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About This Book HOW TO USE IT


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Original Date: AUG 14, 2009


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1-WHAT A BOOK? This book is not an academic exercise in the sence that the presentation is not supported by sufficient references. Firstly because I lost most of my lifetime collection of books, brochures, reports and paper computations. Secondly and more importantly the purpose is not to overload the reader with superflous information for the sake of it. It is a practical book or as they say "DO IT YOURSELF" type. all that is presented was actually used in projects. For foundation designs, I have tried to use updated code 318-11 in the design of RCC. Each workbook usually has a theoretical part to explain some fundamentals. I was motivated by Edward L. Wilson, main author of the famous (or infamous) program called SAP (Now SAP2000-15. In his book, "Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures", he describes the theory behind his computational models with the following justification: row 20

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row 40 Taking up the subject of originality he further writes:

The fundamental physical laws that are the basis of the static and dynamic analysis of structures are over 100 years old. Therefore, anyone who believes they have discovered a new fundamental principle of mechanics is a victim of their own ignorance.
Encouraged by the two quotations given above, I have tried to give some background information that may help the reader to use the the presented material sensibly. My usual disclaimer would be that I have provided all information on "as is and where is" basis, and the user is solely responsible for the results. Another motivation came from engineers, who were searching for sag-tension methodology and were not able to even ask the right question. On a technical forum called CR4 ( I found the following Q&A: row 50

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row 130 It is obvious from above that the discussion was not conclussive or even useful. I posted the following comment:

row 140 The above post resulted in two emails received promptly- one from Mr. Iqbal Khan, a Pakistani Engineer serving in Saudi Arabia and the other from Mr. Thomas Morgan from Kansas city. I sent the sag-tension chapter to both of them. Mr. Thomas was working on a secret project and did not continue further correspondance, whil Mr. Iqbal showed a lot of enthusiasm and in fact made an open offer to send me books and documents on the subject as he had access to them. Among several documents sent by him was a design book titled: Overhead Power Transmission Lines-by Kiessling, Nefzger, Nolasco and Kaintzyk (I will call KNNK). Among other things it contained a discussion on catenary that was more detailed than in any other English Language book. The book contains a methodology that can be used for slack span calculations. This incidence highlights the need for a detailed conceptual jouney into the theory of sag-tension. Another engineer Mr. Randy More also showed interest in the subject and I also sent him two chapters. He is an expert programmer and had been motivated to write a program on Sag-Tension computation. He had aquired a US Design manual on the subject, as refered to above. He needed some conceptual underpinnings. I am happy my chapter (ST2-Sag-Ten-Par.slsx) provided him the same. Here is an email received from a student writing a theses on Optimal Spanning of a Transmission Line. He exchanged with me 13 emails in a span of 4 days. I sent him, not only my chapter on sag-tension but also provided him some references on his subject, which also had been my subject, but lacking enough math and programming skill, I dropped the idea back in the year 2000. Here is his first email:

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So there seems to be a need that this book can fulfill. I hope when it is finally uploaded to my site, many more engineers will show up. Unlike usual technical books I have used first person singular pronoun"I" mostly instead of the usual "we". My logic is that with "we" the reader feels small. "I" is used to develop a personal raport at the same level as the reader is. The book is a "heart to heart talk" and not a professors authoritative lecture. I hope the profession will like the idea and feel "at home" with this type of presentation. row 190 English is not my language. I never got good grades in the colledge for English. So I may be excused where my usage is not of the level of an author. In any case all languages have become downgraded in the face of media bombardment of information without regard to the syntax or proper usage of words. All that is important is that I am able to communicate with the raeder. If I succeed in that, my job is done. 2-STRUCTURE AND AARRANGEMENT OF CHAPTERS As the luck would have it, the book is not a conventional one organised into chapters with a continous flow. It is mainly for two reasons. Firstly I do not and infact cannot cover all aspects and secondly it is easy for me to write in a zig-zag mannar as and when some idea is finalised. So I have diveded the book into sections with main titles and then add chapters as they come to my mind. So the reader has to consult the table of contents to jump to the the subject of his or her interest. The chapter do not generly rely on an order. Where some material is required form another chapter a reference is clearly made and so reader can read the refered materail at the time. A design book has to refere to a multitude of technical documents. So does this book. Many times, I have been able to provide photocopies of relevent portions of original documents. I have displayed them on the right side of the worksheet in the non-printing area. This has been done to avoid distraction and, in case the worksheet is printed, to avoide waste of paper. Those interested in printing the references may copy paste them in a word document and then print. 3-COPYRIGHT STATUS I do not claim any copyrights. Even a price tag is not attached. The materail can be freely shared, copied or modified. There is only one proviso- It has to be used by a qualified engineer who can and appreciate that there is no such a system in the world even if they call it an expert system. Human cannot be replaced by a computer at least not in my lifetime. So the reader and user has to fully understand the concept and theory behind the compuatations and use it with descretion. I have tried my best to explain the theory but I am only a practical engineer, who learned the hard way. 4-ANECDOTAL

