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Toolbox Talk Guidance Notes Access and egress The law requires that safe means of access and

egress must be provided and maintained at all times at every place where persons are expected to work. This includes such items as:1. Clear walkways to toilet, washing and canteen facilities. 2. Access and egress routes into and throughout buildings under construction. These must be agreed upon and clearly defined using prominently displayed signs. 3. Staircases, passageways kept clear of obstruction. 4. Adequate lighting levels. 5. Provision of suitable access platforms, fully boarded with appropriate toeboards and handrails where necessary. 6. Adequate means of escape in the event of fire. 7. Bridge walkways provided and used at crossing points where excavations exist. 8. Provision of ladders to scaffolds, excavations and mobile towers. 9. Use of edge protection of adequate strength to prevent falls around excavations, openings in floors and roof edges where people can fall more than 2 metres. Similar considerations should be extended to fall hazards of less than 2 metres. 10. Openings in floors should be securely covered and warning notices displayed of the potential hazard beneath. 11. Confined spaces require special attention to ensure that it is safe to enter and that rescue can be achieved easily in the event of an accident. A permit to work system should be set up and supervised by a competent person. Remember, someone is responsible for providing and maintaining safe access and egress to workplaces on site. If this is not being provided, do not ignore it, bring it to the attention of your supervisor without delay. YOUR VIGILANCE MAY SAVE SOMEONE FROM A SERIOUS ACCIDENT THAT PERSON COULD BE YOU!

Karrada Developments

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