forage crops in swine production was diminished. But even today,

pastures and forages may contribute a practical and economical part of feeding hogs.

The tropics are rich in plant and microbial protein resources which could be used

for livestock production (Ly, 1993). Protein is the most limiting factor for tropical pig

production (Ocampo et al., 2005). To overcome this problem, there are many options

such as using commercial concentrates, agro-industrial by-products or agro-forestry-

based foods (Makkar, 1993).

The use of commercial concentrates and industrial by-products renders high cost

of the feed, the difficulty of transportation and the low economic return (Ouda, 2016).

Hence, the discovery of fodder plants had been practically explored. According to

Rivero et al. (2015), numerous reports have shown that legume foliage and other fodder

leaves, particularly in the form of leaf meal, can be included in the diet and improve the

growth rate of pigs. However, in order to maximize the growth of pigs, the appropriate

level of legume leaf meal inclusion in the diet should be determined.

Halimani et al. (2005) reported that inclusion of leguminous leaf meal at a low

level (100 g kg-1 of overall diets) increases the feed intake and growth rate of growing

pigs. This can probably be explained by the high crude protein and essential amino acid
content in leguminous leaf meal resulting in improved crude protein and amino acid

supply. Moreover, feeding leguminous forage at low levels of inclusion may increase the

total tract digestibility of nutrients.

Lindberg & Cortova (1995) reported that leguminous leaf meal appears to have

potential as a feed for pigs because of its relatively high total tract digestibility of

nutrients and energy. All these factors can have positive effects on the performance of

growing pigs. However, there are reports indicating that both feed intake and

digestibility may decrease markedly with increasing inclusion of forage leaf meal in the

diet due to high fiber content.

According to Bach (2018) each individual feed source is different in fiber content

and in proportions of fiber components such as hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin which

hemicellulose has the highest digestibility. The diet digestibility depends on both the

fiber content in the diet and the composition of the fiber.

In addition, fiber utilization is affected by the age of the pig, as this interacts with

the digestive processes and there is a gradual adaptation over time to exposure to fiber-

rich diets (Wenk, 2001). Intake of fiber can stimulate the development of the micro biota

in the hindgut, where fermentation of undigested organic matter from the small intestine

takes place. This results in production of volatile fatty acids that provide energy to the


On the other hand, studies conducted as to the improvement quality has been

emphasized by Jonna et. al (2017) that leguminous leaf may somehow affect formation

of fats, hence, it is expected to have leaner meat quality. It further yields in increase of

water holding capacity as well as stable moisture content.

Therefore, the ability of the pig to digest dietary fiber varies with its age or live

weight (Noblet & Goff, 2001). Consequently, adult growing pigs and sows have higher

digestibility of fibrous components as well as other dietary components and energy than

young pigs.

With the above findings, it can concluded that there is also a need to consider

other criteria used by farmers when selecting forage legumes, such as the ease of

planting and harvesting, plant re-growth capacity after harvest and forage palatability to

pigs (Stür et al., 2008). All these criteria must be fulfilled for wide adoption of forage

legumes by farmers. This paper specifically investigates the leaves and stalk of madre

de agua (Trichantera gigantea).

2.3 Potential Value of Madre de Agua (Trichantera gigantea)

According to Perez (1997), the most promising alternative for intensive feeding

of pigs in the tropics was cereal grains and leguminous trees and shrubs.

The potential use of these different fodder crops had already been tested in some

studies but results are still inconclusive. One of these fodder crops is Trichantera

gigantea, also known as nacedero or madre de agua, which was introduced into the

country from South America. It is a non-legume species of fodder tree that is adapted to

Philippine condition. It grows well in a wide range of soil types and at elevations up to

1800 meters above sea level. When planted at a density of 20,000/ha, it can yield 40-60

tons of fresh foliage. It can be rejuvenated repeatedly and still produce the same or

even higher yield. Its leaves contain 18-22% crude protein on dry matter basis making it

a potential protein source (Dela Cruz, 2011).

Trichantera can be easily propagated by cuttings; it has rapid growth rate, good

regrowth ability, high stem-leaf ratio and ability to thrive even under unfavorable

environmental condition some of the characteristics that should be considered when

selecting fodder crop (Diaz, 2012).

