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The Difference Between Information System & Management Information System

Information system (IS) and management information system (MIS) both are a part of the information technology infrastructure required to run a company. Although there are differences between IS and MIS, both work together to facilitate the IT infrastructure of a company or corporation.

Information Systems (IS)

IS refers to a set of data, computers, software and management methodologies required to support the day-to-day "internal" operation of a company. The IS is unique to each company because the operational requirements are unique.

Management Information System (MIS)

MIS is often considered a subset of IS. This subset is most relevant when securing and delivering information required to help corporate managers make operational, strategic and proactive decisions. In many cases, this information comes from outside of the company or from "external" sources such as data from suppliers or real-time sales data from retail outlets.

The Difference Between IS and MIS

IS refers to the information system required to run the day-to-day internal operations of a company. MIS refers to the information system responsible for securing both internal and external data that management can use to make operational decisions. Such decisions may lead to the design of a new product or service, which is different from the IS required to run the day-to-day internal operations.

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