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Forever Young, Forever Strong

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Prince Vincent
My name is Princess Shadow. In the world of vampires, last names are rarely used, or even known. I am the only daughter of six children. My youngest brother, Terrance, is five years older than me. We all have black hair in our family, and Terrance has ordinary brown eyes and always has a chain around his waist. Benedict is seven years older than I am, and has green eyes. He has his left ear pierced with a black stud. William is eight years older than me, and has brown eyes as well. He has a silver chain around his neck at all times. Luther is his twin, and looks a lot like William, but instead of silver, the chain around his neck is gold. The eldest of my brothers is Prince Vincent, he has black eyes, and always wears all black. He never wears any chains or has any piercings, and he looks after me pretty well, unless I want to be in trouble.

I ran through the city streets in my hooded cloak, and the guards ran after me with no idea who I was. It was about then that the castle came into view, and I turned right, trying to move away from it lest Vincent should see me. I had stolen a small ring with a ruby in it, and the salesman ratted me out as I had walked away. Vincent had been busy today, so I went looking elsewhere for my fun and what luck, the perfect ring to steal. I giggled as I slipped through a small gap in the royal fence, and slid my cloak off and behind a bush.

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Then I headed toward the castle, and I heard the guards voices explaining about the thief slipping through the wall. Vincent rounded the corner then with a fierce expression on his face, he knew I did it. I held out a pouch of gold and dropped it into the guards hands. After a few words with Vincent, the guards left the grounds and Vincent turned back to me. His fierce expression vanished and was replaced with a smile as he began to laugh. He pulled me into a hug and I laughed with him, we lived for these moments, the ones where we can enjoy mischievous schemes with each other. So how did you get in? he asked me. A hole in the wall barely big enough for me to fit, I told him honestly. I was looking for you, Vincent said, and so were your other brothers. Why? I asked. We're going on a trip and wanted to say goodbye, he said. Can't I come? I asked, Please! We'll leave a note in your room, Vincent said, you'll be a stowaway and you'll have to wait until I tell you to come out. Okay, I agreed, and then I ran off to gather my money and traveling clothes. I met Vincent thirty minutes before leaving, and he buried me in the sacks and satchels. I felt a small amount of weight added to the top of the pile, and then I fell asleep.

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Several hours later I woke up, and we were still moving in the car. After several stops the trunk opened and Vincent pulled aside the bags covering me and helped me out. My other brothers blanched when they saw me, and then turned on Vincent, who took their irritating banter about responsibility silently. When everyone was silent he told them he would look after me, and they wouldn't have to worry. The twins laughed and got back into the car, and the other two got in reluctantly. I sat up front in the middle, and Vincent drove the car. If I didn't bring her, he said, she would have snuck out in a way that would be more dangerous for her. Nobody argued after that, because we all knew if I wanted to go then I would not be stopped by a small and simple no. I always got what I wanted by any means necessary. My brothers were a lot more tame than I was, so I was the trouble maker, the adventurous one. I am sixteen now, and I've only grown more mischievous over the years. Vincent was the only one I might listen to, but even he isn't a sure thing. We wound up in a crowded city, and before anybody got out Vincent looked at me and told me to stay close to him. I did, and we went into a hotel and checked in second floor. I ran into the large suite and hopped up onto the bed in the master bedroom. Vincent and the others shared the other bedroom in the suite, so the large room was all mine. When it was late, I had the urge to go for a walk, so I left a note on the table, and left the hotel lobby without difficulty.

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The city of New York was large and crowded even at night. I found myself comforted by the stars, so I ventured far from the hotel, knowing my brothers could find me by scent. Around sunrise I decided I should go back to the hotel, so I turned around, exhausted and hungry from my night stroll. I saw a man halfway back to the hotel, and I sensed something off about him. Next to him was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. An angel, and the man was a demon, but I didn't know what to do, so I ran. The two of them ran after me, and I cut down an alley to my left, hoping they would give up, but they followed me. I spun to face them, and backed down the alley way. That man seemed to be waiting for something, and so did the girl. They expected something to happen now, maybe a fight? I started shaking then, hysterical sobs adding to the movement. What do you want? I asked them in a shaky voice, sounding not at all like myself. You've never run into a demon before have you? he asked, this is when we fight.

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Vincent woke up because of raised voices in the next room. He threw on his cloths and walked into the main lounging area of the hotel suite. The other four brothers were shouting all at once, and Vincent could hear Shadow's name thrown around a lot. He cleared his throat, but they didn't even notice he was in the room. After a moment he reached out and hit each of them on the arm, not risking any serious injury. What's going on? he asked once he had their attention. When they all started to speak at once he raised his voice slightly, William only. Shadow went out for a walk sometime late last night, William said, she still isn't back. William lifted Shadows note. We follow her scent then, Vincent said simply. The five brothers headed out then to find their sister, moving at a full on sprint along her trail. Vincent prayed his sister was safe, and that they would find her soon.

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The Demon
I shook my head as I backed still further down the alley way. The alley was lit now, so I looked behind me to see how far from the other side I was, and I froze. There was a wall there, a large brick wall that I wouldn't be able to climb. Something green flew past my shoulder, and I spun around. The demon had drawn on his power, and had only missed me because he had meant to. I felt tears run down my face as he advanced with the angel hot on his heels. In a desperate need to stay away from them, I backed against the wall and slid sideways, but they kept coming, and I had cornered myself. My scream caught in my throat as his power reared back to strike me down and I closed my eyes, waiting for the final blow. It didn't come and footsteps echoed from down the alley. I opened my eyes and looked around, the demon and angel had turned to face the new threat, and I found myself unable to look away from them. Something deep within me wanted to protect them, but that was crazy. Shadow, I tore my gaze away from them and saw all five of my brothers coming toward us. Vincent, I whispered in a hoarse voice. The demon realized he was out numbered, and rather than risk death through a fight, he reached for me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, pulling a knife

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and pressing it to my throat. My brothers froze instantly, and I looked to Vincent's pained eyes. I couldn't be as afraid with Vincent here, so I wasn't shaking anymore, though I was terrified. The angel went behind the two of us and I waited to see what would happen. Let us through, called the demon as he pressed the blade onto my throat, or she dies. My brothers moved aside, standing against the opposite wall as the demon and angel dragged me past them. When we reached the end of the alley I expected him to let me go or kill me, but instead he kept hold of me, shifting the knife to the small of my back. He and the angel kept going down the street until we came to a black car, and he threw me into the back seat. I caught sight of my brothers then, but the car was already moving, and the demon was next to me. Vincent ran after the vehicle long after the others had fallen behind, and I dove for the door, but the demon grabbed me and told the driver to go faster. Vincent disappeared slowly into the distance as the car drove up a long stretch of road. What happens now? I asked in a voice so tight with fear that I didn't recognize it. I don't know, the demon replied, and that answer scared me more than if he told me I would die. Why not? I asked.

