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Anjanette Santiago

Case Study


A Possible Conflict
The Case The Dilemma: Can one justify protecting an unconfirmed creature over a confirmed one? Can one destroy what is possibly the only habitat of a creature for the benefit of industrialization? How many witnesses does it take to change the likelihood of existence from possible to likely? These are the questions some land-use planners are already facing and with our planets booming population, ones all land-use planners may soon have to learn to handle. In such a narrowly studied field, how can cryptozooligists learn to compete with rising land demands when even known creatures are being pushed to extinction at an alarming rate? Humans often ignore the creatures that they share the earth with and with few remote forest and jungles in the world many people believe there cant be much if anything left to discover. Yet, in as recent as the last decade we have discovered the pygmy three-toed sloth (2001), the Cypriot mouse (2004), and walking shark (2006). But many argue that the wheels of progress stop for no man, or sloth in this case, and it often comes down to human habitation versus wildlife habitation; A sentiment that is beyond question for most cryptids. The Situation: Camden county New Jersey has been given a government stimulus grant of 2 million dollars for the county to better themselves in some way. Many of the elected officials believe the best way to use this money is to find a way to generate tourism dollars. This presents somewhat of a problem since New Jersey is not known for much other than trash, mobsters, and the buffoonery epi-center that is the New Jersey Shore. However, there is one other thing it is known for: the Jersey Devil. With so much fame that even their NHL team is named after it, this could be the draw that their county needs to substantiate new business in the area; the Jersey Devil National Park for research and recreation. You can pitch a tent anywhere but nowhere else will you have the chance to see this elusive creature. Think of the merchandise! Why has no one thought of this before?!? There is one small matter; the Jersey Devil may not actually exist. Though there have been countless sightings and eye witness reports, traditional science has not yet been able to prove (or disprove) the existence of the Jersey Devil. A fact some of their constituents are keen to point out. This brings us to the discussion between the members of the board for Camden county, the coalition of concerned mothers (CCM), The Devil Hunters- New Jerseys Official Jersey Devil research group (DH), and the Nation Park Foundation (NPF). A meeting has been called to formally announce the intent of the board and allow its residents to voice any concerns. Dialogue:

Anjanette Santiago

Case Study


Board Member Camden: (In monotonous tone) I call to order the room for the start of th the August 9 2012 board meeting to announce and discuss the proposed use of MY county (pauses for laugh there isnt one) ahem, the Camden County stimulus package as provided to us by the Obama administration in an effort to help our county better itself for a bright tomorrow. I now turn the floor over to my esteemed colleague Robert Moss for information on our proposed project. Board Member Robert: Thank you Camden. (Camden gives a polite nod) (In sales tone) The board members and I have spent quite a while discuss what is the best way to better ourselves. If you ask me, Camden County is already the best place on earth, am I right? (Silence) But we decided to look at this as an opportunity. An opportunity to leave the future citizens of Camden County with a legacy. Something we can be proud of, something all future Camden natives can talk about with pride on their travels. Thats when we realized we already have something we can proud of. Something no other place in the world has .. the Jersey Devil. (many croud member look at each other confused) Now many of you may think we are going to use this money to capture the Jersey Devil. But that wouldnt do us much good. No we must draw people hear with something greater than just another new creature. We can draw them here with allure, mystery and the possibility that they too could see what our locals have seen. We will do this through the Jersey Devil National Park. This will provide us with not only a state treasure, but a new source of tourism. Tourism will not only fill our streets with diversity, but also fill our towns with new business opportunities and revenue. This is something our county can be proud of. This is something our children can be proud of. This is something that we are proud to present to YOU, our voting constituents! (sparse, scattered applause) I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you all that I am running for re-election this coming term. (a single muffled cough is heard amid deafening silence) I now relinquish the floor back to Camden Board Member Camden: Thank you, Robert. We will now open the floor to any of you that may have questions or concerns regarding this project. (Immediately, a woman in a pink shirt with the letters CCM emblazoned on the front stands up to address the board) CCM Member Carol: How will this actually help our children? (before anyone can answer, she continues) While you all are proposing some cockamamie idea about Jersey Devils, our children needs books, desks, and computers. But you all think that the Jersey Devil is our future? What about the children? Arent they the future? We could build a new school that would put Camden county at the forefront of education in the country and genuinely give our county something to be proud of! (at this point her pink-clad posse claps loudly, hooting and hollering) Board Member Camden: The board recognized Carol, of the Council of Concerned Mothers. I would also like to point out that of course we are thinking of the childr- (he is then interrupted by a tall, mangy looking gentleman)

Anjanette Santiago

Case Study


DH Tom: NOW WAIT JUST A GOSH DARNED MINUTE!!! Tom, of The Devil Hunters here. Why is everyone so gosh darned worried about the children. The children will be fine! By the time the gosh darned school will be built, the children will not even be gosh darned children anymore!! The Devil needs protecting now, not to mention all the other critters in them parts. Now I have an education from the Camden County public school system, the BEST gosh darned school district in the country if I do say so, and I never lacked for no learnin! Just ask my PHD mentor at Columbia. Thats Columbia University, yall. If we dont protect these natural areas, creatures like the Jersey Devil may soon be extinct if it is a fact that they actually exist. CCM Member Carol: Thats exactly my point! The children do exist!! DH Tom: Yes, but for how much longer without these gosh darned natural areas?! (the room erupts into frenzied argument) Board Member Camden: Order! ORDER EVERYONE!!! (the room quiets) Clearly there are other factors to consider than the love of our beloved hometown myth, the Jersey Devil. The board members and I will discuss these matters further, taking your comments into consideration. We will reconvene one week from today, hopefully with a solution that best exemplifies the needs of our county.

Conclusion: The board could never reconvene on the matter of course because shortly after this meeting, Camden had an elderly relative get sick in some far-off country. The money was discovered missing not long after that. It seems that for at least Camden himself both his children and his land would be well taken care of. For the citizens of Camden county, Im sure they would gladly have agreed to either rather than have some low life S.O.B. get away with it.

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