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Retracing steps

Chapter 1 Ive lost my mind. I cant seem to remember much about anything. And even now as I sit in this hospital bed, I dont know who I am. Ive been told that my name is Monica Evelyn Roe. I know I have brown hair and eyes; and my parents told me that my birthday is in May and I am 17. I apparently suffered a concussion in a car accident, which I can believe seeing as I dont remember anything. I dont know what to believe or who to trust anymore though. Niall Horan walked through the bland hospital corridors, his hands in his pockets, staring at the floor. He was sure his face still had tear streaks from crying for so long, but he didnt care. The nurses around him didnt seem to take notice either. It was early on Sunday morning and he had tried not to stay at home for long after receiving a call. It was Monicas parents, telling him the tragic news that she had been involved in a major car accident the night before. They said she was still unconscious when they had left at 5 a.m. this morning. Niall didnt know what to do. It was as if the floorboards on which he stood and been ripped out from under him and he was plummeting into nothingness. Niall and Monica had been together for a year now, and he loved her more than anything. They were similar in many ways too. They both loved food, thats one thing, cuddling, telling jokes, playing video games, walking in nature, and spending time with each other. Niall knew that she cared about him as well, so he deeply hoped her state of being would be better than the worst. He continued down the tiled floor until he reached room 213 where he had been told Monica was staying. He paced quietly through the door after taking a deep breath, trying not to dread what he might witness. There sat in the peaceful room, on a hospital bed that had also had no colour, was the most heart wrenching thing he had ever seen. He knelt quickly beside her bed and cried into his arms as he laid them on her bed sheets. Her eyes were closed, bandages wrapped around her head and left wrist. Her face was bruised on the right side and many needles and bags of liquids were attached to her left arm. Niall took her hand and held the soft, delicate palm and stroked it gently, hoping the slight movements would wake her from the sleep. Momo? He said her nickname softly, more tears lining his cheeks. I- Im sorry... Im sorry that I wasnt there... Niall broke into more tears. I wasnt there to help you. He held his forehead to the bed linens again and breathed deeply, trying to calm himself, he had to try and be strong for her; after all she wasnt going to die, but he didnt know to what extent her injuries would leave her in for the rest of her life. It was nearly lunch time but he dared not leave her side. He pulled one of the chairs from the corridor into the room and sat down, still holding her hand. He stroked her cheek, wishing that his fingers could wipe away all the pain that he could see from the bruises. I love you, Niall whispered to her. He closed his eyes and lay back in the chair for a moment and when he opened his eyes again, a tear was slowly rolling down Monicas soft, pained cheek.

Chapter 2 How long have I been lying here for? Maybe I should try to wake up, if only I knew how to wake myself up. I know that Ive been asleep for too long. Monica was sleeping now rather than being unconscious, and her breathing was heavy enough that she would be fine. Around 1 p.m. she slowly blinked open her eyes to be looking around her in a bland room. Ow, my head really hurts and its throbbing... she thought. She couldnt move her arms without being in pain and she had no idea what had happened other than what people had told her late on Saturday night before she had been knocked out from anesthesia. She moved her head slightly, wincing at how much her face felt sore. Something was touching her palm, and although she could barely feel what it was she saw that it was another hand. Her eyes followed the hand to the arm, then to the boy sitting on the chair next to her. He was in a light sleep, relaxing against the back of the chair. He had blonde hair and it looked like tear streaks lined his face. Had he been crying? Because of her? Who was this guy? Why is he here, holding my hand? She questioned. Monica tried to move her fingertips and at the slight movement the boys hand on hers jerked away and when she looked up again he was sitting there close to her, tears ready to pour out of his beautiful blue eyes. Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden movement he had made and the fact that she was lost in his ocean-like orbs. She knew that she was supposed to know him, obviously he cared for her if he was going to cry, but who was he? Monica? She moved her head painfully to face him better. At her movement he smiled brightly and a tear slipped down his cheek as he grasped her hand again. Now Monica was confused... Do I know you? She said trying not to be mean, but they were her first words and sounded croaky. She watched as his smile diminished, fading to a solemn look, and he sat there staring at her for a moment. Y-yes... Im Niall. Monica gave a curt nod of understanding, although she had no choice but to believe him. Why are you here? Monicas voice sounded a bit better than the first time but there was no waiver in her confusion. She really had no idea who he was. I came to visit you... I came as soon as I heard what had happened. Monica realized he mustve been referring to the accident. Why? She said and coughed painfully afterwards, leaving her chest heaving from pain. Niall watched her with grief. Im your boyfriend; I had to come see you. Niall smiled lightly next to her, not daring to let go of her hand. Monicas mind whipped around in confusion- boyfriend? When had she ever gotten a boyfriend? I have a boyfriend... never thought I would be saying those words. She tried to chuckle as a smile crossed her lips. Niall laughed lightly. Thats the Monica humour that I missed. She smiled slightly, but really had no idea what was going on. This person was the most beautiful person that she remembered... well she didnt remember him. She knew her parents, and she knew some friends. But by the way the doctors had explained last night was that she had lost the last couple years of her memory. Monica looked over to the boy with the blue eyes, someone she knew she would have to know. Over the next couple of minutes as they sat in silence she was thinking that because she was having all these problems, she was contemplating on maybe she should let him go... so that he would not have to deal with all of her newfound issues.

