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There are a number of opportunities to learn through online communities and e-learning websites. Things you need to consider when becoming involved in an e-learning opportunity: Do you really want to enrol on an online course? Do you enjoy working independently? What hardware and software do you need? Is the course flexible, can you engage with it when you want to and not have to be governed by time? How much and what type of commitment will be required? Is there an online community? Can you write to tutors? Is there any additional support, for example, email, telephone or websites? How is your work accessed? Is the work you do part of a recognised qualification? How much does the course cost?

Online courses and communities

Nrich mathematics puzzles and projects: is a website for Year 12 learners. It is a community site with forums to discuss and interact with others about university applications. The Brightside Trust e-mentoring support E-learning with the Open University Ask your teacher if you can become involved with where you can talk and learn online with pupils from another country, for example, student pairs create natural disaster preparedness presentations about natural disasters that could occur in their ePals communities. Students have a choice of presentation formats: a homepage, a PowerPoint slide show or a television advertisement. Distance learning with the some of these courses carry academic credit points with the University of Glamorgan, Thames Valley University, and OCA, who have a credit transfer agreement with the Open University. This may be particularly useful if you need to build up a portfolio. YASS is a course which enables academically gifted learners in Years 12 and 13 to study a wider variety of undergraduate modules alongside their AS and A levels or equivalent.


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