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cas study

Environmental Business Pledge

Astra Signs Ltd

Background: Established in 1984 Astra Signs Ltd is one of the UKs largest and most experienced sign-makers, offering a national and international sign manufacturing service across a variety of sectors. The company signed up to the Environmental Business Pledge in July 2010 to access a portfolio of free environmental advice and support services and work towards achieving an environmental award. Free resource efficiency support was provided via the ENWORKS Resource Efficiency Programme. Challenge: To identify areas for resource efficiency improvement and cost saving. To cultivate a greener approach to their work amongst employees, thus facilitating the maintenance of the recommended and implemented measures. Process: After receiving a free resource efficiency review, Astra Signs commissioned a compressed air survey, and were issued with a detailed report including capital improvement costs and payback periods. The survey revealed 12 air leaks in production machinery so the company embarked upon a process of repair, also creating a rolling maintenance program to include improved policing of future leaks. For a minimal initial investment, these changes and repairs brought substantial savings of over 3000 p.a. The EBP Advisor then moved on to assessing power consumption. Using data logging equipment, power consumption was tracked over a period of seven days, highlighting peak levels and unnecessary energy use. The subsequent report recommended that Astra Signs implement measures to reduce electrical output by following a formal daily shutdown procedure. This resulted in a saving of 1800 p.a. in electricity costs. Economic benefits achieved CO2 reduction of 25.2 tonnes Cost savings of almost 5000 Significant improvement in environmental awareness

Through support from the Environmental Business Pledge we have been able to realise savings in areas we had not previously identified.
Andy Farnworth, H & S Officer, Astra Signs Ltd

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