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Fundamentals of Christian Morality

Love the Lord Your God

Ric A. Cervera
St. Paul University Iloilo

Common difficulties concerning Ten Commandments today:

the Commandments as

Bible stories for children

not focusing on love,

personal character and values

no longer relevant in

present-day liberationthrust Philippines

Basic Functions of the Ten Commandments

They set out systematically what the love of God and love of neighbor demand on us.

The first three Commandments concern our duties towards God, the last seven our duties toward our neighbor.

They are signposts toward authentic freedom.

The First Commandment

Preamble: I am the Lord your God who brought you

out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.

Importance of the First Commandment

liberates us from idolatry and superstitious practices

reconciles us with one another under the one God, our loving Father.

manifests our duty to worship

Statues and images and the First Commandment

Statues and images of Christ, Mary and the Saints are helps for authentic Christian prayer of worship of God, Christ himself, and of veneration of Gods Blessed.

They have no power in themselves, but only help us to relate to Christ, Mary and Saints.

Prohibitions of the First Commandment


tempting God sacrilege

superstition and irreligion

The Second Commandment

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

enjoins reverence for Gods NAME which reveals who God is

refuses ill use of Gods name to harm others (sorcery)

rejects all speech against God Himself blasphemy, cursing, false oaths.

The Third Commandment

Remember to keep holy the Lords Day.

As members of the Church, Catholics fulfill this commandment by coming together on Sundays to actively participate in celebrating the Eucharist.

Sunday rest means a rest in Gods presence, involving a freeing of the self from heightened anxiety, from hyperactivism, and from preoccupation with competition and success.

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