Plant proteins are abundantly available somewhere in the environment. One of

the potential sources is the Trichanthera gigantea which contain proteins, fibers,

calcium and saponins in their leaves (Rosales, 1997). This multi-purpose tree

Trichantera gigantea (madre de agua) contains high crude protein content of the foliage

particularly the leaves and the thin stems, which are also consumed by the animals and

apparently most of that is true protein and has a good amino acid balance (Lacayanga

2015). Apparently, the level of protein content has been recognized in madre de agua,

the use of these growth-promoting substances to farm animals has been part of the

production system management to effect faster growth and quality meat.

2.4 Parameters of Meat Quality in Grower-Finisher Pigs

In spite of this wealth of research, it is often difficult to isolate the true effects of

forage and grain feeding on meat quality because the swine involved have been

slaughtered at carcass weights which vary widely within and between studies. As a

result, feed type differences have been confounded with plane of-nutrition effects, such

that pigs fed the higher energy diet (usually the grain-based diet) have been heavier

and fatter in comparison with those fed the forage-based diet.

Consequently, there are often differences in eating quality attributed to

differences in carcass weight and fatness. However, Bidner (1975) observed that,

provided swine are fed to comparable weights and average fat cover, feed type has little
influence on organoleptic components. This study examines the effects of madre de

agua on swine meat quality parameters such as carcass quality, dress percentage,

measurement in back fat thickness and loin eye. It further analyzed the water holding

capacity and pH level.

2.4.1 Carcass Quality

According to Mithu et. al (2046) carcass yield in pigs meat quality could be

attributed to its tenderness and lean meat color. This parameter is adapted in this study. Tenderness

The eating quality of meat is determined ultimately by the consumer and

tenderness is considered by consumers to be the most important component of meat

quality (Koohmaraie 1992). According to Tucker (2016) there are two main components

to meat tenderness, a myofibrillar (muscle) component and a connective tissue

(collagen) component. The myofibrillar component of tenderness can be influenced by

the activity of proteolytic enzymes (particularly calpains) during "aging" of the muscles

of the carcass post-mortem and appears to be a more important determinant of meat

tenderness than connective tissue characteristics of the meat pre-slaughter.

Swine grown rapidly prior to slaughter have been shown to produce more tender

meat than their slower growing counterparts .This has been attributed to increased

protein turnover in rapidly growing cattle resulting in higher concentrations of proteolytic

enzymes in the carcass tissues at slaughter (Rother, 2016).

This claimed was supported with evidence as provided by Shackelford et al.

(1994) who measured the activity of the enzyme inhibitor calpastatin, the endogenous

inhibitor of calpains, and found that calpastatin activity was negatively associated with
live weight gain. When grain-fed swine and grass-fed swine have grown at a similar rate

prior to slaughter at the same weight and age, no differences in either shear force

values or taste panel assessment of swine tenderness have been demonstrated. Lean Meat Color

Renee et al. (2017) explained that the basic pigment of meat is myoglobin.

Myoglobin is purple and is the colour of deep (anaerobic) muscle. On exposure to air

myoglobin oxidises to form the bright-red pigment oxymyoglobin which is "attractive" to

consumers and is associated with "freshness". However, at lower partial pressures of

oxygen, myoglobin also oxidises to a brown form, metmyoglobin, which is perceived as

unattractive. Metmyoglobin formation is also affected by the chemically reducing

conditions of the muscle (e.g., pH) and the rate of breakdown of metmyoglobin and the

amount of oxygen within the muscles post-mortem. Therefore, the color of meat is

determined by the level of pigmentation present and to the relative percentages of

myoglobin, oxymyoglobin, and metmyoglobin.

There is little information on the effect of fodder plants on meat color in swine.

Craig (2015) compared color reflectance and muscle pigment concentrations of pasture-

and grain-fed steers and found that animals with the greatest amount of fat within

muscle (i.e., marbling) had the brightest color meat (highest reflectance values).