Chapter 3 Why does Niall have feelings for me? Im not so special... and now I am in a worse state. That should make him like me even less shouldnt it? Why is he still here? Im only pretending to sleep now in hopes that hell leave. This thing he has for me will only cause problems. Niall sat in the chair that had been moved by the nurses a few metres away to the side of the room. Apparently sitting right next to a person with inconsistent memory is a dangerous thing. He sighed and watched Monicas sleeping form, how her chest raised and fell at her breath. Dreams are usually bent around memories... he wondered what she would be thinking right then. It was about 5 p.m. and he had stayed there all day. Monicas parents had come to visit but were sitting outside currently waiting for any more reports from the doctor; that and her mother was rather distraught just from the seeing the poor state of her daughter. Even now as he looked at her face he felt sickly; not because it was ugly, but because he had to sit by the person he loved and watch them feel pain the way he probably never would. She didnt even remember him... his mind was swirling with sadness. Niall was hoping that that would not happen; he had prayed she would at least remember him a little, but sometimes things dont go the way that they are wished. He sat with his elbows on his knees and his hands pressed tightly together, lost in thought. Monicas eyes slowly blinked open and stared blankly at the ceiling above her. Niall had opened the second window in her room to let even more of the bursting sunlight into her bland hospital room. She gazed around, feeling a bit less pained since the nurse had brought her some medicine. More light streamed into the room through the open windows and she felt more relieved to get some sunshine. Her head still throbbed gently from the pain and it rather hurt just to move her head back to the boy with the blue eyes, still waiting for her across the room. This boy who she had no recognition or feelings... she was wary of him, but at the same time something deep inside her felt giddy, like butterflies in her stomach. Monica couldnt explain what it was, but from what she remembered, which was nothing, she did not love him, not yet anyways. He seemed to have noticed her movement and looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face. Niall desperately hoped that after a short sleep she would be feeling better, but he got himself too excited about these kinds of things because he also knew that her mindset would be the same as it was when she had fallen asleep. Her chestnut eyes that looked at him blankly were a sign of hope though. They didnt quite sparkle as much as they had before, and he hoped that was just the pain rather than her dislike of him. If she began to dislike him, who knows what he would do. Niall thought about this for a moment longer; whether or not he would only be causing her more trouble if he stayed. But he knew that because he loved her, he would do anything to win her heart back.

