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LuV may tke Long`bUt it wiL aLwys tKe u`2 weR u belong...`jUz hoLd oN &`eNjoy d j ourney...

`no niD 2 huRry`coZ uR heart wiL kNow...`wen its finaly``HoMe. if we r sta rs`adrift in nothingness`never think`dat ur spark`is worthless`amidst d billion othrs.``Bcoz sumwer,`sumhow,`sum1 is thankful`4 ur light.``i am. if you`love someon e`with all your heart`and you cannot bear`to be apart,`tell them now`before it's too late`because not everyone`has the patience to wait.Btwn a thousand ystrdays`& a million 2morrows,`ders only 1 2day`& i wudnt let`ds day pas`w/o sayin dis 2 u ..`i wudnt b as hapi`as i m now`if i ddnt know u.(",)Softly d leaves of mem'ry fal l.`Slowly, i'll gather & pick dem all.``Coz 2day, 2morow & til my lyf is thru,`i 'll always cherish knowng somebody lyk u! D words 'i luv u'`d0nt come`frm d LiPS,`` it c0mes`frm d HeaRT,``d0esnt`have`2 b`told,``it has`2 b`sh0wn..`Doesnt`hve`2 b` given,``it has`2 be..``PRoveN. Loving sum1`who doesnt love you`is like`watching a s tar`you know`you can`never reach.`But`you just have`2 kip on`trying...`Why not?` ``Stars CaN FaLL, right?! hw wudu knw`f a guy truly luvs u?``its wen u scream`he's calm.``wen u slap hm,`he kises u.``wen u cry,`he hugs u.``& wen u tel hm u h8 hm ,`he tels u```I LOVE "SpeCiaL PeRsons" are part of our memories dat time can NeVeR erase. & wen i'm blessed with a person like u, my memories are worth keeping for ever! i knw nothin lsts 4ever..& myb we wnt 2 alwys sty 2gdr,But evry smile & tear we share, cnvincs me dat memries of u&me wil lst 4 d rest of my lyf..Byond heart`has a`BiG space`4 special people`lyk u..`if i miss`2 communicate`dont thin k`ive 4gotten,`coz once`iv placed u`n my heart..`there u'll b stayin 4ever.always r emind urself`dt d best way 2 luv`s 2 giv luv as a gift--`freely,`willingly`& w/o expectation.`d purpose of loving`s nt 2 b luvd back,`bt simply 2 luv!Dnt bliv n d stiny.We shud think of reality. if u rily luv dat prsn,u shud fyt 4 it coz dstny is jz an xcuse of LeTTiNG thngs hapen nsted of MaKiNG thngs hapen!i dont have 2 s peak loud`juz 2 say wat i want 2 tel u,`a soft whisper of ``"i miss U"``is enoug h``coz its not my mouth`dat really speaks...```it's my HeaRT!one day when d time i s ryt, ul find d 1 uv ben waiting 4 ol ur life... dat person will sweep u off ur feet & LoVe u 4ol ur worth & ul b thankful uv waited!Life gave me`a lot of thngs 2 learn,`thiNgs i sHud kp`& Let go.`thNgs 2 4gt`& smtyMs rgrt,`i got hurt & cryd `bt y sHd i cry?`wn u r stL hr`2 rmNd me 2``sMyL! once upon a time`it happened to m e,`the sweetest thing`that could ever be,`it was a fantasy`a dream come true...` it was the day`i came to knw`someone like you.i may not get to c u`as often as i l yk`i may not get to hold u`in my arms`all thru the nyt`But deep in my heart`i tr uly knw`ur d 1 dat i luv`and i cnt let u goqThe eyes say,`i love you dear.``the l ips move,`no words appear.``if your love is true,`sincere and real,``what the li ps hide,`the eyes reveal.its bettr 2 lus ur pride`2 sum1 u luv,`dan 2 lus ur luv`b coZ of ur pride..`be a friend of thousands.`be a lover of 1..`n nvr let go of d 1`hu was nvr gone. i opnd my wallet`& found it empty.`i reached n my pocket`&found a few coins.`i searched n my heart`& found u there`den i felt lyk`d richest pers on n d world.a hug can say il mis u.`it can say ur special,`or bst of all,`i luv u. `it can soothe a hurt,`or calm a fear,`or cheer us`wen were blue.`So heres a hug for u. We cannot gain if we do not let go for there is no love without tears, ther e's no happiness without sacrifice, and there's no forever without pain.qLove kno ws no reasons.