However, reflectance values did not correlate with muscle pigment concentrations, and

Craig (2015) concluded that the differences in color of lean were caused by varying

amounts of fat and moisture rather than a difference in the quantity of pigment present.
2.4.2 Dress Percentage

Toma et. al (2015) has defined dressing percentage is calculated by dividing the

warm carcass weight by the shrunk live weight of the animal and expressing the result

as a percentage. The industry is interested in animal dressing percentage because it

establishes the weight upon which payment is calculated for animals sold on a live

weight basis.

2.4.3 Back-Fat Thickness

  According to backfat thickness is one of the significant parameters to consider

when selecting female pigs into breeding herds since it dominates a number of

reproductive performances, e.g. puberty attainment, total piglets born (TB), and

farrowing rate ( Maes et. al, 2014)

Further, productivity has been regarded as one of the major topics in the current

swine commercial industry. Because the tendency of replacement rate has been

increasing every year (Engblom et al., 2007), selection of quality pigs should be

substantially focused on in order to acquire healthy pigs and subsequent decent yields.

To maximize production targets in modern commercial piggeries, an evaluation of pigs’

body condition has become one of the significant issues to be underscored. Optimal

body condition of the sows not only signifies welfare improvement, but it is also a

prerequisite to attain sufficient productivity, especially in high-producing herds.

2.4.4 Loin Eye

Praire et. al (2017) pointed out that the loin eye size is a measurement of the

large muscle in the pigs back that makes up the meat in a pork chop. It is measured
with the same probe that measures backfat but it play a large role in determining the

index, a lone eye bonus is a premium above and beyond the index of quality meat.

Pearson et. al (2016) further postulate that the loin eye is associated with lean

growth of meat of the pigs. This lean growth is when the pig primarily grows the muscles

in its body which is primarily during the starter and grower phase of the pig. Muscles are

primarily made of protein and thus adequate feed protein must be supplied to the pig for

the loin eye to grow. The key factors that will affect loin eye growth are the protein

content (amino acid balance) of the ration, the genetics of the pig and the health of the

pig during the starter and grower periods of the pig’s life and the carcass weight of the


2.4.5 Water Holding Capacity

According to Huff-Lonergan (2005) water holding capacity is defined as the

capacity of postmortem muscle (meat) to retain water even though external pressures

are being applied. Animal muscle contains approximately 75% water and other main

components include protein (approximately 20%), lipids or fat (approximately 5%),

carbohydrates (approximately 1%) and vitamin and minerals such as ash

(approximately 1%). Most of the water in the muscle in held within the structure of the

muscle and muscle cells Same author stated that the majority of the water in muscle is

held within the structure of the muscle itself, between the myofibrils, either within the

myofibrils, between the myofibrils themselves and between the myofibrils and the cell

membrane (sarcolemma), between the muscle cells and between the muscle bundles

(group of muscle cells). Unacceptably high moisture loss from fresh products or purge
and drip has been estimated to occur in as much as 50% of the pork produced

(Kauffman et al., 1992).

2.4.6 pH Level

The most important and basic parameter in determining the quality of meat is pH

(Kandeepaan et al., 2013). It has major effects on meat color, microbial stability, and

eating quality. Same author also added that the higher pH level the higher the water

holding capacity. However, WHC increase rapidly as pH approaches the isolectric point

(pH values around 5.0) due to the charge of proteins towards neutrality. According to

Istrati et al.(2001) increasing the pH of meat has led to improvement of WHC retention.

2.4.7 Proximate Analysis

The proximate analysis was limited to moisture content, ash content, crude

protein and crude fat. Moisture Content

According to FAO (2005) moisture is considered one of the important

physiochemical attributes in meat because it plays a basic role in the palatability of

meat. This claimed was further supported by Cortez (2018) whom postulates that water

is one component in meat that will affect the appearance, texture, taste and also

determine the attraction of meat or acceptability of meat, the level of freshness and

endurance (shelf-life) of meat. Moisture in muscles has a high correlation with meat

protein because muscle protein has hydrophilic nature, which is as a binder of water

molecules in meat. Muscles contain about 75% of water with a range of 68-80%. If the

water content of the meat exceeds the normal value (75%) it can reduce the quality of

the meat. Ash Content

Protein quality, as defined by Boorman (1992), is the ability of a feedstuff to

supply essential amino acid relative to an animal’s metabolic needs. Protein quality

includes the total amino acid balance or profile and the bioavailability of the total amino

acid. The ash content determines the high mineral content. Crude Protein

Muscle protein is hydrophilic; which means that it has the ability to bind water,

thus meat protein can affect the water content of the meat and both have a highly

correlated. In addition, between the water content and protein content is also tightly

connected to levels meat fat (Tucker, 2016) Crude Fat

Variations in the fat content of meat can be influenced by breed, age, species,

the location of muscles, feed, maintenance management (Klaus, 2016). Meat fat

content has a correlation with protein content and meat water content.

