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Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D!

1. Teacher : Students …….!

Students : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : Tomorrow we will have a English test. Please, prepare for it well.
A. I’m sorry
B. Attention please
C. Thank you
D. Congratulation
2. Firma : Hi Don, ….. what time will the meeting be held today?
Donny : It’s at 10 a m prepare yourself.
A. Please accept my condolences
B. Good bye
C. Sorry to bother you
D. It’s so annoying
3. Mark : ……. Can you show me the rest room?
Sam : Oh, just go straight ahead and turn left.
A. Thank you
B. Excuse me
C. Listen to me
D. Look at me

The dialogue for questions 4 – 5

Meika : Hi Arfan,. What are you doing?

Arfan : I’m making wooden carving .It’s about finish.

Meika : Excellent! What shape is it?

Arfan : It is a bird. A dove to be exact.

Meika : well done.. To say frankly, you have a good skill to carve. It can be sold as a souvenir.

What do you think.

Arfan : Well, to be honest . I don’t have any confident to sell it. I think people will not be

Interested with my carving.

Meika : Hey, That’s not true. Listen to me, in my opinion your carving is very good. It looks like

The real thing and your color combination is very nice. You can sell it by online. I believe

Many people will be interested to it. Do you know what I mean?

Arfan : Yes,. That’s a good saying from you. I will try to sell it by online. Thank you so much for

The encouragement.
4. What thing does Arfan make?
A. A wooden carving
B. A colorful painting
C. A clay status
D. A woven fabric
5. From the conversation , we know that ….
A. Arfan doesn’t like the carving
B. Meika will sell Arfan ‘s carving
C. Arfan’s carving is good enoughto be sold by online.
D. Meika is interested to buy the carving.
6. “ Well, to be honest, I don’t have any confidence to sell it”
The utterance expresses ….
A. Asking for attention
B. stating opinion
C. Showing compliment
D. Asking opinion
7. Mrs. Anna : What you did with the organic trash very inspiring, Tony.
We are very proud of you.
Tony : I’m very flattered. Thank you, Ma’am

What is dialogue about?

A. Giving opinion
B. Asking for opinion
C. Giving compliment
D. Checking for understanding

8. Dorian : Have you watch last episode The Avengers movie, San?
Sandy : Yes, I have. I watched it with my brother at the cinema.
Dorian : What do you think of the movie?
Sandy : I think it is much better than previous one.

What do you think Dorian and Sandy talk about?

A. Exchanging news
B. Asking for opinion
C. Giving complimenting
D. Checking for understanding

9. Mother : “ Nina, what time is your flight tomorrow?

Nina : “ It’s 8.44, as written on the ticket, Mom .I’ll be leaving to bus stop at 7.30”.
Mother : “ Are you sure? That will be so late. I’m afraid you won’t have enough time to
In and get abroad. I think you … go earlier and have your brother to take you to
the airport by motorcycle instead.
It would save you more time.”
The best modal verb to complete the sentence is………
A. Must
B. Mustn’t
C. Have to
D. Should

The following picture is for questions number 10.


10. According to the text, what must the students do ?

A. Keep the school clean.
B. Love and respect each other.
C. Do everything at school safely.
D. Protect themselves from bullying.

The picture for question 11

11. Which one of these expressions is suitable with the picture?

A. Don’t take any picture!
B. You can swim this area!
C. Don’t swim in this area!
D. Don’t park here!
12. Which one of these expressions is not suitable with the picture?

STOP ( rambu- rambu dilarang berhenti )

A. You can stop in this area

B. You must go on
C. Don’t stop here
D. You mustn’t stop in this area.
13. Security : “ Excuse me, Sir. I wonder if you were aware of the notice on the gate”
Visitor : “ I’m afraid I wasn’t. What does it say?
Security : “ The notice says that everyone has to have temperature check and wear face
Before entering school area, to prevent the infection of COVID -19.
Visitor : Oh. I’m terrible sorry. I should have known better.

What does the conversation above imply?

A. Prohibition
B. Obligation
C. Checking for understanding
D. Capability and willingness

14. My mother crashed the car. But mechanic is ….. to fix it.
A. Can
B. Can’t
C. Able
D. Mustn’t

15. I …… swim since I was in elementary school.

A. Can
B. Can’t
C. Able
D. Must

The following test is for questions 15 - 16.

Mr. Rully is a veterinarian. He runs a clinic for pets near my house. Mr. Rully has excellent
language and communication skill. Mr. rully is also good at social sciences, humanities, mathematics,
chemistry, and biologyical and physical sciences. He can treat animals, perform surgery, and interact
with clients well. He has a lot of experiences in curing and taking care of animals illness and injuries .
If the animals stress out or struggle a lot of. Mr. Rully is always able to remain calm and patient. He is
very capable of calming down animals. Mr. Rully is very friendly and never gets angry. He will smile
to everyone he meets, even to the animals.

