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PHILOSOPHY Planes of Development Also known as Periods of Growth There are 3 0-6 Absorbent Mind 6-12 Childhood 12-18

8 Puberty and Adolescence Outline you would need to give extra information e.g. 2nd period of growth Stable period of growth compared to first and third. Child in need of factual info Wants to belong to group/best friend/need for acceptance -beginning to detach a little from family towards the end The three embryonic stages explain these in detail Physical - pre-birth Spiritual 0-3 Social 3-6 All on the first plane of development e.g. spiritual embryonic stage emotional and cognitive development for child to develop cognitive powers and form a bond with parents. Guided by the hormic impulse. Unconscious stage of absorbent mind. Stores information absorbed by senses in the mneme. Embryonic = POTENTIAL. Embryo beginning of life needs to grow. Physical Embryo needs to physically grow Spiritual Embryon beginning of emotional/cognitive life. Already ready to store and gather information from the environment. NB NOTHING TO DO WITH SPIRITUALITY All 3 stages need a favourable environment. Unconscious absorbent mind whatever they experience in the environment, they absorb. No filter. No conscious choice, effortless Define what is meant by human tendencies -innate characteristic belonging to the human species -instincts for survival -adapts selves to environment

-environment is for adults and therefore not always favourable to the child therefore it needs to be driven by human tendencies and able to adapt Egs Order Repetition Communication Gregariousness Precision and Exactitude Movement Name sensitive periods and consider which embryonic stage they manifest themselves SP = optimum time for acquisition of skill or knowledge Heightened sensitivity critical period towards certain aspects of environment to exclusion of others. Movement- spiritual and social Refinement of senses social 3-6. (refining and ordering of info theyve stored before) Language spiritual and social Order spiritual and social. Routine tasks, external, to enable internal order Small objects/detail spiritual Social social What is freedom Linked to the will. Why is it important to allow children freedom. The development of inner guides helped by education Montessori. Freedom within limits the limit is the collective interest Name the Freedoms Movement To choose To repeat To be Not to be interrupted Individuality Socialise To make mistakes What is Normalisation Free choice, concentrated work on object that is reality based. Explored by the hand. Repetition. Brings order to childs mind.

How does the child attain normalisation occurs through work with reality based objects; child needs to use hands. Freely chosen work. If free choice happens, the child chooses something according to their inner needs. Development of concentration. The more that is done, the more normalisation occurs. Long process. Characteristics of a normalised child Happiness At peace/calm Good concentration span Love of work Love of others Empathy. What are Deviations weak and strong Obstacle to childs natural development cause deviations which result in behaviours. Weak/Strong genetics - egs weak, sitting in corner not wanting to join in, strong violent, disruptive. Deviations are cries for help. Can be solved by working and concentration in the favourable environment normalisation. What is Vertical Grouping Mixed ages in Montessori setting Why does Montessori have vertical grouping Benefits Children learn from one another minds much closer to one another than an adult, therefore learning easier Older children act as role models Older can consolidate lknowledge and gain confidence themselves through showing a younger child More truthful representation of society and family Horme link to independence Vital force leads child towards independence Natural, universal, from moment of birth. All children have it. Mneme Powerful kind of memory absorbs and stores info for all the childs life.

Unconscious absorbent mind cant conscious retrieve the information post 3 years old. Nebulae (has never come up!!) Human potential formless urge filled with potential The Will link to discipline and obedience Develops from horme conscious, purpose led. Child directs it. Allows free choice. Before, child is guided by the impulse of the horme. Development of conscious will child makes decisions consciously. Links to obedience. Will = positive force. Child follows guiding force can choose to act in the properway. What is discipline Self mastery control. Self discipline starts at the birth of concentration. How does the child attain discipline Needs to come from inside child and teacher needs to help through the favourable environment - by the work of the child with their hands. - The moment the child focuses attention on a piece of work evidence of internal change - Inner life begins self discipline Starts with co-ordination of movements physical through exercises, then behavioural discipline to develop through ground rules. Achieved through freedom. Decision making, strengthening the childs will force that guides behaviour What are the three levels of obedience Obedience = sublimation of childs own will in order for them to follow someone elses will, True obedience a conscious decision to follow someone elses command. Three levels 1) 0-3 yrs child can only behave according to the horme. Natural inclination. Can appear to follow a command when that corresponds with something they want to do anyway. Child is not yet able to follow cognitively or physically. Spiritual embryonic stage 2) 3-6 NB a 3 year old will probably still be wavering between 1st and 2nd level.