This study reviews related literature and available studies and documents that

the researcher delimits for the coverage of the study. However, only few studies were

published the efficacy of madre de agua’s leaves and soft stalks on meat quality of

grower-finisher pigs. Thus, the researcher was motivated to assess the efficacy of the

leguminous plants.


This chapter contains the discussion of the research method that used in the

conduct of this study. It described and expounds the research design, research

environment, research materials, experimental design, data gathering procedure and

statistical analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study is a quantitative method through correctional-experimental research

design. It aims to collect and analyzed numerical data from the experiment conducted,

hence, patterns, averages, predictions and causal relationships were established in

pursuit with the efficacy of the leaves and soft stalk of madre de agua. The primary

source of information for this study was the answered questionnaire and informant

interviews meanwhile secondary data were taken from books, relevant topics in the

library, internet and other previous studies.

3.2 Research Environment

The study was conducted at the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) of the

Mindanao State University-Naawan, Misamis Oriental. It is located at Poblacion,

Naawan Misamis Oriental. The study was conducted within the three (3) months

duration. The figure below illustrates the location and site where the experiment was

Figure 1. MSU-Naawan, College of Agriculture and Forestry

3.3 Research Materials

To assess the efficacy of madre de agua, the following were used and observed

in the conduct of the experiment:

3.3.1 Materials

The materials used in the study were the following: Trichanthera gigantea fresh

leaves and soft stalks, commercial feeds, swine, sacks, rice hulls, light bulbs, nipple

drinker, dust pan, broom sticks, boots, and brushes.

The materials in collecting blood for the analysis of hematology were blood

collection tubes with ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) as anti-coagulant (2mL),

disposable syringe (5cc), 70% alcohol, sterile gauze or cotton, ice box, ice and zip lock.

Meanwhile, the materials in collecting blood serum for the analysis of blood lipid were

serum separator tube (yellow top tube), disposable syringe (5cc), 70% alcohol, sterile

gauze or cotton, ice box, ice and zip lock.

3.3.2 Treatments of the Study

The study consists of three treatments which correspond to the three different

levels of fresh Trichanthera gigantea leaves and soft stalks as a supplement. The

different levels of fresh Madre de Agua (Trichanthera gigantea) leaves and soft stalks

were computed based on the dry matter content of fresh Madre de Agua leaves and soft

stalks (22%) multiplied on the commercial feed as consumed by the pigs per day.

Description of the treatments of the study is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Different levels of supplementation per treatment.

Treatments Fresh Trichanthera gigantea

leaves and soft stalk

Treatment 1 Control
Treatment 2 1.75%
Treatment 3 3.98%

3.3.1 Stacking of Experimental Pigs

Pigs were purchased at a reliable source. The experimental animal use in this

study will be 12 newly weaned pigs of Large White x Landrace consisting 7 male and 5

females approximately 7-8 weeks old. The experimental animals undergone adaptation

period for a week in order them to adapt to their new environment and the feeds to be

introduced (Ogunsipe, 2013). For the adaptation period, they will be given administered

feeds used by the farm where the animals were purchased. After a week, the

experimental period started.

3.3.2 Collection and Level of Treatment of Madre de Agua

To have consistency with the results of the efficacy, the researcher decided to

collect fresh leaves and stalks every day from the small plantation in Mapulog, Naawan

Misamis Oriental. An experimental conducted involving three treatments, each

treatment were replicated four times with one pig per replication.

