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A er months of planning and praying, the board and sta of Chris an Services of Oklahoma are pleased to introduce our

agencys new name:

Chris an Adop on and Foster Care
Please see the reverse side for Frequently Asked Ques ons on informa on regarding the name change. You may visit our website at or call our oce at 405-216-5240. We hope that you join us in celebra ng our con nued growth and looking toward the future as we hope to serve more children by providing loving, Chris an adop ve and foster families.

Name Change Frequently Asked Ques ons

1. Why is Chris an Services of Oklahoma changing its name?
Our Board Our Board of Directors entered into serious talks and Board Directors entered into serious talks and irectors ntered nto serious talks discussions about discussions about name change several years ago. The Board discussions about a name change several years ago. The Board hang several y ars g g oard felt that the original name had served us well when the agency was founded. However, it is quite lengthy and similar to names of other organiza ons in our area. The Board and sta no ced that many people in the community struggled to say our name correctly and we were frequently misiden ed or had to correct those who introduced us publicly. The board desired to inves gate the possibility of renaming the organiza on. The renaming was meant to serve several purposes including clarifying our mission and cu ng down on confusion and lack of agency recogni on. The board desired that the new name be meaningful, memorable, grounded in scripture, and easy to say.

2. How was the new name chosen?

The board held several focus groups and employed the help of local ar st and OC graduate Jesse Owen. With the help of Mr. Owen, the board considered a variety of name possibili es that had meaning for the important ministry that we do and were grounded in scripture. Early on, the name Lilyeld rose to the top. It ts the criteria above (meaningful, memorable, grounded in scripture, and easy to say). The board felt that the visual imagery combined with the meaning of the scripture it referenced gave vision for our ministry. In addi on, a tagline will accompany the nameChris an Adop on and Foster Caregiving clarity to our mission and the services we oer.

3. What scripture does it reference?

Ma hew 6:28-29 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the eld, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. The scripture reminds us that if we know God cares even for the lilies of the eld we can be sure that he will care for us, and the sweet children that we serve.

4. Have you changed your mission, vision or programs?

No, not at all. Our board of directors, sta, bylaws, programs and services all remain intact and unchanged. We hope that this name change will be a source of encouragement to those we serve and our agency as a whole. We have experienced signicant growth in the past year and look toward more growth in the year to come. The process of renaming has helped our agency focus in on the important work that we do: nding Chris an families for children through adop on and foster care.

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