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You're different than most vampires, he said, more sheltered. Not really, I said, not liking the way he said 'sheltered'. He chuckled, defiant, he mused, but still sheltered. So? I don't know if I need to kill you or not, he admitted, you don't seem dangerous. I can be dangerous if I want to, I said though it was a lie. He snorted, do you want to live or not? he asked. I just want to go back to my brothers, I whispered as I looked out the window. I felt him touch my cheek and realized I was crying. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I stiffened, but he ignored it, drawing me into his side. He lifted his other hand and rubbed my upper arm in the way Vincent did to comfort me. Astonished, I looked up at the demon who I feared so much. He was handsome, and just now his face was soft and kind, and I didn't fear him anymore, not when he was like this. I'll see if I can call you a cab, he said, that's what I'll do. You will go home, and that's that. Thank you, I whispered and my voice shook with gratitude, thank you so much. Stop the car, he called. He pulled out his phone and dialed for a cab, giving it the address of the building we were outside. I got out and didn't look back as I walked

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over to a bench and waited. A few moments later a cab pulled up and I got in, telling the driver the hotel address and that I was in a hurry. When he pulled up outside the hotel I handed him a large wad of cash and tore up the stairs to the second floor. I scanned in the card I had with me and opened the door. My brothers were all there with a map out on the table and they all froze when the door opened. I stood still in the doorway for a moment, and they stared at me in the same immobile state. Vincent stood and came forward two steps. Shadow, he said in a hard voice that made me wince, what you did was irresponsible. he declared and I lowered my eyes, Do you have any idea how much pain it would have caused us if we never saw you again? Shadow, please don't make us go through this ever again. He finished in a horse whisper. I sprinted into the room and wrapped my arms around his waist, and he put his arms securely around me. My other brothers joined in, holding me tightly one by one as I cried from relief, and joy, and because I knew it could have ended so differently if that demon would have been a bit more harsh. When the reunion was over, we all went down to the dining room on the first floor and had lunch. Shadow, William said from next to me in the middle of the chatter, how did you get away? Hey Shadow, Vincent said, do you want some brownies? They have them at the bar.

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Thanks, I said and I got up and went over to the bar. I didn't know if I could tell.

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When we were back in the room Vincent turned to me and asked me the same question, How did you get away? All of my brothers looked at me, waiting for an answer. There was no distraction this time, so I decided to tell them. They let me go, I said simply. Why? Vincent asked. I don't know, I said. There was silence for a long time after that, and I broke it, I'm going to bed. Alright, Vincent said. I walked into the main bedroom and thought about the demons faces, both kind and cold. My heart leapt as I remembered how he had held me when I cried, and his face when he let me go. As I sat down on the bed I thought back to the alley, to the horror he caused me and I cried again, I didn't ever want to experience anything like that again. Vincent came in then, and he held me as I cried, telling me soft comforting words like; you're safe now and it's okay. I fell asleep after a few minutes, and if I dreampt, I didn't remember it.

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Unwanted Guest
When I woke up everything was quiet, and I wanted to go for another walk. I stood up and walked into the main room and wrote a note letting them know where I was going. Longing for solitude, the last thing I wanted to do was take one of my brothers with me, but I wasn't stupid, so I walked into their room and woke up Vincent with two gentle taps on his arm. He was awake and alert instantly, and I pointed to the hotel room door and then gestured to him and me. With a nod he got up and threw on some cloths. The two of us walked out of the hotel together, and he was on alert the entire time, waiting for any sign of danger. I never looked at him, and he followed silently as I walked. We walked like that for a very long time, him following, and both of us silent. As we rounded another corner I froze, the demon was there, this time alone, and he saw me. Vincent put himself on my left and started walking, staying with the crowd, and not letting go of me. We lost sight of the demon for a moment, and Vincent let go of me as he looked around for him. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and before I could call to Vincent a hand clapped over my mouth. As I was hauled backward I thrashed and struggled, but the mans hold was firm, and I succeeded only in drawing the eyes of humans. I screamed through his hand with a closed mouth, but it was enough Vincent spun just as I was

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hauled around the corner of an alley. I heard Vincent's footsteps plow toward us, and the man leaned close to my ears, Meet me at the olive garden on twenty fifth at nine tonight, and come alone. Vincent came around the corner with a gun drawn and the man released me and went down another turn off just behind me. I ran over to Vincent and grabbed his arm, adrenaline still coursed throughout my veins, and I suddenly very much wanted to go back. Without uttering a word Vincent grabbed my arm and called a cab as soon as we hit the road. He took us back to the hotel and charged me up the stairs rather than wait for the elevator. The two of us entered and saw the other brothers waiting. He found us again, Vincent said, nearly dragged Shadow off. Shit, William said, no more walks okay Shadow? Way ahead of ya, I said as I sat down. Did anything else happen? Luther asked looking to Vincent. Yeah, I said and everybody looked at me, I got invited to the olive garden on twenty fifth at nine tonight. What? Vincent blanched. I think the question is why, I corrected, He let me go when he could have killed me the first time, and now when he has another shot at it he tells me a place and time. I can't make any sense of it. He's playing with us,Vincent said.

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Not very fun on our side though, William said. What do we do with the invite? I asked. Your brothers are going, Luther said, you are staying here. I agree with Luther, Vincent said, don't let anybody in Shadow. We'll be back soon. It's only an hour till nine. They all left, and I went into my room and got ready for bed. My Silk knee length gown was black and plain with spaghetti straps. As I got under the covers I heard a loud bang, and I got up to investigate. I walked into the main room, expecting to see my brothers, but there was nobody. The bang came again and I saw the door quiver, I watched as on the third bang the door broke in half. The demon was standing there, and when he saw me he stepped into the room and I dove for the bedroom door. He tackled me half way to the door and pinned me beneath him, he sat on my waist and leaned forward as he pinned my wrists with his hands. I stopped fighting and met his eyes, there was a hunger burning in his eyes that made my stomach quiver with anticipation, but I didn't understand the feeling. The demon moved my wrists into his left hand and pulled out some ropes. He bound me and lifted me off the floor. He lifted his cell phone and snapped a photo of me. Then he threw me over his shoulder and carried me out the back door in the stairwell. A black car waited for us, and he threw me into the back. This time he drove the vehicle as I struggled against my bindings and cried. He sent the photo to somebody

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and sighed as he set the phone aside. I stopped struggling after a while and just cried. The drive lasted a while, but I didn't think about the drive at all, I just thought about my brothers. My eyes drifted shut, and I thanked my body for it's exhaustion.

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Olive Garden
Vincent and his brothers reached olive garden just in time. The five of them headed for the door, and before they entered the demon's voice came from a nearby bench, it's me. Pick up the phone. the words were followed by three beeps and then it repeated. There was a black phone on the bench, Vincent reached out and lifted the phone. New text message...view now; view later. Vincent hit the view now button and a picture filled up the screen. Shadow in her night wear, and bound and gagged with ropes. In the hotel room, and she was crying. Shit, Vincent yelled and the five brothers spun and called for a taxi.

What do you want? I demanded through tears as he pulled me into an old building and down a flight of stairs. I found out what makes you different from the others, he said, princess Shadow. I inhaled sharply and began struggling again, let me go! I shouted. He swung me into a wall and the breath got knocked out of me, quiet little one, he snapped, there are more demons upstairs, so if you want to live keep quiet. What do want from me? I begged, and my voice quivered as my tears joined the

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mix of things this man caused me. I want to keep you alive, he said, I went yapping off to the others and gave them your description. They want to kill you to start a war, but I can't let a war happen. A war? I repeated, what would they get from that? They would be justified in attacking the vampire city directly, he said, no vampire would be safe. So if you're protecting me, I said, why didn't you just say so. You're brothers would kill me before I could utter a word, he said, they won't risk you. We had reached the bottom and he led me to the bedroom in the back corner. He opened the door and undid my bindings. I looked to the stairs behind him and he shook his head. So I went into the room and sat on the bed. This is my floor, he said, you'll be undisturbed here. He stopped talking and just stared at me for a long time. His eyes were hungry again as he stepped inside and shut the door. He slid the deadbolt home before coming forward. The strange anticipation started in me again, and I saw him reach for the hem of my gown. Curious as to what he was gong to do, I didn't stop him. His hand started to slide up my thigh and I jerked away from him, looking at him again more closely I realized he was hungry for me. The hunger in his eyes went away and he started to walk away, but I got up and took hold of his arm before he reached the

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door. He turned and looked me in the eye, and I could see the pain my rejection had caused him. Will you stay until I fall asleep? I asked, Vincent does that when I'm scared. That's not a good idea, he said. Please, I said. If I do, he said, I might wind up taking you by force. What do you mean? I asked. His words were so strange, he had already taken me from the hotel by force, and where else would he take me? Wow, he whispered, how many men have you come into contact with? My father, my brothers, and the guards, I told him. Were you ever alone with a guard? he asked. No, I replied, confusion making me honest. So this is the first time you've been alone with a guy? he asked. Yes, I said automatically. So you're a virgin, he said. A what? I asked. Was he from another country or something? First the comment about taking me and then this word. He was strange. The words he spoke always confused me. Oh Christ, he said, you're so damn innocent. No I'm not, I argued.

