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Interpersonal communication is inescapable We can't not communicate. The very attempt not to communicate communicates something.

Through not only words, but through tone of voice and through gesture, posture, facial expression, etc., we constantly communicate to those around us. Through these channels, we constantly receive communication from others. Even when you sleep, you communicate. Interpersonal communication is irreversible You can't really take back something once it has been said. The effect must inevitably remain. Interpersonal communication is complicated No form of communication is simple. Because of the number of variables involved, even simple requests are extremely complex. 1. Were wired to look for truth. We look for quality in communication. There is something to be said for intuition. Our brains are searching for something that sounds and feels right. We naturally look for something we can agree upon with the person to whom we are speaking, or listening. 2. We are wired to look for information. We are looking for the quantity of information being presented during communication. In other words, how much of what someone is saying resonates as new and useful information verses simply using words to fill time? 3. We are wired to look for relation. Information makes more sense when its relevant. 4. We are wired to look for manner. The manner in which something is communicated defines the clarity of the communication. Though the process involved in developing feasibility study and a business are similar, i will reveal to you some basic difference between a feasibility study and a business plan. 1) A feasibility study is carried out with the aim of finding out the workability and profitability of a business venture. Before anything is invested in a new business venture, a feasibility study is carried out to know if the business venture is worth the time, effort and resources.2) A feasibility study is filled with calculations, analysis and estimated projectionswhile a business plan is made up of mostly tactics and strategies to be implemented in other to grow the business.3) A feasibility study is all about business idea viability while a business plan deals with business growth and sustainability. Feasibility Study is written to determine if the business is feasible because it serves as analytical tool that includes scenarios for the decision-makers. If they decided not to proceed with the business then there is no need to write a business plan. Business feasibility study determines if the business is profitable or not. The business feasibility study is conducted during the deliberation phase of the project development cycle while business plan is the design for project implementation phase which presents the guideline for the project plan. The feasibility study provides calculations, analysis and estimated financial projections as well as the description of the business and statements concerning competition and cash flow projection while the business plan contains plans and strategies to be implemented to grow the business. Just like feasibility study, business plan also provides detailed budgets, monthly and seasonal forecast, management details such as resumes of staff, background and competition. Also, business plan shows revenues expected, overheads and expenses as well as staffing levels with salaries along with employment cost, sales levels, setup costs, building and office costs, utility, telephone, legal, insurance, accounting, supplies cost and legal requirement cost. It also features sales and sales methodology and objectives. To summary, business feasibility study determines if the business or project is viable because writing a feasibility study is an inexpensive way to safeguard against wastage of investment while business plan will help to maximize potential and minimize overheads.

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