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Neyzen Tevfik Ross Daly Harry Manx Tt-Michel Kpomassie= an African in Greenland Dr Robert Doctor from Georgi i Peperudite

Martin Lings Richard Thompson Angelo Soliman- an African in Vienna Freya Stark Sir Richard Burton Arthur Lee Lafcadio Hearn Rosa Eskenazy Harry Partsch/ Moondog Bali Efendi (Sofia ?) ,,,,,edi koi si Aga- legendary Budapest character ??? Kim Burton Balkan music freak/ Lindsay edi koi si Brenna MacCrimmon; Paul Bowles Japanese laboratory chef/ hester Blumenthal Seiji Yamamoto is a classically trained Japanese chef who prepares astonishing Japanese cooking that is nothing like the Japanese cuisine I've encountered. I saw him give a video presentation in New York last month and was blown away. His food struck me as kaiseki-meets-molecular-gastronomy, mad science from Fernan Adria's Tokyo love child, dazzlingly creative, utterly fascinating -- and, yet, food that seemed as intrinsically Japanese as a hearty bowl of shoyu ramen. Above all, Seiji's cooking looked delicious. So I had to learn more PopTech! Pollock/Pollack ; cf

2006 speaker Homaro Cantu has been called many things over the years: techno-chef, mad scientist, a modern-day Willy Wonka - to name just a few. But now he can add another epithet to his resume: Champion. Last night in the culinary equivalent of the gridiron known as the Kitchen Stadium, Cantu narrowly edged out famed Japanese Iron Chef Masuharu Morimoto to capture a 5251 point victory on the Iron Chef America. (If you've never seen the Iron Chef before, it's a cooking battle show in which two chefs an incumbent Iron Chef and a Challenger must each cook a meal in less than an hour including in each course a specific ingredient.) To secure a win against veteran Iron Chef Morimoto, Cantu and his team (including sous chef Ben Roche) pulled out the big guns: liquid nitrogen, an ink jet printer, and of course, a class IV laser. After filling several balloons with beet juice (the ingredient of the day for the competition) he rolled them in a bath of liquid nitrogen to create beautiful frozen orbs. Next he fired up the laser to a scorching 2800 degrees to caramelize some cellulose-based packing peanuts (yes, the kind that are used in shipping boxes). And while Iron Chef Morimoto delicately sliced beets to make sushi rolls, Cantu simply printed out pictures of maki onto edible paper using an HP printer and soy-based ink. If you missed last night's competition, you can catch the recap of the sushi smackdown when the show re-airs on the Food Network at the following times:

Moondog/ Charles Ives/ Garth Cartwright (Author of Princes Amonst Men / Journey with Gypsies/ NZ writer) And horseback across Europe guy And public school boy in Romania Atanas Slavov- American from Sliven Bertrand Russell Gregory Corso Mervyn Peake Tim Mackintosh-Smith (Yemen etc) Petar Dunov/ Baba Vanga Yunus Emre/ Rumi/ Demir Baba ? Nick Drake Evliya Celebi/ Ibn Battun/ Geza Cat Matthieu Ricar Nikolai Grozni Poet Boris Hristov Georgi Danailov Tahir Shah William Blacker Jeremy James Vambery Armin

BATU KAN PESTI ROKONAI. Vambery Armin es tatarja, Csagatai Izsak.


Kurban Said Ref: black man at court / stuffed !? Ignatius Sancho Olaudah Equiano

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