Chapter 4

2 weeks later This couch is getting more and more un-comfy everyday... Ive only been home a week but that boy with he blue eyes keeps visiting me every day. Every time I wake up there is always a new daisy flower in the vase on our coffee table too. I know that he is the one who brings them... especially because they are my favorite flower. My mom even tells me he visits when Im asleep and waits in the arm chair on the other side of the living room. But every time I open my eyes I dont see the figure sitting in the chair. I dont know why I get my hopes up, its not like I remember much about him. My parents tell me various details that they know about him, maybe in hopes that I will remember him or maybe its just to get my mind off of how bored I am. Laying around the house doing nothing for a month isnt all that its cracked up to be. I have hardly moved since I got back last Saturday, exactly a week from checking into the hospital. Niall clutched the stem of the familiar velvety flower and knocked lightly on the door and Mrs. Roe promptly opened it as if she was expecting him. It was no doubt that she was in fact because he had visited everyday at almost the same time for the last week. It was almost 2 p.m. on this sunny Sunday afternoon and he hoped Monica would be awake. He walked quietly into the room and nodded to Monicas mom. She closed the door behind him and whispered close to him, Youre in luck; I believe she is awake at the moment. Nialls heart skipped a beat. He kept getting his hopes up on that she would remember him, and the love that they had shared, but every time he talked to her, it was like talking to a stranger and meeting them for the first time. Niall shuffled over to the coffee table and gently placed the daisy into the clear vase. He set it down next to the others that were gradually wilting. He sighed and sat down, only this time when he looked over at her commonly solemn, sleeping face, it stared straight back at him with an intensity that brought back memories. He smiled lightly to her as she looked back. Her bruises were pretty much gone and the glow around her face became more beauteous every day. Good morning... er, afternoon I mean. Niall said leaning his elbows on his knees in anticipation. Monica was seated almost upright and could talk with a more fluent speech pattern than before. Hi... Monica said quietly, still looking at him. You brought me flowers, she said blatantly but Niall could make out the hint of a smile on her face.. Yeah... I did. I know theyre your favorites. Niall smiled lightly. Well you got that right, she smiled with a light chuckle, then a cringe. He could tell that when she laughed her head still ached. Her face straightened as her gaze focused towards the flowers, Why do you keep visiting me? Niall looked at her in thought for a moment, Because I dont ever want you to forget, but I guess that Im already a bit late for that... He went silent for a moment. Have you been able to go out at all yet? Monica turned to him again. No, the doctors said to take it really easy. I dont even know if it hurts to walk yet or not. But Im so bored sitting here all day I wouldnt mind trying, she said with a small movement. She swung her legs slowly over the side of the couch without another word and braced herself for standing with her hands; but Niall could tell how much it hurt seeing as her wrist was still sprained. He leapt off his chair and slipped her arm over his shoulder to support her. She tried to stand up slowly and sat back down with a cringe. Maybe thats not a good idea, I think...

No I am going to stand up, Monica said defiantly. That was the fighting spirit Niall had come to know, he smiled at her eagerness. She lifted herself, putting more weight on his shoulders this time and stood up. Her right ankle had been banged up pretty good too, but wasnt sprained or bruised, just sore. She tentatively placed her foot on the floor and sighed. She looked around gently, not to move her neck so much. She glanced over at Niall who was now beaming with happiness and watching her feet. She couldnt help but wonder if he was truly happy that she was standing, or he was just being supportive. So she placed her left foot forward a foot and walked ever so slowly to the door, feeling as if she was clinging for dear life to Nialls shoulders in case her ankle gave way or she passed out. Nialls hand was tightly gripped around her waist so that she would not fall. They made their way around the couch to the door and he opened it as they stepped outside. He was so proud that she could walk... and that he was helping her to do it. Monica walked with him to the old bench on their porch and sat down slowly. She breathed deeply at the fresh air which was so nice. Niall watched her as he released her waist. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight that shone behind the row of houses. Right then, with the hope in her smile and the happiness at being free in her eyes, he knew that he would not give up on her... ever.

