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1. Engage

See the previous image and answer: What you think the word ‘globalization’ means. Write
your ideas in the second column of the 3–2–1 Bridge

Your initial responses to Your new responses to

‘globalization’ ‘globalization’
3 thoughts/ideas ● Interconnection of countries ● Helps very few people
● Great benefits in the economy ● Interconnection between
various cultures
● Damage to the environment
● Innovative technological
2 questions ●  Why is it important to know ●  How does globalization
about globalization? affect small businesses?
●  What is the main objective of ●  
1 analogy   Globalization is like …   Globalization is like …

2. Explore
See the following images and answer the following prompts of the image assigned by the teacher:
● What is it about (e.g., trade, jobs, cultural identity, social justice, technology, multinational
companies etc.)?
● What feeling does it create?
● Categorize it as mainly positive, mainly negative, not sure.

1. Globalization
2. Globalization uber alles

3. Outsourcing homework
4. Problems of globalization illustrated
5. Mcdonaldization
6. Globalization meal 
7. Globalization digital art

● I think that the image conveys to us how big businessmen and multinational companies plunder the land and its
natural resources and benefit from it.
● In the image we can see how little by little they are getting more out of the land and its resources, hurting it and
taking advantage of it without returning anything in return.
● This image is mainly negative because it is seen to convey an unpleasant part of people

8. Globalization inequity
9. Globalization vs reality
10. Developed countries

3. Explain
● Watch the following videos:
Globalization: You're living IT 

Causes – Globalization animation 

● Answer the following prompts according to the videos:

⮚ What is the video about (e.g., trade, jobs, cultural identity, social justice, technology,
multinational companies etc.)?
⮚ The videos relate how globalization has made the world have contact with other countries, as
well as has evolved in many aspects in terms of technology, economy and so on, it also makes
other countries enter into conflict and have great wars and deaths of many innocents

⮚ Who is benefiting from the globalizing process? Who is disadvantaged?

⮚ The most benefited are the countries of the first world, the big companies and people with a lot
of money.
The least benefited are poor people.

4. Apply
Read the following statements about globalization and analyze the one assigned by the teacher.

● What do you think the writer thinks about globalization?

● Do you agree or disagree? Why?

1. It doesn't matter how far apart we might be geographically, economically, or culturally; we're all
held tightly together as members of humans in an all-embracing web.

2. Jobs are leaving many of the developed nations and moving to developing nations. The money
earned helps those developing nations move forward – more jobs, cheaper goods, more profits
for research and development. Everybody wins.

3. I interact with other people who live in different countries when I’m playing computer games.

4. Countries which are open to external investment can develop their economies to generate
incomes from exports and raise their standards of living.

5. Of the world's 7 billion people, 214 million are migrants, a phenomenon that has
'internationalized' many cities.

6. Young people around the world have adopted international brands and styles without
discrimination. Their clothes are influenced by their favorite bands, they sing along to songs
they don't understand and support values that don't belong to them. Culture is under siege!

● The author thinks that globalization causes many people to adopt customs and
appropriate cultures that are not theirs.
● To some extent I agree because many adopt positions and thoughts not specific to each
culture. But it is also part of globalization to have an exchange of all kinds of things

7. Recently we have seen the collapse of undemocratic regimes, improvements in workers'

rights, an increase in environmental awareness and responsibility, and an increased
awareness of fair trade because of advocacy campaigns using social media.

8. Sixty-eight million people are served every day in McDonald’s – 33,000 restaurants in 119
countries worldwide.

9. Globalization has caused important changes in who makes decisions that affect our lives as
multinational companies have more power than national governments.

10. Differences in local conditions require local solutions rather than an externally imposed and
globally uniform ‘one size fits all’ solution. 

● 5. Share

Add comments and questions to the third column of your 3–2–1 Bridge. Then, share your answers
with your partners in the class.

6. Reflect
SumOfUs is a movement of consumers, workers and shareholders attempting to
counterbalance the growing power of large corporations.

Fairtrade advocates for better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair
terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

● In what ways do the previous sites have a connection with choices made within your
family and academic environment? How could you make a difference through individual

● These pages that help small businesses and farmers give us a good lesson, to
support small locals, to enhance the growth of peasants and help the
development of small towns or families of limited resources.

● Reflect on your learning about globalization by completing these sentence stems:

I used to think that globalization was a good way to have good benefits from other
countries without having any consequences. That globalization made life easier for all
people both economically and socially

But now I think that it only divides social classes and those who benefit the most are
those who have the most economic power.

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