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* Usamos Must para expresar deber u obligacin en una ley o una regla o que algo es esencial o necesario de hacerse.

The rule is : I / we / you / they + must + base form . he / she / it + must + base form

Positive sentences: You must do your homework. I must wear my glasses. Negative sentences: You mustnt speak with food in the mouth. You mustnt speak in the library.

Ejercicios: Choose between a or b complete the sentences.

I am very tired. I _____________ rest after I have a shower. a) must b) mustnt 2.- Jhovany is so thirsty. He _________ drink something. a) mustnt b) must 3.- Last saturday we saw a fantastic movie. You ______________ see it. a) must b) mustnt 4.- My room is too dirty. I ______________ clean it.

a) mustnt

b) must

5.- My sister is sleeping. I _________ make so much noise. a) mustnt b) must 6.- My mom is not watching the TV. You _________ turn it off. a) must b) mustnt 7.- You _________ forget to meet Cristy. a) mustnt b) must 8.- Sue ___________ be late at the meeting , because she is in charge. a) must b) mustnt 9.- He ______________ take pictures in this Museum, because is not allowed. a) mustnt b) must 10.- This weekend Peter ___________ mow the lawn. a) musnt b) must 11.- Jane _____________ go to the libray. She needs to study. a) must b) mustnt 12.- It was a boring romantic film. You _____________ see it. a) must b) mustnt 13.- You _____________ go out and forget the problems. a) must b) mustnt 14.- You ________________ wait for me at the bus station, because I remember your address . a) must b) musnt 15.- This year i _________ forget my brothers birthday.

a) mustnt

b) must

Key: 1.- a 2.- b 3.- a 4.- b 5.- a 6.- a 7.- a 8.- b 9.- a 10.- a 11.- a 12.- b 13.- a 14.- b 15.- a

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