3.4 Experimental Design and Lay-out

A total of 12 newly weaned pigs were allocated randomly to three treatments on

a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Completely Randomized Design used in the Study

3.5 Feeding Schemes and Management Practices

It has been emphasized in the different studies that housing management as well

as feeding scheme directly and indirectly affects the feed intake and growth of pigs

(Ebrerio et. al, 2017). Hence, this study adopted such precautions.
3.5.1 Housing management

All pigs were housed in an environmentally and well-ventilated area and has a

rice hull flooring to avoid odor and each pen was be equipped with nipple drinker and a

concrete wallowing area.

3.5.2 Feeding management

The swine were fed with a commercial feed and supplemented with different

percentage of a fresh Trichanthera gigantean leaves and soft stem in three months. The

swine was fed three times a day, commercial feed in the morning around 6:00 am-7:00

am, the supplementation of Trichanthera gigantea leaves and soft stems around 12:00-

1:00pm and another feeding of commercial feed in the afternoon around 4:00pm. Clean

drinking water was available in the animals at all time. Feeding regime shows in Table


Table 2. Feeding Regime Implemented in the Study

Source: Pilmico
Kg Day No. of heads
Pre startex 1 0.36 7 12
3.6 Pre startex 2 0.62 13 12 Data
Startex 0.85 25 12
Grower 1 1.75 20 12
Growex 2 2.0 15 12
Finex 2.4 15 12

Gathering Procedure

To measure the carcass yield and dress percentage of swine, the researcher

made it a point that animals were given a day to fast before it were slaughtered. Initial

weight was recorded. The researcher recorded all the needed numerical values for

statistical analysis.
3.6.1 Dressing Percentage

Dressing Percentage was computed by dividing the dressed weight at slaughter by

average live weight multiplied by 100%.

3.6.2 Measuring Backfat Thickness

Using ruler, backfat were measured in first rib, last rib and last lumbar vertebrae.

3.6.3 Measuring the Loin Eye Area (LEA)

To measure the LEA the method used was the Point Counting Method (Santos,

L.S et al.,2014). Point counting over a 1cm 2 square plastic grid (PCGP 1 cm2). From a

sheet of graph paper divided into squares of one cm 2 were made copies on transparent

plastic sheets, obtaining the grid. This paper was placed over the original contours in

transparent plastic, and a number of 1cm 2 was initially marked. The sum of the squares

was performed to obtain the total area. Place the plastic grid over the LEA and count

the dots or squares that fall within the boundaries of the longissimus muscle, do not

include the small muscles surrounding the LEA. Covert to square inches by dividing the

number of dots by the appropriate conversion factor of the grid.

3.6.4 Physico-chemical Analysis

Determination of Water Holding Capacity

The WHC was determined using the method described by Özalp and Karakaya

(2009). For every 1 ml of distilled water, 8ml of NaCl solution was dissolve in the

distilled water, 8ml of NaCl solution was used to every 5g of loin. Then the sample was

put into a test tube. The test tube was subjected to centrifugation at 3000 x g for 25 min.
The supernatant was poured into a measuring cylinder and the volume was recorded.

The WHC was calculated according to Ketnawa and Rawdkuen (2011) and was

expressed in percentage (%) as the following equation:

Vol . NaCl before centrifuge−Vol of NaCl after centrifuge

WHC (%)= x 100
Vol .of NaCl before centrifuge

Determination of pH

The pH was measured 45 minutes (pH 45) and 24 hours (pH24) postmortem in the

Longissimus dorsi muscle at the level of the fifth rib.

3.6.5 Proximate Analysis

The meat samples were subjected into a series of proximate analysis (moisture

content, crude protein content and crude fat content). The determination of the moisture

content and ash of meat samples was conducted at the College of Agriculture and

Forestry at Mindanao State University at Naawan. The meat samples that are intended

for moisture content were weigh for about 5 grams in a labeled ceramic crucible using

an analytical balance before subjecting to oven drying with the used of Oven while the

moisture content percent of the samples were determined after the oven drying process.

The ash percent was determined by subjecting the dried samples into a muffle furnace

at 550°C for 6 hours. The determination of both crude protein and crude fat was perform

at F.A.S.T Laboratories, Cagayan de Oro branch following standard methods provided

by Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC).