Child can consciously defer own wishes and consider others development of empathy/decentering can do what others want. Social embryonic stage. Sensitive period for socialisation child wants to belong to group. Towards end they should be able to obey normalised no obstacles. But sometimes they choose not to obey. 3) 6 years plus Joy in obeying. Seek command from adult. Trusting relationship pre-empting want to please. Montessori critiques this phase is this best for child? Almost takes away the power of decision. Responsibility of adult too. The hand is the pathway to the brain explain Role of the teacher also consider the changing role Transference of Activity passing from active role in development to a more passive role, allowing more independence and control. Should happen after the beginning of concentration. Teacher can step back and observe. Non-interference do not break concentration. Preparation of the teacher Physical and spiritual preparation Secret of Childhood. Non prejudicial. Am I the right person Humble enough to let the child take over No prejudices or favouritism can I just guide. Importance of Observation Undertstanding where children are at developmentally to fuel planning What childs needs are individual organise environment Reflect on own practice other teachers discussion Identify if environment is meeting the childs needs The child cannot express if its needs have not been met. This will present in its behaviour instead. Identifying if norms of development are being met in child Explain how you enable the child to help me to help myself Support the child show me how to do it and give me time to practise it and I can do it myself. Link to horme/embryonic stage Explain how we facilitate movement link movement to cognition

Physical development fine motor/AEL Gross outside, walking the line Repetition perfects skills. Development of complexity. (Reading this back, it doesnt really answer the question!) Freedom free flow of movement, nutrition, rest all aid concentration and health. Explain how we foster the childs cognitive development Didactic materials they are auto didactic/have control of error. Strategy of trial and error, self correction, problem solving skills. Hand is the pathway to the brain concrete manipulation develops abstract thought. Materialised abstractions. Simple complex progression matches childs increasingly complex cognition Stereognostic/kinaesthetic development Directress is facilitator not informer develop OWN cogntition. They learn through work. We can scaffold, observe, record, evaluate, act as a role model but then transference of activity. Childs learning also scaffolded by peers in the ZPD schemas being reworked by child. Ethos freedom of choice find out own answers. Aesthetically pleasing classroom invites child to manipulate materials. Sequencing, one to one correspondence, memory, concentration, matching. Give egs of materials. Expain how we foster the childs social and emotional development Emotional - Materials - AEL grace and courtesy. Developing trust in the teacher asking them to do something. Positive self-image. Self care self esteem, confidence, independence Role model vertical grouping. Secure attachments to teacher Ground rules feeling secure. Consistency, reliability, order = security. Independence, self esteem, confidence Self expression being able to deal with emotional situation Role play Bibliotherapy books to help with anxiety or difficult situations Social Physical environment allow children to socialise at snack table etc, meal times, book corner. Freedom of choice allowing children to work with a friend Teacher = social role model

Group activity eg practice with beads Grace and courtesy Ground rules turn taking, returning materials, respecting others space Freedom to socialise Vertical grouping KUW citizen of the world maps/artifact boxes Outdoors children playing together very important Explain how we facilitate the childs linguistic development NB not the same as literacy which = reading and writing New vocab/terminology through all areas of curriculum Songs and rhymes Conversations Vertical grouping older child discussion and dialogue with Open ended questions Non verbal communication LASS teacher nurtures childs language development Awareness and response to sensitive period for language Observe child assess language development Dont finish childs sentences If necessary, school collaborates with external agencies/parents eg speech therapist. Describe the favourable/prepared environment Consists of classroom, teacher, children, ethos, materials. Childs physical needs health and hygiene Nutrition Movement Gross/fine motor provision in the materials Opportunities to repeat Inclusiveness Vertical grouping Order sequential curriculum - building foundations through early activities in AEL for later eg literacy Free flow of movement Well being Risk minimalisation. Explain how the prepared environment fosters the childs overall development Explain the term transference of activity See role of teacher Explain the terms cycle of activity, work cycle, curve of work

Cycle of activity shelf to shelf either child spontaneously or teacher presenting the activity. Work cycle 3 hour period many cycles of activity. FREE CHOICE Curve of work Tool of observation engagement in activity. Explain why the curve of work can be used as an observational tool in the nursery Can see if normalisation or not. Natural behaviour of normalised child wander about/assess when first come in. Then choose something familiar and unchallenging. Then the false fatigue after an hour or so for 5-10 mins. Leave child to pass time. Then they will choose something more challenging. Explain the importance of non-interference and the lack of rewards and punishments Takes away control from child. Takes away childs natural impulse Children need to do something for their own needs intrinsic motivation not for rewards. Concentration is for longer as it is a self chosen activity without reward.

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