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The Happy Ever After 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

once upon a time granny said there was a little girl who lived in the forest aribella often commented i wish something would happen. im bored! i live in the woods with my sweet old grandmother and nobody ever comes to visit us granny explained that the boredom was destined to end lo and behold, a talking, walking wolf knocked upon the cottage door one day. he had told a friend that he was curious who lived there take pity on a hard working wood cutter he told aribella and let me come in im not wearing a red cloak and im certainly not a pig replied aribella no, im not going to let you in mr wolf told her he really was a nice guy due to the fact that he didnt sell poisoned apples or use dwarf labor in his mines oh i can see youre a prince alright aribella replied sarcastically granny surprised aribella by commenting that she thought the wolf greatly resembled her long lost cousin, whom everybody thought had been eaten by a weird little man named rumpelstiltskin 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. aribella reluctantly opened the door; the hairy, scary wolf exlaimed finally! what took you so long granny asked arent you going to hug your long lost cousin aribella , wanting to get rid of mr b b wolf, grumbled if thats what it takes and hugged him just as in the story beauty and the beast written by c perrault, strange things happened when she embraced the wolf aribella was surprised to discover that he turned into a human a prince, to be exact just like the frog in the fairy tale the princess and the frog granny shrieked oh my! i need to get my glasses fixed! youre not my cousin youre prince pinocchio the three of them discovered they had a love of food in common and opened a new restaurant they named happy endings many people and critters come from surrounding kingdoms to eat pumpkin pie while prince pinocchio talks about his new book my life among frogs granny always says my favorite chapter is im not kissing a sleeping beauty they all lived la vida loca happily ever after in fact, the popular local band cinderella and the glass slippers have a hit song out about this curious incident called the three little pigs are on our menu tonight

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