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You don't get half of what I say to you do you? he demanded. I get it all, I told him honestly, but some of what you say doesn't make any sense. Shadow, the demon said, go to sleep. What's your name? I asked him. Why? he demanded. Because you know my name, I told him, but I don't know yours. My name is Rohan, he said. If I go back to my brothers, I said, they can protect me too. I'll take you back in the morning, he said. He sped out of the room and closed the door. I lay down and close my eyes, but I could not sleep. My mind was on my brothers, and their worry for my safety. I stood up, I had to go back now! I opened the door slowly at around midnight. Three hours after my abduction, and my brothers would be frantic to find me. What I needed was a pay phone, and then I could call them. I didn't believe him anymore, because if he wanted to protect me he wouldn't have brought me here, to their place. It was about then that I stepped out of the room and sped toward the stairs, my feet hit the wood with muffled thumps and another door opened. Rohan stepped out and came after me, but I was already on the stairs. I went straight to the door and swung it open.

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The one called Rohan was hot on my heels, so I picked up the pace. There were alley ways with ladders and fire escapes, but I ignored them and locked myself into a phone booth, holding it shut as I dialed Vincent's number. He picked up on the first ring, Hello?. It's me, I said, Twenty second and Broadway now. On my way, he said and hung up. I dropped the phone and focused on keeping the booth closed. Rohan kicked at the door, splintering the glass a little more with each kick. A black car spun around the corner and it hit Rohan, sending him flying through the air. Vincent jumped out of the drivers seat and I opened the booth. He pulled me toward the car, but I hesitated, if we left that demon, he would die, or follow us. What are we going to do with him? I asked with my eyes on the demon. Kill him, Vincent said. He knows something, I told Vincent, we should question him first. Get him in the trunk, Vincent called to William. I got into the car and wondered what fate I had just sentenced this demon to, and I found myself hoping he would be okay.

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My brothers had Rohan chained up in their bathroom, so even if he escaped he had to go through them. We all sat in the room and waited for him to wake up, and as I looked at his bruised and battered form, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. According to him he had done the best he could to protect me, but then he had sent my brothers a ransom photo. What were this guys motives? Why did he really keep me alive all those times, and let me go only to kidnap me shortly afterward? This demon was so darn confusing. I was so mischievous and secretive at home, but this guy had way more secrets than I did. My brothers would take care of those secrets, and then they might kill him. I felt a wave of protectiveness wash over me, and I got up and left the room, going into the main room to wait. Vincent came out shortly after and sat beside me. What's troubling you? he asked me, as always he could see right through me. I don't know what I want to happen, I said, I feel bad for him. I pity that man, but it's more than that. You never hurt anybody Shadow, he said to me, this is all new to you. You can't save everybody. I feel like I should still try, I admitted. We wont kill him if he was really protecting you, Vincent assured me, but the

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way he did it wasn't right. I know, I said, but I feel so confused when I talk to him. What's a virgin? Vincent coughed and I swear he blushed. Unmated, he said, it's the human word for unmated. Oh, I said, and I felt myself blush. He's up, Luther called. Vincent and I went into the room and my eyes went instantly to the demon. He was staring at me with that hungry expression again, and I wasn't the only one who noticed. You don't look at her buddy, William said, look away now or you'll lose your eyes. Look pal, Rohan said, I'll look where I wanna because anything's better than your ugly face so you can just... Rohan, I snapped, don't be stupid. Just saying, Rohan muttered. What are your motives? Luther demanded. Right to the point. I like it. My motives. Well that girl is the way that my colleges want to start a war, but I don't want that to happen, Rohan said, Shadow is a good person. Innocent even. You can't use her name, Luther growled, if you ever say her name again you'd

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best make peace with your dear and faithful lord little man. How else do I refer to her? he demanded. You don't, Vincent said, Why a war. Legal Genocide, he told them and a sick feeling washed through me. Oh my god, I whispered. Not gonna happen Shadow, Luther told me. There is also a reason I let her go that first time, he said, she reminds me of somebody I loved very dearly. The way she acts... Our sister is unique, Luther snapped, she acts like herself. She's beautiful in the same way too, Rohan said. Vincent was across the room within a nanosecond, and he backhanded him across the face. I flinched at the sound, and Rohan's eyes shot to me, as though he felt my unease. Without a word, I turned and left the room. If it was getting bloody, I wasn't about to stick around to watch. That demon, Rohan, something was different about how he was toward me. It was like he could feel me, like I was a part of him, but I felt nothing for him other than he was confusing. It was about then that I realized my cheek hurt. It was the same spot Vincent had struck Rohan. The pain was diluted, it wasn't mine, and I shouldn't have felt it. Something brushed my knee, and I heard a loud shout of pain from Rohan. I could feel him, oh my god! He bound me to him.

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I spun and walked straight back into the room, Vincent had his hand raised ready to hit Rohan again. Without even thinking I grabbed Vincent's arm and Vincent looked at me questioningly. My gaze shifted to the demon, and I was so angry at him, I wanted to make him hurt, and that's when it happened. Without thought I snatched up Vincent's knife from his belt and dragged the blade across Rohan's cheek, drawing blood. My brothers stared in shock, and then I started to feel it too. Through the bond he created secretly I felt what I was doing, and when his cheek was slit I felt blood run down my face, and it made me angrier. Oh my god, Luther breathed, that son of a bitch bonded her. You bastard, Vincent yelled. I stepped back from him and focused on healing my wound. It didn't work. So I stepped forward again and healed the demon, and that's when my wounds healed too. He smiled at me, thanks. I didn't do it for you, I said, if it wouldn't cause me pain too I'd kill you right now. Shit, Vincent breathed. So what happens now? Rohan asked. I don't know, Vincent said, and I saw Rohan pale. He stays with us until we find a way to lift the bond, I said and added as I looked at Rohan, Welcome to hell ass hole.

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I sat on the bed and stared at Rohan as my brothers left the room. They were going to do some research and call up old friends. Rohan watched me watch him with wary eyes. Then he spoke. You really are beautiful, he said. Don't flirt with me, I snapped, Why did you create the bond? When did you create it? The moment that I first saw you, he said, and it wasn't on purpose. That's a load of bull and everyone knows it, I said. We aren't making any progress with me tied up, he said, looking into my eyes, you have to let me go. That's crazy, I scoffed. He kept on meeting my eyes, you need to release me now, he repeated, and I stood up to leave, but instead found myself headed toward him. His request echoed in my head, and I needed to let him go now, I had to. I reached out and got to work on his bindings, and then stopped. He had compelled me! I straightened up and sprinted through the door, where my brothers caught me, What's wrong? Luther asked. You need to blindfold him, I said, he can use compulsion.

