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Signs of Jinn possession Urges or thoughts to jump off bridge or commit suicide or go to the park at maghrib time or at night

alone! Preferring to keep one self away from family and like to alone. Prefer not to have showers or keep one self clean. Uncontrollable or irrational anger. Obscene thoughts during salah- pornographic or even kufr things like throwing the Quran. Urge to push people or babies down the stairs.

Symptoms of Sihr (witchcraft) There are many other symptoms of black magic. Black magic is used to deprive or prevent spiritual and material happiness, development and growth. Black magic puts a block your wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem are fruitless. You feel a mental block; you get disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. There is heaviness and weight on the heart and constriction in the throat. Nothing seems to go right, and you may feel the victim and blame of everything that goes wrong. One feels one is not getting one's due and can achieve much more. You may feel suffocated and restless and it is difficult to feel at peace. You feel depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live.

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