``Love knows no lies.``Love defies all reasons.``Love has no eyes. ``Love is not blind...``it sees,``but it doesn't takes a lifetime to find true love & it only takes a moment to lose it forever. so if u love someone, sho w it now bcos a lost today may be a lost forever.Dnt force urslf 2 fall n luv jst bcoz u thnk its ur turn. W8 4 a while, mayb cupids jst hving a hard tym searchin 4 d heart dat deservs d kind of luv u can gv! take tym`2 listen`2 ur heart`sumtyms `u need not`ask urself`who u`really love most,`but ask`who really`makes you happ y`& who makes you`feel loved. i dnt have 2 speak`4u 2 knw`jst wat im filng.`ur spec ial`& i wnt u 2 b sure`dt no matr wr i go,`whom i mit`& wat i do`iL nvr find```a noder u...``i miss you! i caugHt mySLf tNKiN oF d moments Spent w/u. iM a litle Lon Ly bt bein far frM u gVs me a beautfuL chnce 2 reaLze hw mch u miN 2 me & hw mch i miSs uR compny.When i found u,`i found the closest thing to heaven,`next to u`i found the deepest love i knew,`i believe this is true,`i found myself``wen i fo und you!!!sum ppl luv w/o rly wshn 2b 2gdr.`sum ppl leav nt rly wilng 2 let go.`i luv nt 2b luvd bak.`i leav nt coz il b folowd.`i luv cz i luv,`i leav cz i hv 2 let go.sumtyms loving cud be so painful, but its amazing 2 know that no matter how

hard it is, loving someone is still the simplest reason why ul find yourself sm ilinTherS aLwys a riSon`why we hav 2 muv on`2 say gUdbye`2 d fiLingS`we wantd2 sta y 4eveR.`4 LuV has 2 set`its own winGs fRee`2 finD d ryt place`where it shud be.i heard sm1 say`dt f wshes`dnt cUm trU``d sky wud CRY..``1nyt,`i t0t of wshn up0n dem`i wsH dt`he wUd jz b`myn agn`bt jZ b4 i`cLosd d`wnd0w 2sLip```it rained..did u knw dat tears can sumtyms b more spcial dan smyls? 4 smyls can b given 2 any1 b ut tears r only shed 4 people we dont wnt 2 lose. ur one of them. u knw wats my fav e part wen i wtch "Peter Pan"? its wn he sed "Think of a hapi thought so u can f Ly." u knw y? coz it rmnds me hw high u mke me fly. mwah...evryone wants to be the sun that lights up ur life...``But i'd rathr be your moon, so i can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isnt around. Never frown, even when u are s ad, bcoz u never know who is falling in love with your smile. To the world u may be 1 person, but to 1 person u may be the world.To wish`is to wish for you.``To s leep`is to dream of you.``To live`is to wait for you.``To smile`is to think of y ou.i hav dis strange feelin of missin u evry single second of d day, havin a pictu re of u in my mind & longin 4 ur presence in my lyf, hopin dat sumday u'l b mineev en the richest king cant have d greatest treasure i have. he may own things i ca n only dream of... but he certainly doesn't have what i got & its YOU..d only way 2 knw`dat sum1 truly luvs u`is whn aftr uv turnd him down,`u see him rise from d fall,`walk up to u & say`"i love you more now`than i ever did be4".Tonight, go out side and look for the star that shines so bright then make a wish, cause the las t time i did,```i met you... We're not even close`yet i miss u.`we hardly talk`but i hear u.`i dnt knw`a thing about u`yet i care for u.`im missing sumthin`in my l ife &```its you...When i mis u, i dnt have 2 go anywhere els jz 2 c u, i jz hav 2 luk dwn n my heart &i knw id c u der, coz dats wher u r & i knw dats wher ull al ways be..`4everWhen the situation gets you down, remember theres someone in heaven who loves you and watches over you.`and there is someone on earth who cares for you.``i do. When things go wrong,`when sadness fills ur heart,`When tears flow in ur eyes..`always rmember 3 things..`1) i am here`2) i care!