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Employee Satisfaction An outcome of Motivated Workforce

If you want one year of Prosperity, grow grain. If you want Ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people

Case 1
Raunak Radhika Bharat

Case 2
Ritika Risha Ravi

Case 3
Ravnit Rahul Jaydev

Employee Satisfaction

whether employees are happy and contented. fulfilling their desires and needs at work.

Factors Affecting
employee motivation. employee goal achievement. positive employee morale in the workplace

Why is Job Satisfaction Necessary?

Improves job performance Helps developing a positive organizational citizenship behavior. Liking to the work place environment Reduces absenteeism. Improves customer satisfaction. Increases turnover


whether employees are happy and contented. fulfilling their desires and needs at work.

Why is motivation necessary?

employee motivation. employee goal achievement. positive employee morale in the workplace

Motivational Theories
Taylors theory

put forward the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay.

Mayos Theory
workers are not just concerned with money but could be better motivated by having their social needs met whilst at work He introduced the Human Relation School of thought.

Motivational Theories
Maslows theory

which focused on the psychological needs of employees. Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work

Herzberg s Theory
He argued that there were certain factors that a business could introduce that would directly motivate employees to work harder

Smile Hotel Leading Hotel Group Strength :

Best Salaries paid to Employees. Emphasizes on Employee Training & Development Customer Service


Problem Faced :
Declining customer growth rate Poor Customer Satisfaction

Marketing Manager Focus

Free holiday trip Discounts in holiday packages Discounts in room rent, coupons, and lucky draw. An important aspects for the customer growth(short period of time)

HR Manager Focus

Customer service Employee recognition program Categorization on the basis of performance Rewards and motivation

Boss Selected HR managers suggestion.....


Steps Taken by the Company

Employee Recognition Program Categorization on the basis of performance Rewards.

Question 1.

The salaries of employee of Smile Hotels group were the best in the industry. Do you think the recognition program was needed to motivate employees ? The CEO didnt accept the suggestion offered by the marketing managers to attract more customers but accept the suggestion given by HR manager. Why do you think he liked the HR managers suggestion?

Need of Recognition Program

A basic human need A leadership tool Builds self-esteem in an individual A effective tool A powerful motivator

Question 2.

What more can be suggested to Smile Hotels Group to motivate its employees and improve customer service?

Ways of Employee Recognition

One-on-One Coaching. Applause Team Spirit. Social Gatherings Holiday party Birthdays Individualize rewards

Other Suggestions Share holding to employees Briefing among employees from time to time Opportunity for growth Job Enrichment

Case-let 2
John Morgeld joining Akay Enterpries

Company Perception

Company promised about the different features Cooperative and supportive work environment for new comers. Informal Organizational culture. Excellent growth opportunities.

First Day of John

Everyone laughed on his formal dress up. No body care about his new employee. Manger transfer his responsibility to others. Another new employee Patel gave the real information about the company. No information about the lunch. Finally he returned home hungry and sad.

After Two Years

He worked under the team leader Chari. Chari all time interfere in his work. First time he got a important task in absence of Chari. Some conditions applied by Chari. He put his heart and soul in it, he also spend some sleepless nights. He completed his work as given time. After work he got negative response by manager.

Projected Strength :
Cooperative work environment Informal organization Structure Excellent growth opportunities

Poor human resource management Unprofessional work environment Too much of Red tapism & bureaucracy Non-availability of basic amenities

Question no.1
The first impression is the best impression. What kind of impression did Morgeld get about his organization? Would this good for the company?


Things in the new office was more casual then formal. No seriousness in the job performed by the people Lack of sincerity in the work. No body took his responsibility, even that GM not behave according to his post. A new employee Patel have lot of negative experience about the company. People in the company lacked in professionalism and there was abseentism in the company The attitude of the workers, employee and even the employer was not good and attentive .

Question no.2
In situation A and B , Morgled was demotivated in many ways. Comment on the urgency of the task given to Morgeld and the way he was treated upon completion of the task. What was the impact of the work environment on his morale?


He was de-motivated by the companys work environment. He completed very important work of company at the given time but he received negative reaction of manager . No importance of work. Each work have same importance no one is special. Manager didnt care about employees. As he did not get any appreciation for the work he had done resulting in dissatisfaction.

Our Views
Will lead to de-motivated work force Creates a mental fatigue Higher attrition rate No scope for growth and development Absenteeism and tardiness Finally leads to dissatisfied workforce

CASELET 3 Modern Technologies

Strength :

Flexibility of work Ideal work environment Motivated & highly productive work force

Working Environment :

importance of a good working environment how it helps in improvement of company turnover. A stress free environment A good working environment

Measures taken by organizations

Providing their employees with stress-free work conditions.

For e.g. : providing them with natural surroundings to work Facilities like hygienically maintained cafeteria, tennis courts and golf courses etc. This environment helps the employees when it comes to time based work projects.

Implementing these measures helped the company to perform well even during the period of recession

Various alternative work schedules

Offering telecommuting and flextime. Holiday on completion of project schedule. Excellent growth opportunities for exceptional performers High salary structure to enhance employee loyalty Exclusive employee development plans which would help the employees to progress in their career. All these factors helped in reducing attrition rate of the company.

Our recommendation
Flexibility Recognize differences HR Valuable asset Minimum comforts Idle working condition Money not the only factor Intrinsically motivation

Thank you

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