Chapter 5

1 week later- Monday I dont have feelings for him... I deny it. He is friendly and caring, but I dont think we should be rushing into a relationship like that, especially not so soon after my accident. I have been reconnecting with my other friends and family, most of whom I remember. Why is it just the boy with blue eyes that I cant wrap my mind around? I know that I should know him, but I dont. He visits everyday and we do something different. Weve played video games, talked a lot, told stories... but every day before he has to leave we go out onto the porch and sit on the bench. It still takes much effort to walk, but it gets easier and easier because he helps me. I dont know what I would do without him... probably rot on this couch. Monica sat continued to sit on the couch bored; trying to flex her wrist... it hadnt gotten significantly better. The light streamed into the room and illuminated the living room while she waited, her eyes flicking to the door in anticipation. She didnt know what she was waiting for. Possibly an instant healing... that would be nice; but she realized that she was probably waiting for Niall. She shook the thought away. She knew that she didnt want to be anything more than friends with him. He was very sweet, but she was sure he had other friends to hang out with rather than visit her every day after school. In fact, he had told her several brief stories about some of his mates; Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn, and all of the antics and trouble that they would muster up together. He could just go back to hanging out with them right? Her thoughts were interrupted when her mom came in the room to talk to her a moment. The doctor called. He said that you wont have retained anything that youve learned in school from the last 2 years and that some summer schooling might help you... Monica looked up at her in confusion. What does he know? Maybe I remember things... like math and what books we did in English, and... other things. She said trying to sound like she knew what she was talking about. Mhmmm... and what Shakespearean play did you do last year? She said crossing her arms trying to help Monica understand exactly why she needed special schooling. Uuuh... Mid-Summer Nights Dream? She said with a guilty smile. Mrs. Roe smiled. That was what you studied in grade 9... At least you remember that. She sighed and turned back into the kitchen. Monica pouted on the couch. She could remember things... if she wanted to. Why did life have to suck so much right now? She stared at the ceiling when an idea popped into her head. She swung her legs over the edge of the sofa and braced herself on her good arm. Her ankle was much better but she still got dizzy and pained when she stood up. She hobbled her way around the couch slowly... that was until she realized that this was her first time walking without the help of Niall. She smiled, maybe she would be back to normal sooner than she thought; or at least she hoped so. Monica shuffled quickly to the door and clung to it like a breath of fresh air. She opened the front door and made her way across the porch to the white bench that overlooked their colourful garden and the green grass that stretched for a while until colliding with the road. Releasing herself onto the bench with a sigh of relief she sat calmly in the shade of the bright sunlight and waited. She had to admit it... she was waiting for the boy with blue eyes. When he was with her she could forget all about her memory loss and focus on the moment, with just the two of them. Niall walked along the road; one hand in his jean pockets, the other clutching the daisys familiar stem. The days were getting warmer and he hoped Monica would be feeling better today. Then again he wished for that every day. Nialls love for her was strong, and after her accident it was as if he had to fall in love with her all over again. Luckily it was the same person, her personality hadnt really changed, but she had just lost memory of anything between the two

of them. He turned up the stone path that led to her small blue house. Flowers dotted the sides and climbed up the banister to the porch. Niall watched the ground, preparing himself to see the girl he loved. He looked up as he walked up the stairs and was about to knock on the door when his hand stopped. Niall swivelled his head to the right, and there sat Monica, beautiful as ever, sitting patiently with her hands clasped in her lap and her eyes resting on him with a cheeky smile. How had she gotten up by herself? He stared for a moment longer then went over and sat next to her in silence. Niall gently handed her the daisy and she smiled brightly at it, and then looked up at him. It was the most amazing thing ever, and his heart fluttered with joy for her. How did you get out onto the porch? He said finally after the long silence. I walked out... Monica chuckled as if it was obvious. No one helped you? Niall looked at her questioningly. No. I- I wanted to surprise you. Monica smiled again and looked out over the yard. I guess it worked. Niall laughed. Yeah, Im pretty surprised. But thats great! It didnt hurt too much did it? He said with a flash of worry on his face. Oh no, not too much. Nothing that I cant handle. Niall smiled, she was very strong-willed.

Monica held her hands together in her lap, clutching the daisy. She stared at the soft petals that traced the yellow centre and how lovely it was. She turned her gaze back to him when he wasnt looking and quickly turned away as his eyes rested back on her. She dared not start anything. Thats when the thought hit her. She did not love this boy, or at least she probably shouldnt; it would be better for both of them if he never came to visit again. With a heartfelt sigh she began their last conversation. I dont think you should visit anymore.

Chapter 6

I hate myself. I threw away the one person that actually wanted to spend time with me. In the long run I knew it was probably a better decision considering my current state, but its 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Im still waiting on this porch. I dont know why I am sitting here, because this time I know he wont be coming.

Niall sat at home this time. Tears still tried to break through but he refused to let them. His friends had tried to comfort him at school after had told them what had happened. It was the exact equivalent to breaking up, only it was a one sided thing at the moment and she had no recognition of their relationship ever happening. After her words yesterday he had been puzzled. Why would she say something like that? After Monica explained for a couple minutes about how she didnt want to hurt him, she said that it was probably for the better that he forgets about her because she had clearly already forgotten about him. Monica also said that he had been very considerate towards her and explained later in a quiet whisper half to herself that she was rather scared of being in a relationship with someone that she was supposed to know, but didnt. Niall sighed and put his hands over his face briefly. This wasnt the end of it for him... he would find a way.