`3) i love u! if msgS co Me at D wrNg TyM, Sory 4 d DsTrBnCe. & weN Ur fone beepS onLy 2 fND oUt it'S me, hoPe uR Not disapoiNtd, im jst sm1 hU Cares & misSeS U!831:``8 letters`3 words`1 meaning...```i love you. Count d fish in d ocean, those r d days`ill care 4 u.`Cou nt the stars`n d sky,`thats how often`ill think of u.`Count on forever,`that's d time ill b there 4 Do u knw wht mkes me hapi wen u txt me? Not ur Jokes,trivias or puzles,not ur 4warded messgs..but ur nme dat apirs wen it beeps. Tenkful sumhow U dont 4get meDo you often wonder if sum1 is thinking of u? do u often wonder if s um1 out there misses u? do u often wonder if sum1 loves u? well, stop wondering coz i do! even if oVe is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns the re is a rose that's worth all the pain.everyone says you only fall in love once bu t that's wrong; everytime i see your smile i fall in love all over again! How about giving your heart to some1 who would love to make you happy, who would love to be loved by you... so how would you feel if i give my heart to you?Yr e m e m b e r dat der will always be S o m e o n e who remembers u everyday w/ or w/out mes sages!```M e !D gauge of hw u trly trsure sm1 is not how hapi u r w/dem Bt hw sad u r wn u lose dem. But pls dnt try 2 find out how sad il b w/o u coz surely i wo nt last!!Wat if u luv d wrong persn? r u gona give up or hold on? mayB u nid 2 do nuthin-juz continue knows? mayB dat luv myt b enuf 2 make dat persn d ryt 1jst whn questions seemd endles`it sudnly bcame clear.`u came nt 2 luv me`bt 2 teach me`hw 2 luv`den u walkd away`w/o any idea`hw mch iv lernd`&Hw much it hu rts9U`can`chuz`hu`2care,`hu`2protect``hu`2share`lyf`w/,`but`U`can`nvr`chus`hu`2`f al`in`luv`w/``coz`luv`s`nt`a`choice`````its`````destiny!!!smday`iL b`sitn dwn in`a rokin cher`rmnscn`d pst`wen we`wer stl yong..``&wen`my grnchldrn`cum&ask`4a s2r y``iL`start`w/`1s upon a tym,````der was`U in my Lyf.Wn we fol seriusly in lov,we a lwz thnk dt d filing wd mutualy grw&stay 4evr. Bt smtyms,no matr hw prfct a rlat nshp may sim,ppl js chnge&4get dr promses of 4evri couldn't find a quote sweet eno ugh for u.. all i can find is dis sweet phrase:```i-luv-you!```Dont ask me why.. .``i just do =)Tym can heal all wounds. Tym can give u another chance, tym can hel p u forget, time can let u move on but tym can never giv back wat has already en ded.i was walkin alone wishin dat i cud reach`d end of d road`bt when you`walkd wi th me`i wishd d road`wud nvr end`coz id rather b lost w/ u`than reach d end w/o

uif i die 2nyt`it would b alright`4 i finaly found d 1`ive bin waitin 4`my whole l ife`if i die 2nyt`it would be ok`for bein wid u`is bein in heaven anyway. Aif you miss me just touch your heart and you will hear me, and if you really really mis s me just close your eyes and you will see me. =)it's not being in love that makes me happy, it's being in love with YOU that makes me happy. The only way 2 love is not finding the perfect person bt by loving the imperfect person perfectly.`True love doesnt hav a happy ending.```it simply doesnt end.Sumtyms luv is ironic`its hard 2 find`bt easy to lose`makes u feel good`but hurts u so bad`opens ur eyes`b t makes u blind`fills up ur heart`then tears it apartThe best part of loving is no t wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but in feeling that you lo ve the person far more than you thought you life,der r very rare chances dat ul meet d prson u love & loves u in return, so once uv found it dnt evr let it go! d chance might never come ur way again.To hav sum1 2 love is not a gift but a choice. To have someone to love you that's a gift. Cherish it that you can treasure it with all your heart.QLove doesnt hide, it stays and fights. it goes the distance. Thats why God made love so strong, so it can carry you...