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The following errata apply only to early printings of Ambush! Check the components in your copy of the game to determine whether or not these corrections have been incorporated. RULES 5/4 Sightings (Clarification) A sighting reference on a Mission Card, such as s3 or s8, indicates that the sighting may occur. Do not mark the sighting off on your Squad Record until it does occur. A sighting occurs only when you read a paragraph preceded by a Sighting Reference (such as paragraph 19 or 21). 6/1,3. Action Phase (Clarification) The right hand column under Exception should read: "The paragraph that activates the Germans and initiates Rounds may state that one side or the other has the advantage in the first Round." Advantage is thus pre-determined by the paragraph, although you still roll for initiative in order to place your AR markers on the correct Turns. (Correction) Under Panic on the same page and column, Germans may also Panic as a result of combat (13/1). 9/4 Clearing a Jammed Weapon (Clarification) A German with a jammed weapon will use his second weapon, if he has one; otherwise, he will attempt to unjam his weapon. When a German Action Paragraph requires him to fire, he attempts to unjam his weapon instead. If a German becomes weaponless due to breakage or ammo depletion, he will attempt to acquire a weapon from another German or inactive US soldier in his hex, using the Pick Up/Exchange Equipment action (5/3,6/7). Use this action instead of the action indicated on his card as soon as he is in a hex with a suitable weapon. 10/1,5. Determine Target Damage (Clarification) If a soldier is prone in a hex where a grenade explodes, he is considered Panicked instead of Wounded if the damage result is located on the Wnd/Prone column. For example, on the Grenade Outside Row, a die result of 5 or 6 is treated as a wound if the soldier is standing or crouching, and as panic if he is prone. 10/2 Grenade Strike PC Check (Addition) Tanks and soldiers inside vehicles may not make this PC Check. 11/2 Capture (Change) A captured German may be moved in Rounds, but the Movement Allowances of the German and his guard are reduced to 2. The German has a free stance change unless already wounded. The German is still inactive, and his Actions are determined by those of his guarding soldier. 13/6 Aimed Automatic Weapon Fire (Clarification) All aimed Automatic Weapon fire not just personal weapons has the chance of doing additional damage. Thus, aimed machinegun fire may also hit more than one soldier in a hex. Mission 3: Your Squad (Addition) Buy all new equipment, and receive a free radio. Mission 4: Activation on Landing (Change) All US soldiers are automatically aware when they land; ignore awareness references. Mission 5: Set Up (Correction) Second sentence should read, "Your soldiers can enter the map on the south or west edge between hexes A-12 and L-19, inclusive." Mission 5: Victory (Correction) Further testing indicates that the US requires 15 Victory Points to win, not 22. Mission 8: Set Up (Addition) The Activation Levels for this Mission are as follow: cl (0-1); c2 (0-4); c3 (0-5); c4 (0-6); c5 (0-7). Credits (Addition) The missions were designed by Eric Lee Smith (Missions 4, 5, 6, and 7) and John Butterfield (1,2,3, and 8).

Mission 5, Condition 3. S-13 should read "619" instead of "None." S-14 should read "479" instead of "None." Mission 5, Condition 4. S-13 should read "619" instead of "None." S-14 should read "479" instead of "None." GERMAN CARDS German 25. Condition Column 3 should be labeled "2-3 " instead. German 66. Weapons should be Pistol (Luger) and two grenades. In Notes, the reference to German 20 should be to German 65. CHART AND TABLE CARD Assault Table. A result of "-" indicates no effect. Weapon Type Chart. Automatic Rifle Medium Range should be "10-16" instead of "10-13." Grenade Outside Medium Range should be "3-4" instead of "2-4." Wnd/Prone result column indicates that, if this result is rolled, a prone soldier is panicked, rather than wounded; a standing or crouching soldier is wounded. PARAGRAPH BOOKLET The following paragraphs replace those printed in the Paragraph Booklet, and number 1000 is an addition. Do not read the following paragraphs until they are called for in a mission. Instead, mark each of the following paragraph numbers in your Paragraph Booklet with a large R. When you are directed to that paragraph, you will know to read its replacement instead: 025, 178, 259, 913, 1000. Remember, these changes refer to the original Ambush! Paragraph Booklet and Missions not to those inMove Out! 025. Place Event marker. Conduct PC Check (-1). If successful, see 007. 178. [s1] Battalion HQ reports that a German offensive is underway; abandon positions! Delay enemy at discretion. You receive 2 VP's per active US soldier exited between hexes A-13 and A-19 (inclusive). VP's are not lost for incapacitated soldiers exited through these hexes. You receive VP's for destroying the bridges (2 VP's for the wooden bridge; 4 VP's for the stone bridge; 4 additional VP's for destroying both bridges). See paragraph 1000 for bridge destruction procedure. The mission ends when no active US soldiers are on the map. Note this paragraph number on your Squad Record for future reference. 259. Every US soldier within sight of J-l must conduct a PC Check (- 1) If any succeed, see 264. If all fail, continue making checks for the following hexes, in order: K-2, K-3, L-3. When one succeeds, see 264. If all fail, see 269. 913.1. If an active US soldier occupies hex T-8, see 802. 2. If 3 or more German soldiers have been killed, incapacitated, or captured, crawl into hex N-5. Go to Condition 4. 3. See 802. 1000. The stone bridge can be destroyed in two ways: with a bazooka; or with satchel charges. To destroy it with a bazooka, you must achieve Heavy penetration against it. The fire modifier is +4 when firing at the bridge; ignore other terrain in the hex. To destroy the bridge with satchel charges, two charges must be set off in the bridge hex simultaneously. A soldier, or soldiers, must place two prepared charges in the bridge hex. It takes one turn to set each charge (setting is automatic in Operations). You may then detonate them at your discretion. The wooden bridge may be destroyed in three ways: with a satchel charge; with a bazooka; or with fuel. The satchel charge procedure is the same as for the stone bridge, except only one charge is required. The bazooka procedure is exactly the same as for the stone bridge. To burn the bridge, a soldier may get a fuel can from the dump in hex L-10. Each can requires one Port Box. The soldier must then move across the bridge (automatically splashing his fuel on it). Once crossed, he or another soldier adjacent to the bridge may start the fire by spending one turn (automatic if in Operations). The fire burns for the duration of the mission.

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