16. Mr. Rully is incapable of …

A. Interacting well with the clients.
B. Calming down.
C. Being angry to everyone
D. Remaining calm and patient.

17. From the text, we know that…

A. Mr. Rully will be angry to the animals if they stress out.
B. Mr. Rully can perform surgeries on the animals.
C. Mr. Rully is not able to treat animals.
D. Mr. Rully will not smile if the meets someone.

18. Dimas and Andre ……able to perform the dance in sync so they …. Win the competition easily.
A. Is; can
B. Can; are
C. Are; can
D. Can; can’t

19. Diana …. Memorize dialogues for the drama. But, she can’t make loud noise because his baby
sister is sleeping right now. So, she …do it quietly.
A. Must; have to
B. Mustn’t; has to
C. Must; has to
D. Mustn’t ; have to
20. While walking on the street, we ….walk in the sidewalk. We also need to be aware to the
We …. Cross the street carelessly.
A. Have to; mustn’t
B. Has to; must
C. Has to; mustn’t
D. Have to; must

21. I really love eating junk food. I know that it has a lot of fats and there is less nutrition in it.
But, I just can’t stop eating. So, I become fatter now.

Which obligation matches with the situation?

A. You must get enough sleeping time.
B. You mustn’t eat junk food too much.
C. You mustn’t buy expensive foods.
D. You must do sport regularly.

The following text for questions 22 – 24.

My Best Friend

I have a best friend. His name Dewangga. He is tall and fit. He likes to play many kinds of
sport. But, he likes basketball the most. He join the basketball extracurricular in the school. In the
team , he is able to block the opponent with his big body. He also has good shooting skill. He can
shoot three points excellent. He often gets praise from the coach and the supporters because of
that. He is chosen as the captain of the team because he is capable to lead the team well. He is
able to listen to the concerns of the players. When a player struggle a lot of, he will give
encouragement so that they will not give up. If a player makes a mistake, he will not get angry
easily. He listen to the difficulties then gives advice calmly. In the class, Dewangga always listens to
the teacher well. But, he is not able to solve math problems quickly. He understands the
problems and how to solve it, but his calculations is often inaccurate. He will ask me whether his
calculation is already right or not. But, he will not do that in the examination. On the other hand,
he does well in English project. He always gets good score on it. He can memorize a lot of
vocabularies. Every day, he will note some new vocabularies and memorize them at home. He will
ask his sister to check his memory.

22. What does the text tell us about?

A. The writer capability and willingness.
B. The capability and willingness of the writer’s best friend.
C. Dewangga best friend.
D. Dewangga dislikes math.

23. Who is the writer of the text?

A. Dewangga
B. Dewangga’s best friend
C. Dewangga’s sister
D. Dewangga’s teacher

24. What can’t Dewangga do?

A. He can’t play basketball well.
B. He can’t do the calculation accurately.
C. He can’t memorize a lot of English vocabularies.
D. He can’t listen to the teacher well.

25. The little boy likes cycling. He will not stop when he tired, but he will stop when he is hungry.
He will ask his mother for meal and go back cycling again.

According to the text, the little boy …

A. Will stop bicycling when he is tired.
B. Will not stop bicycling when eating
C. Always asks for a meal when bicycling.
D. Will go back bicycling after eating.

The dialogue is for question number 26

Amara : Will you help me please?

Tari : Of course, sister. What can I do for you?

Amara : Help me to open the door, I’m trying to park the bicycling in the garage.

Tari : All right.

26. From the dialogue above, we know that ….

A. Tari will not help Amara.
B. Amara states her capability to help.
C. Amara asks for Tari’s willingness to help.
D. Tari is not to open the door.

The dialogue is for question number 26 – 28.

Boy : Sister, may I play football outside?

Girl : Look at the sky! It is so cloudy. I think it will rain soon.

Boy : Oh no, the rain is already pouring. I can’t go outside.

Girl : Let’s just stay at home. We can watch a movie.

Boy : All right, sister. Let’s watch The Chronicles of Narnia.

Girl : Sure. I’ll set the video player.

Boy : Can I make a hot tea first?

Girl : Yes. You can make it yourself, can you?

Boy : of course

27. What will the boy play outside?

A. Badminton
B. Football
C. Basketball
D. Tennis
28. The boy can’t play outside because…
A. The weather is so hot.
B. His legs are hurted
C. The rain is pouring
D. He has no friend
29. The girl invites the boy to …
A. Set the video player
B. Play inside the house
C. Read some books
D. Watch a movie
30. Which instruction matches with the picture?

( gambar seorang ayah dan anaknya memegang sapu lidi dihalaman rumah )

A. Sweep the yard!

B. Take the leaves!
C. Throw the transhes!
D. Put the leaves here!

The dialogue for question number 30.

Indra : Mom, may I make an instant noodle?

Mother : Sure. Take it from the shelf!

Indra : Can I use this pan, Mom?

Mother : No. That pan is leaking. Use the other one.

