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Poverty is simply having more problems than solutions. It is caused by a
person who is overwhelmed by problems which he/she can't solve. If
you do not solve money problems, you become poor. We all know
people who go to work everyday, working for money, making more
money, but fail to become richer.
What ever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that
poverty sucks. You can't enjoy being poor. Getting rich is not the matter
of environment but the matter of our mindset. Our mind is what makes
a person rich or poor. Our mind is a stuff from which all things are
made. A human life is based on mindset. Our mind is what shows who
we are.
There are two types of incomes which makes a person poor
There ` re 90% of people making 10% of money. People work so hard
now days as an employee and makes less money. Your employer
determines how much to pay you and how long you will work. He/she
tells you what time to reach at work and what time to knock off. He/she
determines how much you get sick in a year. That’s being poor. You will
always be someone to use and give less money.
being self-employed is who you are. You are the business and the
business depends on you. When you get sick, the business gets sick too
and the money stops. In older for you to make more money, you have to
work more. Imagine you getting sick for a month, how could `you
This book is written to those people who thinks being poor is safe and a
free minded thing. Those who think that they are free minded than the
rich. The point of this book is to tell these people why they are poor and
what makes them poor.
It`s the product of imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at
present and may not exist. Fear is the greatest enemy a person can
have. There is no greater enemy than fear in a human life. Fear is
something that stops most people from being greater. It stops you from
doing something you know within yourself that you can do but it stops
you from doing it. It is a condom of life. It ties you up to be in poverty. It
kills dreams. Fear is the devil in you to defeat because it kills dreams.
Some people have great ideas about what they want to do in there lives
but once fear comes in, it weakens them completely. A lot of people
allow fear to control them.
A lot of people are afraid of taking risks. Taking risks is good thing even
though it pains sometimes. Risks are what build us. It shows us the right
way to go. It teaches us and gives us great ideas. Being afraid of taking
risks is like being afraid of learning.
Never let fear control you. You are the one to control your fears. Never
let fear stop you from doing things you believe in and never `Be afraid
of failing. The people who fail in life are those who fear failure. Always
remember that every mistake is a lesson.

Our brain is something which controls all parts of the body. It works as
an engine to a human body. When you put something bad in your mind,
that bad thing will start controlling you. A human life is beside on you
mindset. Once you have spoiled your brain, you become a no body in
Being born poor or from a poor family is not a mistake but a blessing.
Being born poor pays much than being born from a rich or middle class
family. It`s great starting life from the nothing into something. Being
born poor will tell you what you don't have and what you have. It gives
a mission to get what you don't have. Having nothing strengthens you,
gives you a mission and teaches you much about life.
A lot of us learn to be poor from our parents. They tell us "go to school
and get high grades so you may find a high paying job ".That`s a job not
wealth. You can get fired. School ways are always preparing us to be
good employees. An employee will never be rich because he works for
A poor minded person is a type who lives from paycheck to paycheck.
They never invest their money. All they know is to save and spend there
money. The biggest problem is on spending pattern. Spending pattern is
that when you get your income, it goes into spending. That's why you
work so much and never change. Spending money on liabilities will
never make you rich.
A poor minded person never adds value. When he/she start working
and get a paycheck, it will seem to be a lot of money because he is not
married. Once a person marries, the value of his paycheck goes down .
The more the family grows, the poorer he becomes. The older he grows,
the more the value of his/her money goes down.
One of the worst things that cause a person poor is the background,
where you came from. The mindset of people you know and your
experiences can cause you to believe that you are born to be poor.
The problem is on having a small dream. They dream of building a 1 or
2 roomed house, eating three times a day. When you dream small, you
won't win big. You have to make a big bream. We don't work for food
only but to build a great life.

Envy is having a heart of hating good. It`s the heart of being the enemy
of progress. Is a heart of not wanting someone do better than you. It can
make you become very poor. Envy is something which makes a person
never find pierce and happiness in life. It's perhaps the most sour
crushing and so debilitating thing. It can take over your every thought`s
and turn a once good person into someone obsessed with another
person's possessions, qualities, o day-to-day life. It`s a greatest
weakness. This is what envy can do you
Envy is not a positive emotion. It`s very far from it. It can make you start
seeing negative in anything good and turn you from someone who was
good into someone who constantly complaining and looking downside.
You will start comparing your life with others and asking yourself
questions like "why can't I have that, I deserve it, it's not fair!" which
can't change anything.
You will start trying to know what's happening to that person. You`ll be
trying to know everything like "what have they bought ".You will be
trying to know what's happening in another person's house
Envy can grip you, and prevent you from being a good and happy
person. Your focus will be on what other people have and what they are
doing. You will lose your focus on your career and let envy take over
When you find yourself living with envy on a daily basis, it begins to
finish you and make you doubt everything you're doing. You will stop
making great plans and decisions for your life.
The law of attraction says ,"when we think positive, positive things
happens and when we think negative, negative things happens. When
we think of success, we attract success
you are greater than how you see yourself. Just always find something
in you which tell you that you can do it. Ask yourself how you can do it.
Never put blame on others to be the reason why you can't do well. Life
is a journey that we start from 0 to 100, from nothing to something.
Take mistakes as your greatest teacher. No one was born with clothes,
nobody was born wise. We are start leaning these things on the way.
Never allow fear or jealous take control over you. Forget on what
another person possess, life your life and set our own goals.

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