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Comenius Meeting in the Czech Republic The German Report

Students and teachers of the Werkgymnasium Heidenheim travelled to Duchcov in the Czech Republic to meet the European Comenius partners from Spain, Turkey, Italy and Sweden. They evaluated the last results of their common Comenius Project Believing in Humanity. All partners agreed on the next steps and coordinated the future actions.

The students of the Werkgymnasium have already examined topics like the discrimination of certain people as well as organized charity sales. A charity concert will take place in the near future to raise additional funds.

During their stay in Duchcov students and teachers were shown round the famous local sites completed by a visit to the Czech capital Prague. On this occasion the students from Heidenheim got the chance to introduce Baden-Wrttemberg, their home town and school to the Czech host families and the partner school in Duchcov.

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