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Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed (2012 Update)

Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:00 PM EST
science , radio , nsa , nlp, spies , microwave , ai, mri, airforce , sis , fmri, intelligence-gathering, gchq, brain-computer-interface , bci, interfaces , artifical-intelligence , nmr , transcranial-magnetic-stimulation, sentience , synthetic-telepathy , terrahertz

By Deep_Thought

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Important Note: The information presented in this article has been updated and corrected by new information. Please read the new article here.

I received an email in regards to some of my calculations in this series. Apparently, discussions around the w eb have found several errors and even provided some better examples. W hilst the articles are meant for the lay person, I thought it best to update the figures in light of this new information. I w ill resist the urge to go back and correct the articles, after all, this is supposed to be an ongoing investigation. The scientific method requires that Bright ideas...literally. theories are revisited w hen the underlying facts change and I feel that the follow ing figures are a better representation of a single neuron. I w ill endeavor to be as precise as I can be and point out w here I have made assumptions or idealisms. Reception And Detection So, thanks to the guys over at ATS (, w e have the follow ing to w ork w ith.

A dvertise | A dChoices

If a physical or chemical stimulus is strong enough to cause depolarization from the resting potential of 70 mV to around 50 mV, the voltage-dependant Na+ transmembrane channels open. Favored by both the concentration gradient (see Table 1) and the electric gradient, Na+ ions flow into the cell, creating an electric current (I = Q/t). The influx of Na+ causes a local reversal of electric polarity of the membrane, changing the electric potential to about +40 mV (a swing of 110 mV from the resting potential. The small cross-sectional area (A) of an axon and high resistivity () of the axoplasm yield an extremely high resistance (R = L/A). A piece of nerve axon 1 cm in length (L) has an electrical resistance of about 2.5 x 10 8 (comparable to that of wood). The produced electrical current: I = V/R = (110 x 10 -3 V)/(2.5 x 10 8 ) = 4.4 x 10 -10 A Firstly, w e need to determine the pow er supplied to the axon and w e do this w ith the follow ing equation:

0.05 * 0.00000000044 A = 0.0000000000022 Watts ( 2.2 x 10 -12 W )

Next, w e w ill use an idealized calculation to determine the pow er density of the signal at 500Km and drive both the dBm and
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dBW of the signal. I say idealized as not all of that pow er in the original current is converted to a radio w ave. Not only this, but w e are assuming an isotropic radiator, that is, the energy propagates uniformly in all directions. W ith a little understanding of Antenna Theory, w e can observe w hy this not a problem:

1. ANY piece of conducting material will work as an antenna on any frequency. Even a straightened paper clip will work on 160 Meters. All we have to do is properly match the the transmitter to the the paper clip, and the paper clip will radiate ALL of the power fed to it! The aperture of this antenna will have a radius of 5/32 wavelength (.079 sq. wavelengths cross section area); essentially this is close to the theoretical "Isotropic" source. If this antenna is located in "free space", the radiation will be almost equal in all directions. Thus, these figures are generalizations, but are not far from the actual values.

0.0000000000022 Watts / (4PI x (500000m^2)) 0.0000000000022 Watts / 3141592653589.7932384626433832795 = 7.0028174960433947738308855883906e-24 W = -201.54727191871927618387329422323 dBm = -231.54727191871927618387329422323 dBW
So there w e have it. To detect a single neuron firing at 500Km, w e require a sensitivity of at least -231.55 dBW at our receiver. But the story does not end here. W ithin the brain, entire clusters resonate at specific frequencies. That is, there could be hundreds or thousands of axons all emitting, slightly out of phase, so these signals could be above the threshold that I have outlined above. I feel that this method explains the detection of ELF RF energy detected coming from humans. That is, its a product of photons received versus time. Transmission Buried in the comments section of one of my previous articles w as a series of three very important scientific articles. The articles are as follow s:

Chaos control and synchronization of two neurons exposed to ELF external electric field (view here). Unidirectional synchronization of HodgkinHuxley neurons exposed to ELF electric field (view here). Fire patterns of modified HH neuron under external sinusoidal ELF stimulus (view here).
These scientific articles demonstrate the basic mechanism of controlling the firing pattern of a neuron remotely. That is, they show how to interface w ith the brain remotely and induce a controlled hallucination. This is the basic mechanism by w hich the Artificial Intelligence can send information directly to the human brain. Using the Efield of an ELF radio w ave, neurons can be stimulated into firing under the direct control of the external field. By stimulating patterns consistant w ith correct neural coding schemes, voice, pictures, video and sensations can be communicated to a target. At this point, I see no reason w hy any function the brain is capable of performing cannot be controlled by this external field. The only real difficulty is identifying the correct neural coding schemes for specific actions or responses. This includes complex thought processes and decision making. Know ing exactly how far the NSA has progressed in this matter is impossible to gauge at this point. So, Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? If it w ere just a case of sheer distance, then yes, it w ould not be a problem. Many have suggested that a parabolic dish of enormous size w ould be required, but this is not the case. To some degree the atmosphere itself w ill act as a dish, but the photon w avelengths are so huge that focusing them on to a detector is not really required if using a closely spaced array. Further, there is the issue of ionospheric reflection, but this is imperfect and does not have great impact on the E-field. I w ill not rule out a ground-based system, or some form of hybrid. No doubt during early testing such ground-based systems w ere employed. All said, a satellite system is a question of engineering, not of physics and it can do a lot more than just read your thoughts.
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Deep_Thought Thanks to the guys at ATS for the links and pointing out the errors...
#1 - Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:01 PM EST
1 vote

