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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Questions Would Ping-Pong balls be suitable? Do you have any balls at the school that you want me to design around? Could I have any samples of balls? Where I plan to use LEDs should these be flashing or still? If I use lights would these need to be turned off for certain pupils? Should I avoid using sound? Are there any coloured tubes that I should avoid? Are there any coloured tubes that would be good? Would standard drain pipe be strong enough? Would standard drain pipe fixing be safe enough to be used in the classroom? I noticed the walls at Step by Step are relatively bare. Is this due to safety? Should the balls be removed when not in use i.e. stored separately? Would you be able to collect some hand prints from the pupils? Would you be happy to replace batteries? Am I correct thinking that using real life images will be useful to stimulate speech? I plan to use images of real life transport. Are there any images that particularly appeal to the pupils? I know Thomas the tank engine is popular for stiming but would incorporating a train be ok? What do you think of the materials I have suggested using on the sensory board? What about sand mixed with paint? If I asked you to place the three boards in order of preference with one being your first choice and three being your third, how would you order them?

Answers Yes for size. No for strength, the pupils will crush them. We have some balls but nothing in particular. Ill look into it. Definitely still! Nothing flashing please. No. Yes. Yellow. Bright colours over stimulate the pupils and they lose concentration. As staff we wear dark muted colours for that reason. Grey and black would be good. Yes. Yes. Yes, when the pupils get distressed they have no inhibitions and will just flail around. Yes or they will get lost. Yes what size? Largest and smallest please. Yes. Yes. We have a couple of pupils that really love the badges on cars especially Audi and Toyota. Fire engines, bicycles, cars, trains, aeroplanes and boats are all good. Yes. Actually we could have Thomas the tank for the younger ones. I really like the grass but I am worried about using ash felt. You know they will try and eat it? We use gluten free paint but we have emulsion on the walls. I like all three. I would have to choose the posting tube for its function. I really like the real life context sensory board too and the hand prints are so original. I wouldnt be able to choose.

17. 18. 19. 20.

Questionnaire completed by Mrs H on 17/03/12

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