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Damn, Vincent yelled and then looked at me, What did he make you do? All of my brothers looked at me, and I felt a surge of irritation, He tried to get me to let him go, I said, but I snapped out of it as soon as I broke eye contact. My brothers walked back into the room and blindfolded Rohan. I was glad he didn't make me do anything to myself, like claw my eyes out or slit my wrists. Compulsion was a defensive weapon, it could make you do anything. Even kill your loved ones. Shadow, Rohan said, please let me go. You are pitiful, I said. I have somebody I need to protect, he said, her name is Summer. Summer, I whispered. The name seemed familiar, and then I remembered the angels face in the alley, but she's an angel. Winter asked me to look after her, Rohan said to me. Winter is dead, I said. It was her dying wish that I look after her sister, he said in a broken voice. What's your dying wish? asked Luther. That Shadow look after Summer in my place, Rohan said. I don't owe you anything, I snapped. Lisa will find me, he said. Is Lisa your mate? I asked.

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No, Rohan said forcefully, she's my apprentice. You are honest, I muttered under my breathe. I lifted my eyes to him and saw him watching me, but not with the hungry expression from before. His eyes were soft and kind, the eyes from the car that first night. My chest felt empty so I took a deep breath, but it didn't help at all. It was longing I felt, longing for his eyes, his smile. Except he was wearing a blindfold a moment ago. So where was it? My eyes went to his throat, and I saw the blindfold there, it had slipped off of him. With my eyes I found his vein, the one with the largest blood flow in it, and I stepped forward. There was a fire in my throat, and I was so very thirsty. I was at the age of blood drinking. Usually vampires don't drink blood as children, and it took a while for us to develop the thirst enough to notice. It was a dangerous time, and I was scared. I could feel fangs elongating in my mouth, and that was my breaking point. I got up and rushed into the other room, going straight to Vincent and showing him my teeth. Vincent looked over at Luther, She needs somebody to feed from. Hurry it up. Luther left the room and I sat on the sofa feeling thirsty and slightly dizzy. My brothers didn't treat me any differently, and I was thankful for that, except Vincent sat next to me as I waited. I didn't know how to bite somebody, and I didn't want to be fed like those who lost their fangs, needing a knife to open a cut and lapping at it like a dog! So I waited in a nervous silence, and prayed it was an instinctual thing.

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Luther came back in with a human male! The man was decent looking and well dressed, but he was a boy! I saw Vincent's jaw clench, and so did Luther because Luther stopped and lifted his hands palm out, the universal sign of please don't kill me. He was the only person in the lobby that was alone, he said, if there was a girl down there I would have brought her, but this is all we got! She can drink from his wrist, Vincent told Luther, but wash his arm first. Luther went over to the sink and scrubbed the mans hands and forearms. I sat patiently where I was, and Vincent moved off of the couch. The man didn't seem to notice anything like where he was or what was going on. He had been put into a daze, and when he snapped out of it everything would seem like a bad dream, that is, if he remembered anything at all. Once he was cleaned thoroughly enough for Luther's satisfaction, he was brought to the couch and pushed down beside me. I took the man's arm and bit without hesitation, and sweet blood filled my mouth, but there was a hint of something that made me dizzy in it. As soon as I tasted the strange flavor in the sweetness, I pulled back and looked at Vincent. I hadn't swallowed any, so it was still in my mouth, and I got up and went to spit it in the sink. When I turned around I saw Vincent lap up a small amount of his blood, and then he spat it onto the man. Cancer, he declared, go get her somebody who isn't sick. Terrance got up and left this time, and Luther apologized and said it's hard to

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smell cancer on a person, but easy to taste. We can get sick from bad blood, so it was good I didn't swallow any, and I rinsed my mouth out with water. Terrance came back with a female, about my age, and this time Vincent tasted her first, being his overprotective self. He stepped back and nodded. I walked over to the woman and bit into her wrist, and this time it wasn't bitter. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted, and I drank until I didn't feel thirsty anymore. Vincent took me to the room I slept in and told me to sleep, and then he walked back out into the living room. I dressed for bed and lay down, drifting off into a deep sleep.

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When I woke up the next day, I was feeling strange, my body ached and I wondered if I had swallowed some bad blood after all. Slowly, groggily, I got to my feet and went over to the door. My brothers were all sitting in the living room, and there was another human there, another male. Luther and Terrance were drinking from his wrists, and I saw the scars of previous feedings, he was one of the royal feeders. Vincent was sitting next to a human female, but he wasn't drinking from her. Come sister, Vincent said, you must be thirsty. I went over to the woman and pulled her wrist to my mouth. If I had to continue to feed this often I wanted a refund. My logical mind told me there was no refund, but I didn't want the addict disability that I had seen, the ones that need a feeder with them twenty-four seven in case they got a craving. They were completely addicted to blood, and the smallest cut could set them off. The woman's sweet blood rushed into my mouth, and I closed my eyes, relishing in the flavor of it. I drank in small swallows, being careful not to take too much. When I had my fill I let go and went back into my room and the bathroom that was connected, and I took a shower to rinse off the blood and wash my hair. The warm water thawed my tight muscles and relaxed me quite thoroughly. It was blissful. That's better, I murmured as I got out and dried off.

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I dressed in a black floor length dress and went out into the other room. Vincent took in my getup and then got up and left the room. Luther, Terrance, and Benedict were still taking turns drinking from the guy until the guy passed out. William hadn't had any yet and looked wiped that he lost his meal for the time being. Until his black eyes fell upon the female. Since I didn't get any food, he said, I might as well drink from the lady. Maybe have a little fun. My brothers weren't in a position to stop him, all of them were weak from their meal, and the strength had yet to hit them. So I stepped between him and the girl, and summoned up my fiercest expression. Back off William, I snapped, she's not for you. It isn't her job to satisfy you that way. Out of my way sister, he snapped back, or are you gonna stop me? That set me back a bit. He was so thirsty he was willing to fight me for a swallow, but he would hurt her. William shoved me aside so hard that I hit the wall, and my brothers stared with wide eyes. Nobody had ever struck me, or even argued with me, and now William had broken both those facts in half. If I couldn't fight him, I could do something else, I could get the demon to stop him, and as William bit down on the trembling woman's throat, my mind was made. I got up and went into the other room, and walked right up to the demon.

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If I let you go, I told him firmly, I need you to use compulsion to make William stop hurting the girl. Alright, he said. So I leaned down and took of his blindfold, and then proceeded to unbind him. He looked pale and thin, and I realized we hadn't given him any food or water for the past few days we'd had him. When he was unbound, I opened the door and walked out first. When Rohan came out, my brothers tried to get to their feet, but it was going to take them a while. Rohan went straight to William. Let her go, He said in a calm, sure voice, and never feed from her again. William kept on drinking. Let her go William, Rohan said, you have to let her go now. William let go of the female and stepped back. I watched Rohan for any aggression, but he didn't seem to want to fight any more. So I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and some water. When I came back out, my brothers had gotten their footing, and I could see the rush of strength coming. I handed the apple and water to Rohan without a word and sat down at the table, waiting for whatever came next. You can leave if you like, I said without looking at him. Only he didn't move toward the door, he came toward me, and my head snapped up. My body tensed, ready to jump up and run if I had to, but he stopped three feet away from me. Rohan met my eyes and smiled slowly, as though uncertain he should or he

