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Name: Gustavo Enrique Ramirez Cristales Career: Bachelor of Arts in the teaching of English Subject: Web-based technology for

the teaching of English Title of the activity: Results and analyze of VARK questioner Year: 2012

Learning languages has not always been as easy as it is today, however many people seem not to find the most suitable way for them to learn a language. And the purpose of this report is to inform not only myself, but other people about the importance of the different approaches for learning languages and take advantage of all the strategies available. As teachers use our imagination for preparing a better planning for our students; it is not only to be aware of those strategies, but it is also important to know how to apply them. As we know, all people are different and unique, and their style of learning which is related to the 8 types of intelligences, as well. I have had the opportunity to answer the VARK questionnaire, which is a specialized test that provides you with four different scores that identify the most important characteristics of your ways for learning something new. The results of this questionnaire also provide you with strategies that will help to suit your learning preferences in a personalized way. Therefore you can contextualize the content you are going to study and be able to catch the new language properly. As an English language student to know my style of learning is a must because in that way I can optimize my learning not only in pro of my own benefit, but as a teacher it enables me to help others who are having difficulties in learning , as well.

The VARK Questionnaire Results

Your scores were: Visual: 5 Aural: 6 Read/Write: 15 Kinesthetic: 9 You have a mild Read/Write learning preference

This is an interesting result, in one side, i have that i dont visual at all to understand something, i consider that is true, when i am learning something, i alwsya focus on reading the instructions and then putting inpractice what i have just read, i just use visual when i dont understand something. The aural seems to be a strong one, but it is not by the way. I consider that it is like a mixing of this one and Kinaesthetic, so, it means that in a certainly way, sometimes i prefer to do it by myself and clarify my doubts with the practice after have read the documents that tell how to do something (homework, projects, etc) Read/write it is definitely what i consider the best option to understand how i learn in my classes, definitely, i do agree with the result, when i am learning, i always read, i go to bed with a book on my hands, and i prefer to work following the instructions and practicing the things by myself.

The VARK Questionnaire Results : Visual: 5 / Aural: 6 / Read/Write: 15 / Kinesthetic: 9 INTAKE SWOT - Study without tears OUTPUT To take in the To make a learnable package To perform well in any test, information assignment or examination Lists Write out the words Write exam answers. Headings again and again. Practice with Dictionaries Read your notes multiple choice Glossaries (silently) again and questions. Definitions again. Write paragraphs, Handouts Rewrite the ideas and beginnings and Textbooks principles into other endings. Read/Write Readings words. Write your Study Library Organize any diagrams, information into lists Strategies Notes (Often graphs ... into (a, b, c, d or 1, 2, 3, Verbatim) statements, e.g. "The 4). Essays trend is..." Arrange your words Manuals Turn reactions, actions, into hierarchies and (Computing, diagrams, charts and points. Technical And flows into words. Laboratory) Imagine your lists arranged in multiple choice questions and distinguish each from each. I do agree with the result, definitely, I prefer to read and write, investigate and analyze many things since my own perception and understand what I have around, this is a useful tool to discuss and apply in the classroom, because it can help to the students to make them thing about their own understanding of themselves, it means that they can concentrate and develop in the erase where they consider have a lack of development. I think it is a useful tool that can help to the students to know how do they learn better, of course it is difficult if they just do it because it is an assignment, but once they understand that is something that it will help them to clarify and apply better techniques to study, the difference will be reasonable and understandable. We can use this information to understand how we learn everyday, and what can we do ti improve our method of learning everyday, of course it is difficult to see how the students are changing the way of learning applying the technology, in this case, because it was a requirement, they have seen why they sometimes never understood something, or why is difficult to understand.



Ortiz Ramrez, Marvin Ernesto English Language Management of TechnologicalResources VarkInventoryLearning Style 2012

The purpose of VARK is to informs people about their learning style and learning preferences and the importance to know about how the learning is acquired in the different style. VARK becomes important when students discover which is the style they match and then they have the possibility to develop and improve that learning style with the different techniques that exist in order to do that. Theory says that VARK is a dynamic tool because it can be take it anytime and discover through time that our learning preference can be changed for different reasons such as age, personal experiences, cultures and methodologies acquired in time. VARK does not say anything about motivation but the learners attitude to an specific style help to improve education. That is why the importance to develop that learning styles. VARK helps in the real life because it can solve common problems in the work places determining the different people to match the different Jobs, so, VARK affects real life. And that is why it becomes important to know about it, to become more effective.


MULTIMODAL My scores were:

Visual: 6 Aural: 9 Read/Write: 6 Kinesthetic: 12

CONCLUSION: Having took the questionnaire about the VARKs tool I can say that the best way in which I learn more is in the multimodal and that means that I prefer to learn in multiple choices of learning having a higher tendency in kinesthetic way which means that I am a person who likes to look examples about something but using body language, physical actions, demonstrations of doing things; also Im described like a person that likes hear the teacher, discuss topics, hear about stories, tales, interesting facts and all the knowledge that comes to my ears remain in my mind giving me choices to remember the information when I want. Also I like to learn by writing some information, taking notes and then reading the information to make schemata, mind maps and summaries. The visual learning also helps me to understand graphics, and learn new things by watching pictures. Having multimodal learning give me the opportunity to learn in different ways and enjoy a lot of activities.

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