` ` all the way home.1To love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to pl ay by the rules. Then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.qLove ca n make you happy`but oftentimes it hurts;`but love is only special`when you give it to whom it's worth.i could lend u my shoulder`4 u 2 cry on,`my hnds 4 u 2 hold ,`my feet 2 walk wid u,`but i cud nevr`lend u my heart,`bcoz it already```belong s 2 YOU! Aa heart truly in love never loses hope but always believes in the proces s of love, no matter how long the time and how far the distance. Just because someo ne doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you wi th all they have.Wn u luv u mst nt expect anythin n retrn 4 f u do, ur not loving bt invsting. f u luv u mst prepare 2 accept pain 4 if u accept hapines, ur nt lo ving bt using.9immature love says, "i love you because i need you." Mature love s ays, "i need you because i love you."if we lose love`we lose it`4 a rison.`dat rea son`may b hard`2 undrstnd`bt watevr`it is`we jz`hav 2 blieve`dat God takes away` whn He has`somethin beter`to giv.Sometimes the people we hurt the most are the clo sest to us, for it is in loving someone that we stand close enough to be hugged and near enough to feel hurts when we risk our heart and it ends up being broken. But what hurts even more is when we still hold on when we already know t hat were waiting 4 nothingits always better 2 have found d courage 2 love even if u lose it in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face its challenge.Love not out of NeeD but out of the aBUNDaNCe of the heart.` Don't seek for someone who will fill your HeaRT, rather seek for someone whose h eart you can FiLL.ySome thoughts are better left unsaid, some feelings are better kept to yourself; but love has its own way of expressing itself even in SiLeNCe .you never truly love a person unless the mere thought of you hurting your loved o ne is enough to break your own heart.People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them br aver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser. The greatest challenge in our life is to find so meone who knows all our flaws and differences yet still willingly embraces us wi th so much life, it doesnt matter how far uv traveled, how much you posses s or what you have accomplished but rather who you have standing beside you at t he very end.Whn ol d wishes in ur heart,ol d dreams uv evr had & ol d things uv al ways hoped 4 soar in2 the sky & r reflectd in some` elses eyes; den uv found ur destiny.While i was walking, i stopped for a while and thought of things i don't h ave in my life, but i suddenly realized i have you and i feel complete. Sometimes the love we are looking for is right in front of us, too close for the eyes to see. ``So close your eyes and let your heart see for itself.The spaces between our fing ers were created so that another person's fingers could fill them in.Whn u luv, it s nt 4 u`2 b undrstud`bt 4 u`2 undrstnd;`nt 4 u`2 take`bt 4 u 2 b takn;`2 listn` nt 2 dict8;`2 sacrifice`&nt 2 dmand;`nt 2 count`or mesure`bt 2 luvLove is so easy to feel,`so hard to explain.`easy to get,`so hard to let go.`easy to spell,`so h ard to define.`yet everyone is still taking the risk.Love doesnt seek whats not th ere.`Love accepts all pains 2 bear.`Love that doesnt die`is love that we cant se e.`Love is just waiting`so please just wait 4 me.Loving is not how u forget`bt how you forgive,`not how u listen`but how u understand,`not what u see`but what u f