The Incredulous One

0.05 * 0.00000000044 A = 0.0000000000022 Watts ( 2.2 x 10 -12 W )

2.2 E-11 w atts but w ith this, the pow er calculation still gives: 7.0 E-24 w atts, as before. btw , w hy do you keep all those non-significant digits?
#1.1 - Fri Mar 2, 2012 6:31 AM EST
1 vote

Deep_Thought Just for accuracy, if you do a lot of calculations you can end up w ith a variety of compound errors.
#1.2 - Fri Mar 2, 2012 7:49 AM EST
1 vote

Anthony Forwood W hat sort of technology are the satellites using to read the extremely w eak brainw aves from such a distance, and how does it deal w ith so much interference from surrounding EM emissions, w hich w oyuld normally obliterate the signal?
#1.3 - Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:52 PM EDT


W hat sort of technology are the satellites using to read the extremely weak brainwaves from such a distance, and how does it deal with so much interference from surrounding EM emissions, which woyuld normally obliterate the signal?
For some reason this comment never appeared on my tracker, so apologies for the late reply. Well, as I say in the article, I'm not ruling out a ground-based receiver system. So, let's focus on that first as it should precede any modifications for a satellite. The first question really is electric or magnetic field, or a combination of both? So far, the only confirmed scientific evidence I have seen in regards to transmission from the neuron relates to the magnetic field. That said, you don't get one w ithout the other and the both indicate the same thing. In this regard, it depends on w hich component of the field the detection technology currently exists for. Its almost certain that the receiver is super cooled device, w ith superconducting components. As such, the Meissner effect w ould only allow penetration of the magnetic field to 100nm at most. W ith no electrical resistivity, noise w ould be at minimum and w eak E-field signals w ould propagate w ithout loss. Also, in regards to noise, there exists a source for every event. In nature, there w ould be no other source of an extreme narrow band frequency. In this respect, you must forget about frequencies and focus on photons. Take for example a blue photon, the mid w avelength is 450nm, but the entire range goes from just above 400nm, to

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just below 500nm. So, blue light is a collection of photons each w ith a unique w avelength. In the same w ay, at ELF frequencies, each neuron is producing uniques photon of a specific w avelength. These have no alternative sources and hence, no noise to contend w ith. In short, noise is the product of insufficient photon separation and resistance in the receiver. At higher frequencies, noise can also be due to the fact of photons of the same w avelength existing simultaneously. So, in summary, the receiver is most likely a superconductor of some form feeding into highly sensitive photon separator.
#1.4 - Mon May 7, 2012 9:14 AM EDT

RayIva Thanks for the update. This article explains a relatively high possibility for remote controlling of the mind/brain ELFs by the satelite, as stated: "reading thoughts," Artificial Intelligence can send information directly to the human brain or induce a controlled hallucination. If this system of control w ants to send a controlled hallucination or dow nload any information to a person, does the A.I. need the initial input of w hat kind of controlled induction content w ill be remotely send? W ho are the candidates for such strange ordeal? Hope there is no yet any commercial applications of the remote information or hallucination induction..
#2 - Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:06 AM EST
1 vote


If this system of control wants to send a controlled hallucination or download any information to a person, does the A.I. need the initial input of what kind of controlled induction content will be remotely send?
It takes orders, so a basic description w ould be required. The A.I. is sophisticated enough to use the interface to achieve the goal. It has a database of patterns that allow it to replicate certain functions. For example, use spacial reasoning instead of a standard video output.

W ho are the candidates for such strange ordeal?

Anyone. From children to adult, it just depends on w hat is being done.
#2.1 - Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:49 PM EST
1 vote

Big Brother Commission If not now , they definitely w ill be capable of doing it over the next three decades.
#3 - Fri Mar 9, 2012 7:21 PM EST

Deep_Thought The technology to do this w as present at least in the mid-80's, in not earlier. Given all the reports and sources I have, its certainly in full deployment. Further, its already in the w rong hands.
#3.1 - Fri Mar 9, 2012 10:18 PM EST
1 vote

chris dickinson Deleted

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