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had forgotten the motion and had to think it through the whole way. I'm fine with where I am, he said. The front door opened and Vincent came in, took one look at Rohan, and then drew a gun. I jumped up and placed myself between them, hoping for a chance to explain that he wasn't dangerous, but Vincent opened fire, and since Rohan was a bit taller than I was, I knew where Vincent would aim. My foot flew backward and took out Rohan's footing, knocking him to the ground. He isn't dangerous, I said, he stopped William from killing her, I gestured to the unconscious female. He held a blade to your throat, Vincent snapped. My other brothers had their strength back, but they wouldn't step in because Vincent is never crossed, and neither am I. Rohan stayed down as Vincent and I talked, smart guy. Vincent came across the room in long, angry strides and jerked Rohan off the ground. Rohan struggled to get out of his grasp, but couldn't get loose. Vincent's hand came up and he punched Rohan hard in the face, and I braced myself for the pain I would feel, but I felt nothing. I relaxed and then the pain hit me hard and I re-braced myself, but when I braced again there was no pain, I could block it. Vincent's next punch went to the stomach, and as Rohan collapsed I decided to give him a fighting chance, so I reached through our bond as he fell and pulled all the pain I could gather, but there was a lot. I fell too and I saw Vincent go pale as he

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remembered that I could feel Rohan's pain. Rohan's eyes went to me, and he was free of all pain, but then I felt him reach through the bond to me and take away some of the pain, balancing it between us so that he could still fight, and it wouldn't floor me. Rohan faced Vincent and swung fast, and Vincent dodged. Luther shot up and grabbed Rohan from behind, and I let go of the pain and re-braced myself. Rohan looked at me as he lost consciousness. Vincent and Luther tied him up again, and I felt irritated that they wouldn't listen to me. I watched the demon sleep and felt a flare of sadness, because he had people who would miss him out there. He face was soft and relaxed in unconsciousness, and I saw again how soft he was when he wasn't wearing the bitter mask he used to hide his vulnerable side. My chest ached in empathy, because he was separated from his beloved winter forever, and I couldn't even begin to imagine losing somebody. He wasn't a demon to me anymore, he was Rohan, and he was a good person. As I watched him sleep, I caught sight of the vein on his neck and felt a flare of hunger. Great! Now I was having cravings!

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There was a pounding on the door, and then it swung open of it's own accord and Summer entered, followed closely by a stranger demon with beautiful features. My brothers shot to their feet and the demon's power pinned them to the wall, I was exposed. Without thinking, I sprang up onto my feet and ran into the room the demon was kept. They followed me, and Rohan was awake. Somehow that made me feel safe. The demon released Rohan and then shifted her attention to me. Rohan stood up and took hold of the demon girl's arm. When she looked at him he just shook his head and pulled her toward the door. Summer went back into the living room, and I thought of my brothers, I feared for their safety. Please don't let them hurt my brothers, I appealed to Rohan. Nobody gets hurt, he said loudly. Thanks, I said as I walked over to where my brothers were pinned and placed myself in front of them. Shadow, Rohan whispered before turning toward the door. I felt a small sadness as I watched him go, but just as he reached the door he glanced back and met my eyes. He hesitated a moment before walking out of the room, and I hesitated only a moment before running after him. I wanted him around, because he made me feel safe too, because I felt empty whenever he was gone.

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The female demon spun at the same time Rohan did, and her power pinned me into the wall. Rohan's power, brilliant emerald, freed me almost immediately. He came over slowly and I looked into his eyes, his perfect eyes. His eyes bore deep into mine, seeing into my very soul, and my heart broke for him because I saw his pain, it was in his eyes, something terrible had happened to him. Something he had to carry with him, he had lost somebody, somebody he cared about very much. The pain in his eyes was buried deep, always there, but it wasn't as bad anymore, I had seen it dim when he whispered my name. His hand reached out and took mine gently, and I looked down, suddenly shy as I blushed for the love in his eyes. The female came charging forward then, and spun Rohan around. What's going on? she demanded. This is Shadow, Rohan said, I want to keep her safe. I love her. Are you insane? she practically screamed the words and I heard my brothers cry out in pain. Her power was hurting them because she was angry. I sprinted back into the room and saw their twisted, grimacing faces. The shouts in the halls continued and my brothers would occasionally hiss or gasp as their breath left or came sharply in their pain. Some vampires, the most powerful ones, could do magic, and magic could get rid of their bindings, so I centered myself and focused with my eyes closed, willing the bindings to leave my brothers alone. Willing myself to use magic to do it.

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Holy shit, I heard Vincent say. My eyes opened, and all around me was a black, pulsing, magic that I had summoned, and it had small silvery currents like lightning. I smiled, and it started receding, so I concentrated again on getting rid of my brothers' bindings. A small strand of the magic went toward Vincent, and I focused on wrapping the strand around his bindings with my mind. Once that was done, I pulled with my mind and the power of the enraged demon let him go. I took a deep breath, centered myself again, and did the same for Luther, William, Benedict, and Terrance. They gazed at me in shock and awe, and then I let go and the power receded, leaving me weak and short of breath. I went weak at the knees and Vincent caught me before I hit the ground, saving me from a major headache. The shouts calmed after a moment, and I wondered vaguely who won the fight, and what happened now. Rohan came back into the room just as I got back to my feet, and I met his eyes again once more. He was surprised that my brothers were loose, and I smiled as I remembered what it felt like to wield the magic. It was a rush of strength and comfort, like having a powerful weapon wielded and a loving hug at the same time. I loved that power, and I wanted to wield it again just for the amazing feel of it. Please excuse Lisa, he said, she's just a child. Yeah, Vincent bit out, so is our sister, but she doesn't try to kill people on a

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whim. It wasn't on a whim, came the females voice, it was a completely rational decision based on what you are. She really made me angry, and I wished she would feel what she made my brothers feel. As I glared at her, seething and itching for vengeance, the power pulsed, appearing again. Rohan froze and so did Lisa, they were shocked into immobility, and I heard Rohan whisper something too soft for me to make out. I lashed out, hitting Lisa, but not killing her, and pinning her against the wall, and then Rohan broke into motion, coming toward me. The power made a path wherever he went, as though the power knew him, and he was it's friend. His power came out and wrapped around me, all of this happening in mere moments, and it was clear he was acting on habit, protect the apprentice, rule number four, though how I knew the rules was a mystery. Rohan's power seeped into my skin as he grabbed my arm, and I heard a scream, weather it was Lisa, me, Summer, or a distant memory, I never knew.

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Winter's Power
When I woke up, Rohan, Lisa, Summer, and all of my brothers were above me, worry on every face, even Summer and Lisa. My head hurt a little and my body felt heavy, a dead weight. I called on the power to lift me, hoping to keep it hidden. I felt a rush of strength and comfort, and it was inside me, the power was filling me with strength, and I got to my feet. You can use magic, Lisa said, but how? It's happened before, Rohan said, in the strongest of vampires it happens. Never this young though, and all power is supposed to be different. Her power is identical to Winter's. We have to go, Lisa said clearly spooked as she led Summer away, we have something to do. Terrance looked up at Rohan and then at me, Maybe she is Winter. There was a large outburst at this, but I didn't join in. My power, Winter's power, Rohan knew Winter's power well, as well as Winter knew it her self, and I felt like I knew Winter, like she was a part of me. Terrance had it right, I was born the same day Winter was killed, something I had thought nothing of until now. Rohan, I asked, How did Winter die? I had nightmares sometimes, of being burned alive, of dying in something too

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bright for fire, but too hot to be anything else. If it was Winter's nightmare, I needed to know right now. The nightmare was from when I was a child, younger than ten. She was burned by Summer's power, he said. That hurt, I didn't realize I had spoken aloud until everybody gave me a shocked look, Vincent, I said, trying to make him understand, the nightmare. Oh my god, he breathed, fire and light. I had woken up screaming with Vincent shaking me, trying to awaken me from my nightmare, and every time I told him about my same nightmare, until there was nothing to say except, fire, to make him understand that I had been burning again. When I stopped having the nightmares it was a relief to everybody who knew of them, Vincent, and my parents, and that was all. The first time the nightmare hit I had woken up with a servant shaking me awake, and it went to get Vincent as soon as I whispered his name. Vincent took care of me every time the nightmare came, telling nobody that didn't have to know. It had become the nightmare to us, the only one that I ever had. Rohan was gazing at me with the same love he had since I first let him go. Winter was powerful, I pointed out, I got winded with just what I did. She developed her power the same way a human develops muscles, she was constantly using it for things, Rohan said, getting the hang of it. I don't believe that she's Winter, Terrance said, and again I was shocked to have him speak at all.