1 week later Monica sat on the porch steps again, waiting for something she knew would never happen again. Over the last week that she had spent not seeing Niall, it made her realize how much she missed his company and companionship in the afternoons. Monica had grown utterly bored since she could only laze about the household. She could walk much better now that her ankle was about 95% healed, but her wrist would be another week. Monica sighed, she felt useless. She sat around all day, reading over old textbooks that she had apparently learned all of with no recognition of them whatsoever. The last day of school was last Friday, and she could see many more kids strolling around the streets with nothing to do but relax during summer break. Too bad she had been relaxing the last 4 weeks and she was sick of it. Monica folded her hands gently in her lap, on top of the white, lace summer dress that she had chosen on this day. She stared blankly at the ground as the sky began to turn more orange as the time ticked on. At the sound of more playful kids footsteps she raised her head to see which game they were playing this time; only it wasnt kids. The footsteps slowed as their eyes met and her heart skipped a beat. She knew exactly who it was. It was the boy with blue eyes, standing there with the familiar white daisy in his left hand.

Chapter 7

Niall stopped walking; hes just standing there at the end of my walkway, staring at me. I stood up as fast as I could without causing too much pain. Niall saw me moving and jogged down the path to me as I was limping as fast as I could up to him. He of course reached me first and we stared at each other for a brief moment. I could tell that he wasnt sure what to do. We were friends; I just really missed having someone care about me so much, so I made the first move. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pressed my face under his neck. He returned the embrace and held my back with his strong hands. It felt so right, and at the same time... so wrong. Im sorry I just let you go like that... you were so kind to me, Monica said in between the sniffles and trying to hold back what little tears she had left. Nialls hand reached up and held her head gently against him. Shh... no its okay. No it isnt! Monica said defiantly and moved so that she could look up at him. You were so nice to me... I just thought you should move on, rather than waste your time on a girl who doesnt even remember who you are. Monicas tears streaked down her face, reflecting the orange sky upon her skin. I would never let go of you that easily. You may not know who I am, but I know who you are. I believed that if you were willing to try, we could get to know each other better again. His soft blue eyes looked deeply down into her chestnut ones. Niall swept his thumb across her cheek to wipe away her tear. Monica dove back into his embrace and buried her face in his shirt. He was the best friend she never had, and she almost lost him. Monica realized there could not be anything wrong with being friends with someone, could there? She would try to be more friendly towards him, but not too friendly. I missed you, she said finally. Niall pressed his cheek against the top of her head. Yes, she would try to be more friendly towards him, but it seemed as if he was already quite friendly towards her; something that worried her about their impending relationship. I missed you too, They broke the hug and he smiled down at her. Im sorry I shoved you away like that... Hey now you already apologized for that, and I finally understood your reasoning. Thats why I came back here to see how you were doing. Im glad you did. Both of them smiled. What if I visit tomorrow? Niall suddenly asked. I wouldnt have a problem with that at all, she smirked up at him. Then Ill see you tomorrow, he said with a shrug of his head and turned to leave. Monica watched as he turned to wave at her once more before trailing off down the road. She looked around at the darkening world; one star twinkled above her. She made a wish on the first star and when she opened her eyes again all she could think about for the next hour until she crawled into bed was the boy with the blue eyes.

Chapter 8

Everything that I did was a mistake... Im a clumsy, mess-up. Yet Niall seems to not even care- it doesnt faze him. For example, just now he made me a fantastic chocolate milkshake; but I dropped it after the first sip. I am such a klutz, why does he bother with me? He should know by now that Im not going to change so much. Here, Niall handed Monica his milkshake to hold as he wiped up the mess on the floor that she had made. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. Im so sorry Niall... it was an accident. Niall just chuckled. I know, youve said that four times now. I just feel really bad that you went through all that trouble to make me a milkshake and here I go and drop it right away. Its no problem, really, he sat back up on the couch next to her. We can share mine. A grin crossed Nialls face as he placed a second straw into the large cup. Monica smiled, feeling a bit better from her own misfortune. The pair sat happily, sipping away at the drink as the television flickered in front of them. Can we do something today Niall? He gave her an odd look. Like what? Well, I havent even really left the property since I was in the hospital. Now I think you should drag my sorry butt out of here so that we can do something interesting. Niall thought for a moment. Are you okay to walk? Not much... but a little. Monica said with a sigh; her leg was still sore, but she dared not let Niall know exactly how much it pained her to walk still. She didnt want to come across as a wimp and a klutz. Then I think I might just know the place. Monica stood up tenderly, but felt herself falling over. She instinctively grabbed Nialls hand and balanced herself. He whipped around in confusion. I thought you said that you were okay to walk. I... am? She gave him an innocent smile; he just sighed but couldnt help and smile back. He held her hand tenderly as they walked outside. Where are we going? Youll see, but we have to walk there. Monicas face slumped; she didnt know if she could make it that far- wherever it was. She still clutched his hand as a lifeline in case her ankle gave way. The two of them walked in silence for the first block or two, taking every step slowly. Monica never understood why he was being so patient with her... it didnt make any sense. With a flurry of arms, Monicas ankle collapsed and she fell forward. Before she hit the ground Niall had slung his extra arm under her waist, while the other one still grasped her palm. Are you okay? He said standing her upright and checking her bandaged foot.