eel`and not how u let go`but how u hold on.People say that when love comes knockin g on your door, let it in. But sometimes love comes through a back door and by t he time you notice, it's on its way out.Iif i could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. Mwah! =)if my heart breaks in2 thousands of pieces,i want u 2 hav evry bi t of it, den scater dm acros the sky. There,deyl trn in2 stars so evry1 cud c hw mch i care 4uQif someone would ask me what a beutiful life means. i would lean o n your shoulder and hold you close to me, and answer...``"Like this!!!".it's diffi cult to find someone like you, it's like opening a hundred shells under the sea to find one pearl, but finding you makes the dive worthwhile.Love is something spe cial,`a treasure i want to find...`to others, love is blind.`But for me,`its not true,`coz when i fell in love...```i saw you...Nvr cling 2 a lost love 4 u cn alw yz find another. 2 truly luv is 2 find d courage 2 walk away &let go of d 1 who wishes to be free, no mater hw much it a relationship, it is not importan t that both partners think the same...what is important is that they both think together.i try 2 take d pain away`by findin sum1 new,`bt dn i came 2 realyz`no1 cm pares 2u`&evn f i luk around`pretndin nt 2cry`il alwyZ go bak d day`u finaly sed gudbyf evr u find urself n luv wid sum1 els,jz thnk of me 4 d lst tym & 4get me. & f evr u find urself in luv w/ d 1 u admire, jz make sureb she luvs u mor dan i didisnt it sad dat whn u hav so much pain n ur heart & u want to talk, d only pers on who can stop u from crying is exactly the same person who made you cry?its so h ard 2 live alone, its hard to choose sum1 u cud luv, bt d hardst part of loving is 2 admit dat uv fallen in luv w/ sum1 u didnt mean 2 luv frm d startDo you ever recall d day we 1st met? our 1st helo? d day we bcame lovers? wel i do.i will al wys rmembr..4dat day,i knw ud b d bst gift il b keeping 4ever. =)all my life i hav e been searching for true magic, but you were right here beside me the whole tim e.wn u wnt sm1 2 b urs, it only givs u pain. dts y we must b creful in longing 4 s m1, coz d pain is unbearble 2tke esp wn ur longin 2 much 4 nothing at all.='cits w rong 4 me 2 say dat i cnt liv w/o u coz i hav livd my lyf b4 i knew instd o f syin dat,id rder tel u dis... "i wud liv a betTr lyf..w/u by my side!" a boy ws a Bout 2 leave, bt b4 he did, he gave his Girl a dozen roses. 11 r real & 1 s arti ficial & he told d Girl,"dnt cry, i wil love u until d last 1 dies.."1each day i am with you is better than the last, and my first day with you was the best day of my hurts to see the one you love walk away. but what really hurts the m ost is when they let you believe that they loved you but they really never did. To love is to risk..`sOmEtiMes we get`wt we dont xpect..`bt dats juz how it is to l ove..``we simply`have to give..```not knowing`what to take...i thought dat if i tr ied 2 stay away, id learn 2 let you go & forget, but i was wrong. The more i sta yed away from you,the more i realized how much i love you.aThe key to finding the right relationship is like most other things in life: keep trying and searching until you find the right one for you.Saying i luv u is important, but not enuf. L ove is a verb, an action word. Sumtyms passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.)one should not love just to fill in an empty space but to have someone to stay by his side to complete the missing piece in h is life.a grl ws sad cz she knew dt d guy she luvd didnt luv hr back. yrs 18r,she saw d guy caryng hs doter.she askd,'wuts her name?"He smyld sadly n sed,'same as urs'B4 i go to sleep, u knw wht i do? i think of u & whn its my lucky