Determination of Moisture Content

Moisture content was determined by oven drying method. Five grams of meat

samples were weighed in a clean and dried crucible. The samples were allowed in an

oven at 105 °C for 24 hours until a dried meat was obtained. Then the crucible was

placed in a desiccator for 30 minutes to cool. After cooling the crucible + sample it was

reweighed. The calculation for the moisture content of the meat samples were based

to the standard reference method 950.46 of AOAC (2003). Percent moisture content

were calculated by using the formula:

(W 1−W 2)
Moisture ( % )= x 100

Where, W1 = weight (g) of sample before drying and W2 = weight of sample after drying

3.15 Statistical Analysis

The data collected were analyzed by Factorial of Statistical Package (SPSS)

software (Kinnear and Gray, 1994)



This chapter presents the data gathered, its analysis and interpretation. The data

were presented according to the specific problems of the study.

4.1 Results

4.1.1 Carcass Evaluation

Table 3 is the mean (SD) values of live weight, carcass weight and the backfat-

thickness in the 1st rib, last rib and last lumbar vertebrae as exposed in the three

treatments investigated in this study.

Table 3. Data for Live weight (LW), Carcass Weight (CW), Backfat 1 st rib (BF1),
Backfat Last rib (BF2) and Backfat last lumbar vertebrae (BF LLV)

Treatments LW CW BF1 BF2 BF3 (LLV)

1 84.7 ± 2.90a 6.1 ± 7.70a 1.3 ± 0.35a 0.5 ± 0.72a 0.3 ± 0.45a

2 91 ± 3.87ab 75 ± 6.71a 0.8 ± 0.68a 0.1± 0.01a 0.6 ± 0.40a

3 96.8 ± 2.7b 79.4 ± 4.23a 1.5 ± 0.23a 0.1 ±0.13a 0.4 ± 0.38a

P-value 0.011 0.696 0.278 0.42 0.701

(1) - no Azolla concentration, (2)- 1.75% Azolla concentration, (3)-3.89% Azolla concentration.
(LW)- Live Weight, (CW)-Carcass Weight, (BF1)- Backfat 1st Rib, (BF2)- Backfat Last Rib and
(BF3)-Backfat Last Lumbar Vertebrae
P-value is significantly different indicated by †, *, **, *** for P≤ 0.1, P< 0.05, P < 0.01 and P<
0.001, respectively.
4.1.2 Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis during the First Harvest

Table 4 shows the pH level (45minutes and 24Hours) water holding capacity,

moisture content, crude fat and crude protein from the first harvest and were exposed

three different treatment level investigated in this study.

Table 4. Mean Values on Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis from the First

1st harvest P-value


T1 T2 T3

pH 6.1 ± 0.26a 6.4 ± 0.28a 6.1 ± 0.23a 0.327

pH24 7.1 ± 0.05a 8.4 ± 0.11b 6.4 ± 0.47a 0.001

WHC 7.7 ± 0.51a 7.2 ± 0.43a 7.7 ± 0.52a 0.418

MC 25.4 ± 4.29a 23.3 ± 3.99a 23.2 ± 3.45a 0.742

CF 8.3 ± 0.11c 4.3 ± 0.05b 3.5 ± 0.06a 0.001

CP 18.9 ± 0.26a 20.1 ± 0.26b 21.5 ± 0.40c 0.001

(T1)- no Azolla concentration, (T2)- 1.75% Azolla concentration, (T3)- 3.89% Azolla
concentration, (pH)- initial pH, (pH24)-ultimate pH, (WHC)-water holding capacity, (MC)-
moisture content, (CF)- crude fat, (CP)- crude protein
4.1.3 Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis during the Second Harvest

Table 5 shows the pH level (45minutes and 24Hours) water holding capacity,

moisture content, crude fat and crude protein from the first harvest and were exposed

three different treatment level investigated in this study.