I-Im fine, She answered hesitantly. You shouldnt lie princess. Monicas eyes lit up at the mention of being called a princess. Come on, I guess theres only one thing left to do. Whats that? Before Niall could answer, Monica was being lifted in the air as she clung gratefully to his back. Ill just have to carry you. She was glad that Niall was giving her a piggy-back ride; this way he couldnt see how much she was smiling. Monica began humming different tunes as the pair trudged along the sidewalk. Niall turned down a path through the local park, listening carefully to every note that she hummed. One song he began to recognize, and started to hum with her. She stopped for a brief second, as if she was trying to understand what he was doing, but continued on. There was one thing Monica had learned this day: never underestimate the boy with the blue eyes.

Chapter 9

I truly wish that I could remember him and how much he meant to me. He must have been something special if we had been together for a year, and he was still here through all of the grit and tears. I cant believe hes giving me a piggy-back ride right now- hes so cute... wait I didnt just say that. Dont think like that, you cant like him yet- he may know you but you dont know him anymore. Take it easy. Oh what am I saying? Im talking to myself now? Ive gone crazy... Niall clutched Monicas legs under his arms as her own arms hugged his neck closely, ensuring that she didnt fall off. Are we there yet? Monica said in his ear quietly. A grin crossed Nialls face. A bit impatient now are we? Almost there- trust me; and you arent the one carrying another person! He said with a huff. Sorry Im heavy okay? Havent gotten out of the house much if you hadnt noticed, she said sarcastically with a chuckle. The forest path opened up ahead of them in the large, local park. Niall marched over to a picnic table and slowly let Monica slide off of his back onto the soft grass. She sat down at the table and looked around. Its really peaceful here... she noted, gazing at the green evergreens, luscious green grass, and quiet scenery. The table was placed in a clearing where the blue sky could be seen above and birds occasionally zipped by overhead. Niall sat down right next to her. Yeah, I like to come here when I need to get away for a while. I thought you would like it. Its fantastic... but now I think I will have to make it my hiding place, she laughed and folded her hands in her lap. Niall smiled brightly and shuffled so that he was sitting close enough to her that she was unsure of what to do. Instead they both sat there just enjoying the peaceful scenery and each others company. Not a word was said for a while, and for once it wasnt an awkward silence but a comfortable one. Bet I could beat you in a game of hide and seek, Niall finally said and turned to look at her with a spark of playfulness dancing through his eyes. I bet you could, Monica raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. You arent even going to try? Well I can hide, but not very fast. If you remember, its hard to walk. Right... So I will count to one hundred! That should be enough time right? Monica sighed but had a huge grin on her face. Alright, start counting, she said and stood up. As she waddled away from the table, Nialls counting grew quieter. Monica found a nook behind a hollowed out tree with a bush to cover herself. This was the best spot! 62. 63. 64... She heard his voice calling from the distance. The sound of his voice, for some odd reason, gave her butterflies. She shoved the feelings away as he finally reached 100. Here I come ready or not! There was a moment of silence before she heard him yelling from her left farther along the path. Im going to find you! He then erupted in an evil laugh, and Monica couldnt help but snicker while covering her mouth trying not to laugh. Theres no escaping

