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CV Template: unemployed sample CV YOUR NAME CORE SKILLS & EXPERIENCE This is where you can give a brief

overview of your career history. You can either write it as a short paragraph or as bullet points. Include the number of years youve been working in the industry and your key skills if youre applying for a management position, highlight your management experience. If you are just starting out, explain why you would be good at the job with short examples. These can be from school/university as long as they demonstrate work ability. PERSONAL DETAILS ADDRESS EMAIL Current address Best email to reach you on

TELEPHONE Mobile and/or home phone NOTE: You do not need to include information on your gender or date of birth but you may want to state your nationality in this section if you are British or your right to work in the UK if not. EMPLOYMENT NOTE: if you lost your job recently, dont put about your current unemployment status here you can briefly explain it in the cover letter, instead. Just put in the start and end date of your last job. If you lost your job over two months ago, see our CV template for the longer-term unemployed DATES: Start date of your most recent job when you left your job JOB TITLE: Your full job title COMPANY: Full business name of your company A sentence briefly explaining what the company does. RESPONSIBILITIES Add bullet points briefly highlighting your key responsibilities here Read the job description of the job youre applying for and keep it relevant You dont want to put too many bullet point here certainly no more than 10 as a general rule. ACHIEVEMENTS Did you win an award? Maybe you consistently beat targets? Perhaps you were commended by your boss for a particular skill? Brag about it here! [Repeat for all of the jobs you have had. The more relevant jobs should have more detail and if you have a long career history, leave out any early jobs if they arent relevant]

ADDITIONAL SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES Here you can add in any additional personality attributes like being punctual, a team player, motivational or ambitious. Also add in any extra qualifications or skills you have, from Microsoft Excel skills through to the ability to speak another language. EDUCATION Univeristy dates (if applicable): UNI NAME QUALIFICATIONS: List any qualifications gained. College/Sixth Form dates (if applicable): COLLEGE NAME QUALIFICATIONS: List any qualifications gained. School dates: SCHOOL NAME QUALIFICATIONS: List any qualifications gained. REFERENCES Available on request

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