nyt, i drea m of u. i dnt wana wake up bcoz whn i do, u know what? i just start missing you. .. Go out on a rainy day and count how many rain drops fall and i'll tell u thats h ow much i miss u and care for u. =)miles & tym cnt stp wt we hv. ts a bond dt lsts aftr evrytn els n my lyf hs gone wrng.we myt b bth bc doin wt we hv2do, bt f ev r ul nid me, il alwys b arnd 4uits a nice feelin whn sum1 u luv luvs u in return. S o whn u knw d 1 u luv has special feelings 4 u, nvr let dem go coz its rare 2 fi nd 2 hearts dat beat`as 1.Sumday ul forget me... My name, my voice, and who i am t o you. But even if you forget me, just want u to know that i will never forget h ow much you mean to me.i never regret d chance i gave myself 2 kwn you. Coz now u' re a part of me dat i'l chersh til d end. im happy having knwn you, hope you fel l d same way 2, (",)ThRee seConDs t0 say i LoVe yoU...`3 hours to explain it...`aN d a LiFeTiMe 2 prove iT.Valuing someone is not merely by seeing each other evryday . Wat counts is dat somehow in our busy lives,we remmber each other.Wen u find luv

...`Treasure it...`Take care of it...`B true 2 it...`Make gud use of it...`Bcoz luv comes unseen...`U can only c it...``wen it's gone.When i say i love you, i mea n i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other des ires than to let you know i really love you. Can i say i love you today? if not, ca n i ask you again tomorrow? and the day after that? Because i'll be loving you e very single day of my life. yi luv you`til the day i die,`i luv you`til i break do wn and cry.`i love you`and i'll make you see`that noone will ever love you```mor e than ME.if u hesit8 whn i hold ur hand, ill let u go. if u run away whn i giv u a kiss, il let u go. But once u let me giv u a hug, just once... il never let yo u go.knowing u`has always been`a mystery.``i cudnt evn undrstand`how we evr`bcame friends.``But watevr`d rison mayb`im thankful`coz somehow`u made me hapPy... When p eople see me texting they think i'm addicted to this texting thing. They're wron g because they don't know is that it's YoU i'm addicted to. Never waste an opportun ity to say "i love you" to someone you really love cause it's not everyday you m eet a person who has the magic to let you fall in love. Love is like air. you'll ne ver know it's there until you feel it and you'll never know it's gone until you need it. wn i tel u here i am, wn i tel u i cre, i do..wn i teL u iL nver Leave u, i wont. iL b here. i wont Leave u, & iL nver get tired of bein here 4u.if u fall," NoBoDy" wil care 4u!`if u die,"NoBoDy" will cry 4u!`coz "NoBoDy" luvs u!``oh by d name is "NoBoDy!" y do we close our eyes wen we dream?..`dts bcoz d mos t btiful thngs n lyf s unseen..`so ask me...`y cnt i see u ryt nw? Wn it cms 2 luv, its hard 2 know f u hve d ryt 1. Many lovers weep, and left n sorrow.y?B coz WoRDS cant iMMoRTaLiZe emotions..:'ci tHaNk u Bcoz u LiSten wHen i sPeak & U c Me 4 wHo i am. i wiL thanK u evRy day of My LiFe Bcoz Ur 1 of My Life's greatst gfts! u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & real yz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely...its ok 2 disagree w/ sum1 u lu v. how u disagree makes all the difference. Disagree with respect 4 d other pers on's opinion whether or not u think its right.D bad tyms can strengthen a relation ship if both persons r willing to make a commitment 2 do whatever it takes 2 wor k on d problems & learn from the bad times.i wndr y d strs stl shyn evn f im sad.` `i wndr y d birds stl fly evn f i cry.i wndr y d sun stl smyls evn f im blu.``my b bcz d wrld's telin me i stl hv u.

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