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Prior to creation of Pakistan, educational field in this country was clearly dominated by hindu authors. For ALL students English was a horrible language and the sole purpose of it being compulsory was considered to be able to FAIL in the examinations. Then appeared a popular book titled, "English Teacher". This book would give simple tips for learning English and specially passing the examination (even without really learning it). It was in use even when I was in my metric classes (1951-52).I do not recall author's name. Next to the title, was a picture of the author, printed in color on a lithographic press. The picture was not very pleasant to watch. But below it were instructions for the prospective student, to get up early daily, take ablution and say your prayers (as per religious practice of the student-quite a secular approach but possibly was meant not to exclude any reader and sell the book as much as possible), select a quiet comfortable place and watch this picture for 5 minutes with utmost concentration. Then study your lesson. Well readers, my picture may be better than that but no such instructions are included. Watching it is actually PROHIBITED.

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That was the heading of a full page advertisement in an Urdu news paper (Then the news paper was almost twice the width and length of today's paper). The title was somewhat equivalent to above. Sometimes it was published on two facing pages in the middle of the news paper to attract more clientage. I do not recall the name of the advertiser but the address referred to MOHALLAH PIR GILANIAN inside the walled city of Lahore- I think PIR GILANI was Not connected to our present prime minister Gilani, who incidentally is a also a PIR by descent. For my age it was neither understandable nor possible to read a full page. But what I recall, it advertised a herbal medicine for Erection Dysfunction and meant for males. Presciptions in my book are also for ERECTION DYSFUNCTION, but here it might refer to ERECTION of transmission lines and has no price tag. Looking at the size of the advertisement, I feel by the way, the two people must have amassed tons of wealth.

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This was also a nearly full page advertisement and described again for Erection Dysfunction, some obscure herbs with Sanskrit names to be prepared in ways that would require supernatural patience. The herbs were supposedly only available in north Indian hills but were being guarded by poisonous snakes. This man, who supposedly descended from the first cured patient, most probably implying that if it was not true, he could not be born. But my book uses "herbs" that are well known and very easy to prepare. So I need not vanish. 2-VERSION CONTROL: Originally, I was controlling the version for each worksheet, so that users may know if they have two versions, which one is up-to-date. But soon it became very unruly and I am now assigning same version ID to the whole workbook, even if change occurs in a single worksheet. 3-STRUCTURE and LAYOUT OF THIS BOOK First 4 chapters are sequentially numbered as is the case with all books. The Book is then divided into sections also sequentially numbered. The sequence is roughly in order of construction phases of Transmission Line project. But it is really a chicken and egg story. So some deviation is to be accepted. First 4 chapters are all text and could better be word documents or PDF files. But as the book is compiled in EXCEL, a uniformity was kept though at a price. The editing of text in EXCEL is not at all comfortable and in fact very time consuming. But in a sense it is going to be a monument, at least from my perspective, so pain must be taken as is visible in the historical monuments all around us. Within a work book, earlier worksheet(s) are text and sketches explaining theory, while latter ones are templates. I started with sketches using XL drawing tools but soon find it hard and switched over to AutoCAD. One has a greater control and precision. The sketches were then screen captured from layouts by using Snagit. It is an excellent program for screen capture, and output is taken in BMP format that is inserted readily in XL. Unfortunately, the capture degraded the quality. But what cannot be cured must be endured. The earlier sketches made in XL will be redone on AutoCAD if I live long enough. row 260 Workbooks are not protected. Thus they can be easily changed and may change by mistake. XL worksheets are not like compiled code. Thus it is the responsibility of the user to see that a saved copy is stored away ( I would say FAR AWAY) and results checked with original data to give same answers as the original workbooks. 4-ICC BLESSINGS When I had written a few chapters I thought I should share some with my Company. I did receive a quick positive response from the MD. My junior colleague was assigned to study the chapter and offer comments. Nothing came out despite almost two years have elapsed. In the mean times, I haved further developed and improved upon the presentation. But I have no intension to ask for comments anymore. In the beginning, I thought people will rush to see the book. I sent it to nearly 20 engineers for an initial feel. All seemed very responsive and wished it to be completed ASAP. In fact some spoke on phone, giving their suggestions and my OLD friend, retired Member Power WAPDA, Mr. Javid Akhtar even commented word by word on my workbook TL1-Dr_Kasikci.xlsx and discussed in person for almost a full day at his Lahore residence, when he visited his family. His son Salman, owner of a software company tried to help me read my old FRAMEWORK files, but alas it was not possible. He was able to read the text in the cells but not formulae or the FRED part of the programing. I seemed to have lost almost all my work done during my active professional life. I have reproduced the emails exchanged with the MD ICC (PVT) LIMITED, as a testemonial to his interest in the book:

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About This Book HOW TO USE IT