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I'm not, I said, not wholly anyway. Winter is just a part of me. I'm not her. I am Shadow, the only daughter of the royal family, and having Winter a part of me doesn't change that at all. Shadow, Vincent said, the power is on your hands. I looked down in surprise and saw that he was right. The black power had engulfed my hands, and when I saw it I felt a shock of fear shiver through me, making me anxious. Blackness flared up, the small currents of silvery violet twitching and flaring as it grew, and I felt my eyes go wide with terror. There was nothing I could do, nothing I could do, nothing I could do! Rohan moved swiftly forward as the power wrapped around me, and it let him in, the power knew him, and so did I. He wrapped his arms around me and put his mouth right next to my ear. You have control, he whispered, you alone command your power. It will act to protect you, but if you let the fear or anger in you get loose, the power will accompany them. Calm down Shadow. Just breathe, and will the power to subside. I took a deep breath, and another, and another. With each breath the panic in me dropped slightly, and I focused on pulling the power back, imagining pulling it into a safe and closing the door. It worked, I was calm, and Rohan stepped back as I opened my eyes again. My power had subsided, just like I wanted it to. Vincent and the others were silent, staring in shock. I can teach you, Rohan said, teach you to control it. Teach you how to do

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amazing things with it. My eyes went to Vincent, because I was too shaken to think, and Vincent was very wise. Vincent met my gaze levelly, but he was shaken too. I saw it in his eyes, and I could sense it somehow, he was uneasy, shocked, confused, and uncertain. He didn't know, so I looked to the right. Luther was the same, and as I met each of my brother's gazes, I found the same thing. They couldn't help me with this, I was on my own this time, and I didn't know. I was scared, shaken, uncertain, shocked, confused, uneasy, and disappointed. My brothers were strong and smart, and they always knew what to do next, had always been there with the answer when I needed one, when I needed them. The two words I spoke next were simple, but they lay out the path of what came next, teach me.

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Are you ready? Rohan asked me for the fifth time today. We were sparring, using simple attacks that wouldn't injure, but hurt like hell. Yes, I said. I was a mess, my hair was disheveled, my skin bruised, and my head too light. We had been practicing for two hours, and I was exhausted. Rohan on the other hand hadn't even broken a sweat. So when his power came at my leg, my power barely appeared around my hands and the power of Rohan struck harder than last time, drawing a little blood. I sagged a bit, and then fell to my knees. My breathing was heavy, and I felt like I'd been hit by a Semi. Rohan rushed over and dropped down next to me, grabbing hold of my sore shoulders. Are you okay? Rohan demanded. No, Yeah, I lied, just need a minute. We're done for today, Rohan said, get some rest. I forced my groggy muscles to move, and it took three tries to get to my feet, but Rohan didn't offer to help, just watched with his shielded eyes. Somehow I knew he wanted to help, but this was still part of the training, he couldn't baby me even a little, or I might wind up depending on him too much. When I was on my feet, I dragged myself inside and dropped onto the couch, closing my eyes. Day one of training had been exhausting, and I didn't even want to think about day two.

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Shadow, Terrance called, do you...holy shit! I opened my eyes and saw Terrance's unusually pale face and bugging eyes. Apparently I looked as bad as I felt, and I felt half dead. So when my other brothers came out and blanched when they saw me, I felt the need to say something. Whatcha lookin' at? I demanded in a hoarse voice. You look like shit, Luther said. I feel like shit, I agreed. Are you alright? Vincent asked. I caught the implication and venom in his voice, and knew that if I said no he would beat Rohan to a pulp. Just a little tired, I said, I would go to bed, but I don't think I can stand. As Luther reached out to help me up Rohan came through the door, Let her fend for herself, Rohan ordered, Shadow...use your power to give you temporary strength. I tried to summon up my power, but I was too tired. So I shook my head and reached toward my brothers. Rohan shot up and his power swatted away my brothers' hands, She needs to toughen up. She can't be babied any more, Rohan said. She's still very young, Vincent said, and everybody needs help sometimes. Give her a break man. You're already on my bad side. Shadow get up, he commanded, or I will not teach you. I struggled to use my power to draw strength rather than use it, and I only became more tired.

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Rohan shook his head, Don't try to pull it out, he instructed me, Let it flow inside you. Run it through your veins. Let it seep into your muscles. My brothers were all glaring at Rohan, but I listened to him anyway. It was exhausting to make it run in my veins, and just as I was about to stop the flow, I felt the strength of the power given to my body. I stood up, and despite my exhaustion, I walked strong and steady into my room. I had mastered something on my first day, and I felt a thrill of excitement run through me. As I collapsed onto my bed I realized how right it felt to be drawing strength from my power, and I had fallen for Rohan, hadn't I? The same Rohan Winter had loved, and he had fallen for me.

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Huge Trouble
When my eyes opened I heard shouting in the main room, and I pulled myself up, and then ran my power through my veins. Then I walked into the main room and what I saw was unbelievable. The shouting was cheering, and Rohan and Vincent were locked in battle, the chess board still mostly full. I pinched my lips shut to hold in my laughter. Rohan glanced up briefly and then his eyes went back to the board. I could see what his next move would be, and it would be a move for checkmate. Vincent never lost to anyone but me, and I felt a twinge of irrational jealousy. A fiendish idea came to my head and I focused on one of the pieces trapping Vincent's king. I moved it away from the spot it was in as Rohan moved his final piece. Checkmate! Rohan said, victorious. Vincent smiled and moved his king one to the left. A space Rohan had blocked off. His eyes went to the piece that had guarded the king from moving left. Then his gaze shifted to his knight, he could kill Vincent's queen. Rohan reached for his knight and I clenched my jaw. Then I realized if he moved any piece Rohan was in checkmate. I smiled as I realized Vincent had already won. Then Rohan saw what I saw and cursed as he flipped the board. Cheater! Rohan accused Vincent. Vincent never cheats, I said seriously, that's my job!

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Shadow, Vincent laughed, thanks for the out! How did you notice? I asked. I saw the castle move! he was all out laughing now. Everybody but Rohan, who was busy pouting, burst out in laughter. I froze midlaugh as I felt something strong coming down the hall. There were supernaturals coming, and they were angry, and powerful. They were too many and too strong for us to fight, so as my brothers laughed with each other and playfully chided Rohan, I slipped out into the hall and gathered my power up, ready. Then I remembered the connection between me and Rohan and I blocked him out. It was my turn to protect, and in order to protect them I had to lead this threat away. The Demons rounded the corner and started lashing with their power, and I winced as my leg was cut deep. I spun and ran, switching my focus from my power to blocking my connection with Rohan. The twelve Demons followed me, and I rushed toward the stairwell. Power hit my back, putting a deep cut through my muscles. When I got into the stairwell I felt a power grip my legs and I tumbled down the steps. Before I faded to black I forced my power to hit the wall and hide my scent from here on.

