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Youth exchange Break the bricks! Youth for solidarity and respect in a common Europe 21.09. - 30.09.2012, Klju, Bosnia-Herzegovina Proje Ayrntlar: Content and aim
The project "Break the bricks! Youth for solidarity and respect in a common Europe" is a direct follow-up activity of the exchange projects Common pathways against xenophobia European Youth shares tolerance and understanding (2010) and Tear down this wall! Youth for a common future in Europe (2011) and aimed to encourage the participation of young people in public life, to facilitate the achievement of their potential as active and responsible European citizens and to make them active against xenophobic and racist tensions in their local communities and in Europe. Intense dealing with the reasons, mechanisms and results of poverty and marginalisation as xenophobia and racism tensions as well as thinking and acting as responsible European citizen against these tendencies will help to overcome discrimination and exclusion sustainably. The planned activities are encouraging young people's awareness and commitment to tackle these issues for a more inclusive society in their home communities as well as on European level. By various creative workshops, discussions and practical activities the invited young people will take own initiative and share their experiences, discuss different opinions with other young people, reflect own positions and benefit from the knowledge of other participants. Finally this will lead to a public street action day where the results of the mutual cooperation will be presented to the public. The venue, Klju : Klju is a small town and municipality by the same name in western Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the bosniak-croatian Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically the Una-Sana Canton. The name of the municipality translates to "key, which remembered his military and economic position in mediaval times. Klju is located south from Sanski Most and Banja Luka in the north. In the city are living 7.000 inhabitants. For more information see:

Bavuru formu:
1. Kiisel Bilgiler:

Ad Soyad Doum Tarihi Doum Yeri Okulu/niversitesi/i


Telefon numaras E-posta adresi Pasaport numaras Pasaport Tr (Bordo, Yeil, Gri) Pasaportun alnd makam Pasaportun geerlik sresi

2. Projeye bavuru amacnz nedir? Projenin kiisel geliiminize ve gelecekteki almalarnza nasl bir katkda bulunacan dnyorsunuz? Projenin konusu hakknda zel bir motivasyonunuz varsa belirtiniz.

3. Genel olarak; ayrmclk, nyarg, rklk gibi sorunlara zm nerilerinizi ve bu konulardaki dncelerinizi belirtiniz.

4. Projeye katldktan sonra, EUROMEDISTe nasl bir katkda bulunmay dnyorsunuz?


5. AB projeleri ile ilgili tecrbeniz var m? Varsa detay belirtiniz.

6. Hobilerinizi (dans, spor vb.) belirtiniz.



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