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Seven Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is the ability to creatively acclimatize all aspects of life that promotes the quality of living by optimal level of functioning. Wellness is not just the absence of diseases or illness but a presence of various positive elements such as happiness, etc. (Corbin & Pangrazi, pp. 1) There are seven dimensions of wellness that helps a person to live with a maximum personal potential. Wellness grants responsibility in a person through self assessment and self evaluation. A person can enhance his quality of life by continuing learning about himself/herself and making changes in all the dimensions of Wellness.

The Seven Dimensions of Wellness Physical Wellness Physical wellness aims at strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. A body is maintained by a regular exercise, good nutrition, and monitoring of responses of the internal and external physical signs of the body including stress. It also includes avoiding harmful habits (e.g. excessive use of alcohol or tobacco) and seeking for medical assistance when required (Ryan & Deci, pp. 143). It is a basic dimension of wellness

Writers Surname which requires you to shield your heath by having proper nutritious well balanced diet, getting involve in physical activities and daily exercise, getting proper sleep and restricting the use of harmful substances.

Intellectual Wellness It is a dimension of wellness that refers to engagements with the stimulating and creative activities, and use of available resources to expand your learning and focus on attainment, augmentation, application and communication of critical thinking (Hatfield & Hatfield, pp. 165). In this dimension, you enhance your cognition by learning more and more through lively interaction with the world around.

Emotional Wellness Emotional wellness or psychological wellness is pertinent to ones level of anxiety, depression, optimism and self control. This dimension says that wellness is achieved if a person is able to appropriately express the emotions, cope with the stress and anxiety, adjust in the critical situations and consider failures and disappointments as a part of life.

Social Wellness Social wellness includes the quality and extent of interaction with community and nature. It means getting close to others and being able to conformability express ones

Writers Surname opinions, needs and feelings. It also includes the fulfilling family and sexual relationships; interaction and contribution to the community and the social environment (Renger et al., pp. 404). The major components of social wellness are peer acceptance, communication skills, attachment with people, skills of conflict resolution and assertiveness. This dimension states that the stronger social network (both with family and friends) individuals have, the better is their health.

Spiritual Wellness Adams et al. (1997, pp, 210) defined spiritual wellness as finding out the true meaning and purpose of ones life. It also involves realizing and tolerating that reality of life is very complex and human cannot fully understand the universe as it is beyond our experiences. They major aspect of this dimension says that to life a life in harmony, creation of beliefs and value towards lifes purpose and creation of oneself in relation with the nature, community and God is very important. Spiritual wellness is found in shared community which involves a persistent process of finding the meaning and purpose of life.

Occupational Wellness Occupational wellness is the amount of satisfaction and enrichment a person gains from the work (Leafgren, pp. 266). It involves contribution of ones distinctive talents, and skills to the society that the individual views as meaningful and rewarding. This dimension says that individuals will have a better health if they are satisfied with the

Writers Surname work they do and they believe that their talents are appreciated and utilized at their workplaces.

Environmental Wellness Environmental wellness is the capacity to live in a safe and clean environment that is not injurious to ones health. Environment directly influences the health of an individual. To enjoy environmental wellness an individual require quality food, clean air, adequate shelter, pure water, satisfactory work conditions and personal safety.

Writers Surname Works Cited

Adams, T., Bezner, J., & Steinhardt, M. The conceptualization and measurement of perceived wellness: Integrating balance across and within dimensions. American Journal of Health Promotion, 11, (1997), pp. 208-218. Corbin, C. & Pangrazi. P. Toward a uniform definition of wellness. Research Digest. 3(15) (2001).:pp. 1. Hatfield, T., & Hatfield, S.R. As if your life depended on it: Promoting cognitive development to promote wellness. Journal of Counseling and Development. 71 (1992). pp164167. Leafgren, F. Problem solving strategies and interventions for men in conflict . Alexandria: American Association for Counseling and Development. (1990). pp. 265-311 Renger, R., et al, Optimal Living Profile: An inventory to assess health and wellness. American Journal of Health Promotion, 24(6) (2000), Pp. 403412. Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. On happiness and human potentials: A review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Annual Review of Psychology. 52, (2001). Pp.141-166.

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