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Vincent looked at his brothers as they teased the demon, they were actually getting along. If the demon hadn't hurt Shadow, Vincent knew they would have been pretty damn close, but the demon had hurt her. Vincent felt his stomach clench at the memory his eyes went to where Shadow had stood a moment ago, planning to smile at her in pride, but she was gone. He looked around the room and then stood up and searched the rest of the suite as the others were still laughing. Shadow was gone, no note, no words, no nothing. Vincent rushed to where the others were still laughing and jerked Rohan out of his chair. Silence fell immediately. Shadow's missing, Vincent said in a hard voice. The brothers and Rohan headed out into the hall, following her scent to the stairway, where her scent suddenly cut off. All eyes went to Rohan, who stared at a small black blob on the wall. It grew and drifted away from the wall. Shadows blob of power engulfed them all and then they knew why Shadow left the room, and why she blocked her scent. Vincent's sweet, younger sister had tried to protect them, she'd turned herself into a decoy. When everything faded, and the group stood free of Shadows now gone power, Rohan cleared his throat. They were demons, Rohan said, they'll kill her. Can you find her? Vincent pleaded as his eyes bore into Rohan's. Rohan closed his eyes and furrowed his brow in concentration, and Vincent felt

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hope swell within his heart. Rohan shook his head and Vincent felt a tire iron hit his gut. Vincent dropped to his knees and shouted for his sister, his race, and their lost heir to the throne. Shadow was never told, but she was the heir, it was why she never really got into trouble at home. Vincent was assigned as her protector the minute she was born, and had sworn no harm would come to her. Now because he always thought himself her brother first and protector second, he put her in danger. He'd brought her out of the city, he'd allowed her to be confronted by a demon three times, he'd allowed her to be captured, and now she would die because he brought her. The brothers knew of Vincent's vow, and knew Vincent would blame himself, but there were no words that would comfort him. Only Shadows words could change his mind, only Shadow could help him, and Shadow was gone. The brothers cried, all manly calm thrown aside as they all mourned for their sister, and Rohan felt silent tears run down his face as stared at Shadows brothers. He was thinking, focusing on the level of Shadows power. She couldn't block him forever, eventually her block would slip, and then Rohan would know how to find her. I can find her, Rohan said strongly. The brothers looked up, you said you couldn't, Vincent sounded dead, and Rohan felt a chill go through him. I can't right now because she's blocking me, Rohan explained, but eventually she'll slip, and then we can find her.

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I opened my eyes and quickly took in my bearings, I was unhurt, and it was too dark to see anything. My hands were my eyes, so I felt around me and found I was in a cage. It was made of cold iron, and the bars were thick. I ran my power through my veins and then drew a small amount to my eyes, enhancing my sight. I was in the back of a moving van, locked in a small cage that was buried in cardboard boxes. The vehicle wasn't moving, and hadn't been since I woke up. I drew another small amount of power to my ears. There was snoring outside of the vehicle, the demons were asleep. Centering myself I found the bond between Rohan and I and then spoke aloud. Rohan, I said, sorry for blocking you, but I had to wait. They're asleep. How far am I from you? I waited to see if it was possible to communicate this way, feeling foolish for relying on an if. Shadow, Rohan's voice came, thank god! You're about twelve miles away, and we're coming whether you like it or not. By the way, Rohan said as his tone changed becoming a mental voice, Vincent's freaked. Tell him I said it's my fault, I said, and then I heard metal moving, somebody was coming in, someone's coming. I have to go. Shadow, Rohan said, stay alive.

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Just hurry, I said, and then I began radio silence (in a way). I unblocked the bond, but stopped reaching through it. I could stay alive until they got here, but the rest I was uncertain about. The rest being what condition I'd be in other than dead. A few boxes were being moved, and when the boxes closest to the cage were all gone, a man stood before me. He smiled, and his eyes took in everything about me, including the unhealed cuts on my leg and back. Slowly, the man crouched and put one hand on the cage. Heal the cuts, the man ordered, or I'll make more. I paled as my focus went to healing my back, then my leg. Once my injuries were gone the man smiled again, and I felt a chill go up my spine. The smile wasn't friendly, and it wasn't cruel, but a terrifying mixture of the two. The man stood, and both of his hands went to his fly. I knew I had to stop him from doing anything to me, and I knew I would have to lie to do it. I smiled coldly, If you get that close to me, I bluffed in a harsh tone, I can kill you. The man smiled, and then summoned his power. I froze as it wrapped around my wrists and then held my hands against the bar, forming a very real chain. I felt my eyes go wide in horror as he tore off his shirt and slid off his jeans. He reached for the cage door, and he was completely naked. I knew what he wanted, and it terrified me that I was hopeless to stop him. The man stepped into the cage and started taking off my

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clothes, and that's when I started screaming.

Vincent and his brothers were driving as fast as they could, and Rohan was speeding behind them. The group had taken only a moment to get to the cars, and now they were close to where Rohan said they had to go. Rohan's car passed theirs and they took a left. The group came to a halt at a warehouse and they all ran inside. It was an easy thing to take out the sleeping demons, and once they were all dead the brothers looked to Rohan. Rohan closed his eyes, and when they opened again he walked calmly toward a door. The door was locked, and Rohan used his power to break the locks. As they pushed the door open something terrifying happened. Shadows scream echoed in the night. The group started running again, and Vincent prayed he wasn't too late.

He tore off my shirt first, and then caressed my side before using his power to gag me. The man reached for my bra and I closed my eyes and found my connection to Rohan, he was close.

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Hurry, I screamed it mentally. Almost there! The man reached for my bra snap and slid off the under garment. My power warmed me, and I drew it to every inch of my skin, next time he touched me, my power would kill him. He reached for my jeans and as he worked the button, he brushed my skin. My power lurched at him, and the demon writhed as my power killed him. Once the demon was dead I used my power to destroy the gag and chain he had created. I heard metal shift again and then heard Rohan's voice. Shadow? he called. Wait there, I said, and my voice shook so bad it took a while to get the words out. I crawled out of the cage and looked around for my bra and shirt. My bra had blood on it, and my shirt was torn. Shadow? It was Vincent's voice, and it was also right behind me. My head turned as I stood, but I was careful to keep my body turned away from them. They hadn't waited, hadn't risked waiting actually. Vincent looked horrified, and so did everyone else in the group. I knew my hair was messy, and I was deathly pale, I knew they were worried. What happened? Vincent demanded. He sounded like he was down a tunnel. My vision blurred momentarily, and then my knees gave out. Vincent caught me, and then draped his coat around me as I passed out.