Niall! The worlds greatest hide and seek mastermind! He shouted. She was sure that he was getting odd looks from other pedestrians as they tried to enjoy their own morning stroll through the park. Monica heard footsteps a few trees away. She held her breath, still clutching her mouth so that he didnt do anything to make her laugh. Oh Monica... I see you, he said with a creepy voice. She laughed but muffled it quickly and held her breath. After another minute of Niall going back and forth right in front of her hiding place, he finally turned and spotted her crouch up against the tree trunk. Now I really do see you! He smiled and ran up to her. Before she could stand up he scooped her in his arms around her waist and helped her up. You found me, she smiled brightly and looked up at him. Now you have to find me, he said, but dared not to let go of her. This was probably the first really close contact that the two had shared since her accident, and somehow to Monica it felt totally normal. The butterflies flew like they always had as Niall stared deeply back into her own brown eyes. But that could take forever! Ya youre right... he gave her a look as if he was pondering her statement, I guess forever is too long, Id miss you too much. This caused Monica to blush and look down at the grass which only gave Niall a reason to smile at knowing he had made her blush. They stood there for a minute as Niall just held her close to him without either daring to move. Monica looked up at his face and with her right hand she reached up and stroked his cheek with her thumb. I know that I should know you... she whispered. Thats why I hoped to know you again. Were just retracing our steps a bit, Niall said quietly back to her and not flinching at her smooth touch along his cheek. Its difficult. What is? Falling in love with you. They studied each others faces for a moment longer in silence until Niall finally spoke up. Would it be okay if I kissed you right now? Monica stared intensely into his blue gaze. Instead of giving him an answer she leaned forward on her tip toes into his embrace. He pulled his own face to hers slowly, their breaths mixing and tickling each others lips before Niall finally pressed his lips to hers. It was a gentle, slow kiss that made both of their hearts soar. Monica could feel his heart beating from where her left hand was pressed against his chest as her other hand held his jawbone to her own lips. His were soft and made her butterflies worsen like a stampede. As they finally broke the connection, Monica stared up at the boy with blue eyes as he stared back at her. A new feeling overtook both of them- hope. Hope that a relationship could blossom again, and hope that it would stay.

Chapter 10

Why am I doing this to myself? I practically just handed over my heart to him. Its not that I didnt enjoy it... in fact it was quite the opposite. Kissing him was amazing; but now we both have hope that our past relationship might come back. I honestly have no idea what Im doing. Maybe theres a chance that eventually I can get to know him better than I do now. Maybe.

Niall knocked softly on the front door of Monicas house. Less than a minute later, her subtle face peered through the door and opened it expectantly to reveal the boy, staring down at his shoes patiently. Niall! She smiled brightly at him as they wrapped each other in a bear hug. Well good morning to you too Mo, he smiled cheekily down at her. Come on, I just ate. What can we do today? Not much... your leg is still in bad shape, Niall sat next to her on the couch. What? No... Im fine, she said shrugging off his concern. You couldnt make it to the park yesterday, so I doubt that anything involving a lot of walking is a good idea. Monica let out a huff, knowing he was right and gave in. Well then you can pick something entertaining. Not another video game... I think weve beat most of them by now, she grinned at him. Niall chuckled and turned to her. More hide and seek? We played that yesterday... Well this time we... wont get distracted? He said, a blush spreading across his cheeks. Niall was actually blushing! Anywhere around the house? Sure, Niall smiled at her excitedly. Alright, count to 60, Monica said and got up, thinking of a spot to hide. Awe I dont get to hide first? No. Okay go! She said and ran off down the hall, leaving Niall laughing as he his eyes and began to count. Monica ran to the kitchen, but there was never anywhere to hide here. She waddled to the back door and closed the door behind her. The old maple tree in the yard should be a good place to hide. She ducked behind it and sat down, relaxing her head against the trunk. Maybe it would take Niall a while to find her. The warm, summer sun beamed down through the maple leaves and Monica closed her eyes. Before Niall could find her, she drifted off to sleep in the sunlight. Monica? Monica... She blinked awake slowly to find her arm being prodded by Niall, poking her. hmmm?

I think you fell asleep, Niall laughed and sat down next to her against the tree trunk. Sorry, its just so nice out here. How long did it take you to find me? Niall pulled out his phone and checked the time. Twenty minutes. Monica let out a loud laugh. Was I that hard to find? Uh, I thought that when you said around the house that it meant inside. So then how did you find me? I called your phone, Niall said with an innocent grin across his face. Thats cheating! No. You were the one who was sleeping. Sorry Im not exciting enough for you, he stuck his tongue out at her and crossed his arms. Im pretty sure that if you hid out here, you would have fallen asleep too. Eh, maybe, Niall said with a shrug. There was a comfortable silence between the pair for a moment until Monica leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes again. Niall pressed his cheek against her hair gently and before either could bicker about the other falling asleep, they both began to snooze quietly in the soft sunlight under the maple tree.

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