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But ICC employees do not seem to be interested. One man, Sakhawat Ali, head of the drawing section, however is very enthusiastic and keeps asking me as to the status of the book. He himself cannot use it but, because of my past associatin and his knowledge of my educational activities in the desemination of knowledge, he is very interested. It seems, I am wasting my time on a project that may not be received with interest by more than 10 people in all. But when I look at the work done almost 200 years ago by people like Clement C. Williams (Book named Design of Masonary Structures)-made a monument of his engineering and Lambs Calculus, both now preserved by the internet. And I like to think, though not of the same academic stature, my book will also be searched on the intenet 200 year from now, that is if the world last that long. 5-HOW TO USE THIS BOOK I have tried to isolate data within smaller worksheets and so each worksheet can be detached from theoretical part and used as stand alone. But bigger worksheets have been organized into multiple sheets to keep the data well organized. In case you need only part of a sheet to be annexed to your calculations, where input has been organized otherwise, it would be a good idea to cut-paste the relevant part and then connected to your input. In that case do not re-save my original sheet to avoid corruption. and don't forget the units. I am giving my units in a separate column and where input units differ, I made an effort to first convert them in a separate row and then use them. But I may have been careless in some case. So be aware of that lacuna.

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row 340 I have tried to use the default settings of XL but might have changed in a rare case. I am using Arial 10 size font except for special symbols, where other fonts had to be used. So be on the look out if symbols are not correctly handled by your computer. I had to re-write part of my sheets when I changed from Win VISTA 32 bit to WIN 7 64 bits. Computers can behave in strange way and are not better than humans inso far as being subject to moods. 6-DESIGN OF SPREAD SHEETS Christy's book mentioned in my preface influenced my design of spreadsheet. So here are some features of my sptreadsheets: 1- Top nine rows repeated at print time. This has been set by opening Page layout menu item on the Ribbon, open by clicking the slanting arrow on bottom right. A page setup dialog appears. Click on the Sheet tab row 350

The red arrow points to this setting. Top nine rows have a logo on the left side. User can replace it with their own version. The file naming convention is out of my experience. The first two letters indicate the section of the book. Rest of the file name is descriptive of the contents. It may be difficult to really give good descriptive names and so you must include a contents page

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as per above sample. Computing is useless without proper documentation. My practice on data storage has been very sucessful if a reasonable directory structure similar to that of this book is created. Here is a part of structure on my office computer in office. To save space on this sheet, I have rotated the picture of the directory structure.

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Tree of The main entry "Tenders" is expanded. Other main items in the rout directory were for example : 1-Tenders 2-Projects 3-Busines Promotion 4-Specifications etc. etc. The user can always make his own structure, but why re-invent the wheel? 7-DISCUSSION OF EXISTING DESIGN Major source of my lerning was study of existing designs. For example, my first tower design job was to extend the capability of towers on an existing 132 kv river crossing of Chenab river near Shahkot. WAPDA required to upgrade the conductor and strengthen the towers to use for resulting higher loads. The original tower was hand calculated graphically by a British company. There document was available. At that time, I was camping on the river bank at Sukkur and one problem was to stop the lage drawings from flying in response to strong winds on a makeshift table and in the presence of a kesosine lamp. The difficult circumstances and bad working conditions actually helped concentrate more efficiently on the problem. Thus I have included discussion on existing designs to place before the readers, the oppurtunities of learning by understanding what to look for and where. Uptill now I have included discussion of three designs as in F12-PolF-NIPPON.xlsx , SS2-FlexBusWithDownLds.xlsx and SS3-GantLoadComp.xlsx As the book develops, there may be more such examples included. 8-SYMBOLS AND UNITS As the purpose behind the effort of writing this book is to document the actual work done by me at various stages of my lifelong learning, which naturally consisted of borowing knowledge from multiple sources based on practices of multiple organisations and standards, the units used in any worksheet and the symbols employed are not uniform throught. No artificial effort was made to create a uniformity, as it might result in some lack of clarity or introduce unintended and untracable errors. Mostly the results were available and checked to veryfy the health of the worksheet. Thus my advice to the user is to convert input units approperiately in a separate worksheet and then link to my inputs. Similarly at the end another worksheet may be provided to convert back the units approperiately, rather than modify my worksheet. It ay be interesting to note that, in Pakistan, FPS system was changed to MKS and then MKSA during my education. SI came around 1970. 9-COMMERCIAL WORKSHEETS AVAILABLE Lately a lot of commercial worksheets on engineering design are availble on the internet, mostly for a price but some free ones are also around. What I do not like about them is that they do not display equations in their real form to keep the engineering touch and that they lock the sheets, so you cannot modify or see the working. So it is like compliled programs, where number crunching is done without giving an engineering insight. That is basically opposed to my philosophy. I do not like blind number crunching. I feel as if a dog is watching the butcher with only one purpose- to get the meet. He does not understand all the moves that the butcher makes. Naturally he cannot become a butcher. You know the famous quote-If skill could be achieved by watching, dogs will become butchers. My intension is that worksheets display what an engineer would expect to write in his long-hand calculations. So the looks are closer to the engineer rather than to the computer.

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