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When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room, but I was safe. I heard my brother Vincent talking just outside the door. Quickly, I thought back to last time I'd been hurt. Vincent had been silent, and he didn't leave my side until I finally told him it wasn't his fault. He'd been more protective during that time than he normally was. Then I thought of what else they knew, that I had killed something. None of my brothers had ever wanted me to have to hurt anyone, or anything. Their efforts had been in vain, and they probably all felt like they'd failed me. I walked over to the door and pressed my ear against the wood, Vincent and Rohan were having an argument over whether I was returning home or not. The implied fact being that Rohan would not be allowed in. So I knew I didn't want to go home. I looked down at myself, I was wearing black pajamas, so I walked over to the dresser and put on an all black outfit, pants and a shirt. Then I walked through the door, and looked toward where I'd heard Vincent's voice. Where are we? I asked. We're in Michigan now, it was Luther who replied. Tomorrow Benedict and I will be going to finish the business in New York. After that we're headed home. I turned my head the other way in search of food, and there were already coco puffs on the table, and the fridge was a few feet to it's left. It was refreshing to eat the

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chocolatey cereal, but Vincent had come over with me, obviously slipping into the Bodyguard-mode he did when he felt like he'd failed me. While I ate nobody said anything, I stood up and rinsed the bowl out in the sink and then went to sit on the couch beside Rohan. Vincent stood close by, his hand on the knife he'd strapped on his waist. Luther's voice broke the silence. What did they do to you? Luther asked me. I couldn't tell if he was angry or sad, but either way I had to answer. My leg and back got cut before they caught me, I said. What happened after they caught you? Benedict asked, his tone wasn't prying, he meant only to know. Are you asking about right before you showed up? I wanted to know what they were curious about. Did he touch you? Vincent demanded. I knew Vincent didn't mean with his hands. He tried to, I said honestly, but I killed him first. Nobody spoke for a while, and I turned to meet Vincent's eyes, but he wasn't looking at me, he was staring at the wall, expressionless. Vincent, I broke the silence. What? but he didn't look at me. Vincent, I said it harder this time, and he turned.

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What? he asked in the same tone. This wasn't your fault, I said it in the same hard tone that had gotten his attention. I failed as your protector, he revealed to the others what I'd already known. That he'd blamed himself for not being good enough. Hey, I said, my expression softening into a sad smile, I'm still here aren't I? You came and got me out of there. You've done everything right. It was my mistake, it always is. Vincent smiled and water pulled in his eyes. Not a single tear fell, but he was crying silently. I stood up and hugged him briefly, and then I walked back into my temporary room and watched some television. A while later I heard a door open and shut, and I went out to the main room. Rohan, Vincent, and Luther were gone, and the others sat on the couch. Where are they going? I asked. They're calling a cab to take you home, Benedict said. I'm not going home, I stated firmly. That's selfish, Benedict's tone was harsh and chilling, we're scared for you. We haven't been able to do what we came here for, and you've been exposed to too much danger. You're going home whether you like it or not. I didn't say anything, and for a while I just looked at him. When I felt the urge to

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cry I beat it back, and instead of humiliating myself I stormed into my room and slammed the door behind me. Then I locked the door and sat down on the bed with my arms crossed, and then when I was finally free to, I let my tears fall. When I could still hear my brothers talking I got up and turned on the radio. Then I sat down and closed my eyes, not paying attention to what song it was, and really not caring. My trip away from home had been a disaster, and somehow I didn't want to go home yet. Something brushed my leg and my eyes snapped open, there was a stranger in my room. I opened my mouth to scream only to find my air blocked off by power, and then I simply struggled for breath. The man went over to the radio and turned it up even more, so the sound was loud enough to hurt my ears. The power blocking my air became a gag, stopping any sound that could be loud enough for my brothers to hear. Then he came over and crouched in front of me. As he did I remembered my bond, and I reached through it to Rohan. Shadow? Rohans voice was mental. Help me! I screamed it mentally, and then returned to myself. The man had pulled out a sheet of paper and a pencil, and when he finished scrawling something he turned it so I could see. My name is Blake. Then he grabbed me and I lashed out with my power, but he blocked it and smiled. That's when I lost it, something in me snapped, I'd had enough of being pushed around. My fury flew, punches and kicks and a shriek muffled by the gag. Then Blake's

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power came toward me, and suddenly I couldn't move, because suddenly I wasn't in the room. I was in an alley, and there stood Winter, an apparition. I could hear her asking me to find her and when I passed something reflective I was Blake. Then in the room we were in now, the same voice had echoed in his mind. He found me, because Winter had told him to. When I met Blakes eyes I wasn't that scared anymore, until I heard the next thing Winter had told him, then kill me. I will destroy everything if I'm allowed to come back. Terror flooded through me, stronger than earlier as he raised a knife to my throat. My eyes were locked on his, and I saw him hesitate only for a moment before he slit my throat, cutting deep.

Rohan, Luther, and Vincent sprinted into the hotel, and ignoring the elevator, ran up the stairs toward the fifth floor. They didn't speak, hadn't spoken since Rohan had said, Shadow's in danger. None of them had brought a phone, and Summer and Lisa had left to do their own things for a week. They had no choice but to move as quickly as they could. When they got to the hotel room none of them had a key, poor planning. Vincent, Rohan and Luther pounded on the door hard enough to leave cracks in the door. When the door swung open a moment later the three ignored everybody's confused faces and sprinted over to Shadows door, it was locked. Vincent stepped back and kicked it down.

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Final Breath
I struggled to take in air even as my power surged forth, trying to heal me. The blood didn't stop, and Blake smiled and placed the knife in my own hand. He was making it look like a suicide, I felt outrage add to the strength of my power, and then I could breath alright, but the blood didn't stop. I had lost too much to heal, too much to be saved. I launched the knife using a final burst of power, and it ran through Blake's head and drove into the wall. I heard a banging at the door, but it seemed too distant, and my vision narrowed. Vincent was at the door, I could sense him. Winter materialized in front of me and gave a sad smile, I was wrong. Somehow I managed to whisper, About what? Everything, she said, I wasn't going to destroy the world. My power killed the true culprit. You won't destroy it either. I saw the future, but I misinterpreted. We are meant to save and protect, not destroy. You can change so much, stop so much evil. Not anymore, I breathed, the end was close. You already have, she whispered, you saved Rohan, you saved your brothers, and you saved my sister. Your existence stopped them from dying. The business your brothers came to do would have killed them, and you being here stopped that. My sister and Rohan would have been hit by a truck, but when they saw you they went the other

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way. We exist to save. Always have. I don't want to die, my voice was soft as a breath, and I barely heard the words. I know, Winter said with a sad smile as she faded to nothing. The door flew off it's hinges and Vincent, Rohan and my brothers all rushed into the room. Vincent was yelling, but I couldn't hear him, and he was barely visible. As I drew my last breath I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear the words, I don't want to die. Winters voice echoed in my head one last time, I know.

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Nine years later Vincent and his brothers stood in the throne room as Rohan, Lisa, and Summer sat in the witness chairs. It was coronation day, and Vincent's eyes watered slightly as he watched Shadow kneel in her beautiful black coronation ceremonial dress. It was silk and satin, and the old fashioned dress complimented her perfectly, as it was both form fitting, and proper. It made her look like the powerful queen she was about to become, and also brought out the kind child who would have died to save her brothers. Her lightning eyes shone as the crown was placed upon her head, and all witnesses clapped, including her brothers. Vincent's eyes went to Rohan, and Rohan glowed with pride and love as he stared at Shadow. They'd been engaged for three months, and the wedding would be in nineteen days.

I looked around the room, my eyes finding Vincent's as everyone cheered for me. From this moment on I was Queen, in nineteen days I would marry Rohan, and we were all alive. Rohan came forward and took my hand leading me out of the room and down the wondrous hallway. A mirror had been built in at the end of it, and I saw that I was the pinnacle of beauty, perfect in every way, except for a faded scar on my neck. Vincent had save me again, but that time he had Rohan's help. If not for their combined efforts, or their love for me, I'd have died again. When Rohan touched my hand I realized I was

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tracing the scar with my fingertips. You look beautiful, he said as he raised my hand to his lips, and I knew he wasn't lying.

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