Indra : Okay, Mom

31. Which one of the followings is true based on the text?

A. Mother permits Indra to use the leaked pan.
B. Mother permit Indra to make instant noodle.
C. Indra is not permitted to use the leaked pan.
D. Indra asks mother to make him instant noodle.

The text for question number 31 and 32.

To my beloved father

I’m so grateful for all your guidance and wisdom.

Thanks for giving me so much care and attention .
I’m so lucky to have you as my dad.


32. What is the text about?

A. Congratulating a person on Father’s Day
B. Congratulating Mother’s anniversary.
C. Showing gratitude to mother for her love.
D. Showing sympathy for the loss of person.
33. Who is the receiver of the text?
A. Fatrher
B. Student
C. Mother
D. teacher
34. What kind of greeting card is the message probably written ?

With Sympathy
My dear aunt, wishing you peace to bring comfort,
Courage to face the day ahead, and loving memories to
Forever hold in your heart

Love, Haninda

A. Homecoming card
B. Gratitude card
C. Condolence card
D. Apology card

The text for question number 35 and 37

Sonya : Gosh!. I forget to bring my lab suit. Mrs. Holy must forbid me to attend a science class.
Wahyu: How could that be? Didn’t you prepare it before?

Sonya : I did, but left it on the table. What should I do know?

Wahyu : Why don’t you borrow Indah’s. She already had a science class in the first and second


Sonya : You right. Thanks for your idea.

Wahyu : You’re welcome.

35. Where do think the dialogue takes place?

A. At school
B. At home
C. In the laboratoryI
D. In the office
36. What will Sonya do after the conversation?
A. Meet Indah
B. Find Mrs. Holy
C. Go home to collect her lab suit
D. Borrow Wahyu’s lab suit
37. Sonya looks worried because she can not find her lab suit ……. her schoolbag.
A. On
B. Under
C. In
D. Behind

The text for question number 38

Dear my best friend

Congratulation for the winning!. I’m very happy to know that you are
The first winner of the competition. I hope this can be your stepping
Stone ( batu loncatan ) to be a professional dancer.

38. The message of the greeting card is written to congratulate someone in …..
A. winning a sport competition
B. Getting the perfect score
C. Passing the final exam
D. Winning a dance competition

The text for question number 39 – 40.

To Miss Ria Shareena

We feel so sorry to hear about your sickness and how we can’t visit you
In the hospital.
Sending you lot of love and blissful wishes for you to recover as soon as
Possible .

Get well soon

From the students of Class 8 B

39. Who is the receiver the greeting card?

A. The students of class 8B
B. A student of class 8B
C. The teacher of class 8B
D. Miss Ria Shareena
40. From the text, we know that ….
A. The card is sent to express apology
B. The sender met Miss Ria in the hospital
C. The receiver is sick right now.
D. The card is from a student of class 8B
41. The school is very big. The yard in the middle of the school. There are classrooms bedside
the yard. The parking area behind the classroom’s building.

Where is the parking area located?

A. Beside the yard
B. Behind the classroom’s building
C. Beside the classroom’s building
D. Between the classroom and yard
42. My sister has various things in her bedroom. There is a big cupboard on the corner of the
room. There is a bed beside the cupboard. There are many dolls on the bed. A desk is placed
between the bed and the door.

What is beside the cupboard?

A. Many dolls
B. The door
C. A desk
D. A bed

The dialogue is for question 43 –44

Arin : Do you know where Euphoria Café is?

Bayu : Yes, It is beside the supermarket. There is a big name in front of it. Do you want to go there

Arin : Yes. I heard that is always crowded bby a lot of customers.

Bayu : That’s true. It because there are many kinds of meals offered there.

43. Which one is not true about the café?

A. It is located next to the supermarket.
B. There is a big supermarket in front of the café.
C. There are a lot of customers every day.
D. The supermarket is beside the café
44. What makes the café crowded?
A. Many kinds of meal
B. Many unique decorations
C. A lot of waiter and waitress
D. Few customers
45. My school is … Suropati Street No. 24 … the stationary shop and a restaurant.
A. In; beside
B. At; between
C. On; behind
D. At; between
46. My father spent …. Money for his new watch because it’s on sale.
A. few
B. little
C. Many
D. much
47. She invites ….. people to her birthday party.
A. Many
B. Much
C. Little
D. any
48. There is …..jam in the jar. It is nearly empty.
A. Little
B. Few
C. Many
D. Any
49. There …. A woman in this picture. She is smiling
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
50. Please, put the books … my table. Thank you for your help.
A. In
B. On
C. Above
D. under


2. C

3. B

4. 4

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A



12. D

13. B

14. C

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. C

19. C

20. A

21. D

22. B

23. B

24. B

25. D
26. C

27. B

28. A

29. D

30. A

31. B

32. A

33. A

34. C

35. A

36. A

37. C

38. D

39. D

40. C



43. B

44. A



47. A


49. A

50. B

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