Table 5. Mean Values on Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis from the

Second Harvest
2nd harvest
T1 T2 T3

pH 5.5 ± 0.20a 6.2 ± 0.10b 5.2 ± 0.15a 0.001

pH4 6.2 ± 0.20a 5.8 ± 0.05a 5.9 ± 0.17a 0.074

WHC 7.7 ± 0.47a 7.5 ± 0.55a 7.8 ± 0.36a 0.826

MC 25.1 ± 4.0a 21.2 ± 2.1a 25.7 ± 3.25a 0.257

CF 4.5 ± 0.07c 1.8 ± 0.04b 0.8 ± 0.01a 0.001

CP 18.6 ± 0.32c 19.6 ± 0.20b 16.8 ± 0.05a 0.001

(T1)- no Azolla concentration, (T2)- 1.75% Azolla concentration, (T3)- 3.89% Azolla
concentration, (pH)- initial pH, (pH24)-ultimate pH, (WHC)-water holding capacity, (MC)-
moisture content, (CF)- crude fat, (CP)- crude protein
4.1.4 Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis during the Third Harvest

Table 6 shows the pH level (45minutes and 24Hours) water holding capacity,

moisture content, crude fat and crude protein from the first harvest and were exposed

three different treatment level investigated in this study.

Table 6. Mean Values on Physico-Chemical and Proximate Analysis from the

Third Harvest

3rd harvest P-value

T1 T2 T3

pH 6.0 ± 0.11a 6.03 ± 0.15a 6 ± 0.10a 0.932

Ph24 5.2 ± 0.20a 5.6 ± 0.20a 5.5 ± 0.35a 0.289

WHC 7.5 ± 0.15a 7.8 ± 0.05a 7. 7 ± 0.23a 0.152

MC 23.9 ± 3.61a 23.3 ± 3.53a 25 ± 4.80a 0.876

CF 1.8 ± 0.03b 1.1 ± 0.02a 3.1 ± 0.07c 0.001

CP 20 ± 0.11b 16.8 ± 0.11a 21.9 ± 0.10c 0.001

(T1)- no Azolla concentration, (T2)- 1.75% Azolla concentration, (T3)- 3.89% Azolla
concentration, (pH)- initial pH, (pH24)-ultimate pH, (WHC)-water holding capacity, (MC)-
moisture content, (CF)- crude fat, (CP)- crude protein
4.2 Discussions



5.1 Conclusion

Pork producers have long recognized the value of forages in the swine

enterprise. Prior to 1950, pasture was considered a vital component in swine feeding

programs. But after synthetic vitamins became universally available during the early

’50s, the need for forage crops in swine production was diminished. But even today,

pastures and forages may contribute a practical and economical part of feeding hogs.

Plants which are grown as a fodder for animal feeding purpose is the base feed stuff for

animal feeding which provides nutrients and energy.

This paper aims to provide an overview on the effects of supplementing madre

de agua on the meat quality of grower-finisher pigs. Based on the quantitative with data

and the following statements support and sustain the said conclusion:

As to carcass weight and dressing percentage, it can be inferred that madre de

agua supplementation both at 1.75% and 3.89% is not significant as compared to the

control group. As to the backfat-thickness, it can be inferred that the supplementation of

madre de agua both at 1.75% and 3.89% reduces backfat-thickness. As to the loin-eye
are, it has been held that madre de agua supplementation in both concentration is not

significant as compared to the control group.

As to the physicochemical properties, as for the water-holding capacity, it has

been held that both concentration of madre de agua resulted to higher percentage than

that of the control group. As to the initial pH level (45 minutes) postmortem, all treatment

groups did not meet the expected ranges hence produces a pale, soft and exudative

meat. As to the ultimate pH level (24 hours) postmortem, it has been held that only the

treatment group with 3.89% of madre de agua falls within the expected ranges of pH


As to the proximate analysis, the moisture content, crude protein and crude fat

showed significant results as compared to the control group.

Hence, it can be concluded that madre de agua supplementation could be a

viable option in achieving quality pork meat.

5.2 Recommendations

Given the forgoing conclusions, the following recommendation to conduct similar

study of same nature and purpose but to include variables not investigated in this study

such as:

1. The effect of age, gender as to the carcass weight and dressing percentage

2. To include the pre-slaughter procedures in analyzing the variables.

3. To include temperature and pH in analyzing meat quality.

4. To have a comparative study as to the effect of supplementation of feedstuffs

between monogastric and ruminants’ animals

5. Lastly, to conduct chemical analysis as to the presence other components.

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